This was like a voice coming from hell, directly resounding in the heart of Gureyrod!

Look again, the light has dissipated, but where is Qiuzak’s figure?

Or is it dead?

A heart almost sank to the bottom, the power displayed by Qin Feng was very powerful in his opinion, but who was Qiu Zak?

The true supreme demon god!

The two of them are completely above all the Ten Commandments, but now?

Although he didn’t want to admit this fact, Gurejrod knew very well that they were all dead, and the two highest demon gods were dead, but it wasn’t just that!

The battle just now was all in Gureyrod’s eyes.

The other party’s strength is too strong, Qiu Zak just opened the posture of the highest demon god, in fact, not only Qiu Zak, even Gureirod knows that there is still a power in the high demon god!

Give up the heart in exchange for Induraization!

Gureirod didn’t know if Chandler had turned on Induraization, but this Qiuzak in front of him1 hadn’t even opened it!

The heart was trembling, it was the fear of the unknown, the fear of Qin Feng!

If Gureyrod knew that Qin Feng had killed Chandler without even hitting the other party’s original form, I am afraid that his face would have changed even more interestingly!

Why haven’t the other Ten Commandments arrived? A question inevitably appeared in the bottom of Gureyrod’s heart, it stands to reason that the entire battle lasted not a short time!

However, only the arrival of Qiu Zak!

By now, Gureyrod’s heart really fell to the bottom, and the real despair came at this moment!

But it is not completely over, because it saw Qin Feng’s eyes here, that is, it does not care about life and death, and does not care about itself!

His own life and death, the other party did not care at all.

Wait, suddenly Gureyrod reflected, Qin Feng’s strength is not right, Qin Feng’s strength can kill Qiu Zak This is a certainty!

But just now you actually want to fight with yourself? Although he was pressed and beaten!

But it is not difficult to see that the other party does not care at all, or that the other party’s performance here is intentional!

He deliberately delayed the time and deliberately waited for someone to come over here, completely looking like he was putting a long line to catch big fish!

The Ten Commandments, turned out to be just his prey?

Suddenly, Gureyrod’s heart became even more nervous, he knew the other party’s current purpose, so now the other party is going to kill himself?

Or continue to raise pigs and wait for new rescue?

“Don’t be nervous, your Demon God King doesn’t have much patience with me, so I don’t have time!” Halfway through the words, Qin Feng’s face had a helpless expression, “I can only kill you first and wait for the next fishing!” ”



Gu Reyrod’s face was more of an unbearable look, all his faces seemed to roar out at this moment, he thought that Qin Feng didn’t care about himself, but the other party’s words greatly stimulated Gu Reyrod’s heart!

It is not an ordinary demon god, in contrast, its existence is unique among the demon gods.

The queen species is still at the mutant level, but the original Demon God King said that there is only one such existence in the entire demon world, that is, Gureyrod himself!

Now, he was now directly belittled by Qin Feng into a fish-like existence.

The heart of battle that had been gradually put down burned again at this moment, he was well aware of everything that was happening now, and even knew that he was not the opponent’s opponent at all!

But you can’t back down!

There is not the slightest reason to back down here, and the strength shown by the other party largely limits everything!

“I’m going to kill you!”

Roaring, trying his best to completely annihilate the fear in his heart!

Directly shot, and only under such circumstances, Gureyrod can guarantee that he will not have all kinds of accidents here.

A little courage, for Gureyrod’s performance at the moment, Qin Feng’s evaluation is only four words!

Chastiefol moved.

The one who made a move with the spirit gun Chastiefol should be Qin Feng here.

The fist is magic, and it is a terrifying magic that kills with one hit!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

An unimaginable huge collision occurred, and under this force, Gureyrod was directly submerged, but the other party did not seem to give up!

Just when the magic power was borne by the opponent’s body, there was an extremely painful expression on almost all its faces.

However, it has not given up yet.

Under such a powerful force, Gureyrod once again launched an attack, as if it was a suicide!

However, at this moment, Qin Feng also discovered that the other party had a new change.

In Gureyrod’s body, the explosive force completely burst out, and Yin Dula transformed!

Although it is also very clear that it may still be a little disadvantageous to do such a thing with this gesture now, but Gureyrod has no other choice!

There may be a way to live by doing so, but if you don’t, then death awaits you.

This kind of thing will never happen again!

All of a sudden, on Gureyrod’s body, the faces disappeared, leaving only the face that had spoken before.

It looks very calm, but the expansion of that magic power seems to tell that the existence in front of him is not so simple!

Even, it is very powerful.

“I don’t know what it is!” In a word, a relaxed sentence, Qin Feng directly qualified the other party!

“You, damn it!” Gureyrod naturally also heard Qin Feng’s words, and once again the other party who was stimulated directly and frantically shot!

But what I never expected was that I hadn’t touched it yet!

Just when the magic power was about to touch Qin Feng’s body, Qin Feng stretched out a hand, a pair of hands that seemed to carry strange magical power!

Resisted on Gureyrod’s face, and immediately after, the magic grew!

Damn, what’s going on? What Gurey Rhode never expected was that the other party would actually pour magic into his body!

Endless magic crisscrossed inside Gureyrod’s body!

There is even no way to change the way this magic manifests itself in the first place, “You will die!” Lord Demon God King will definitely kill you completely! ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The violent explosion even infected the entire sky.

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