The power continued to circulate throughout his body, and Qin Feng was so addicted to this power that he even forgot to draw the lottery again!

The power infusion lasted a full five minutes!

With the disappearance of this magical power, Qin Feng at this moment also had a more familiar understanding of his body, especially the perception of strength!

Very powerful, almost unparalleled power.

If you have to make a comparison, then the original Demon God King doppelganger is probably a matter of a few moves now, and if you really get serious, it will be even more vulnerable!

Qin Feng’s gaze was even more in the distance at this moment, and he was getting closer and closer to the goal of the final boss.

The oppression of the war became more and more serious, and Qin Feng, who took a deep breath, turned around and left!

If he remembered correctly, the current Ten Precepts were no longer the original Ten Precepts, and there should be only one left of the original Ten Commandments now!


For this battle, the defeat of the Demon God Race is already obvious!

Losing both sides is the best situation, so this battle still needs a little blood, such as? Angels of the Goddess!

It just so happened that not far away, Qin Feng had already sensed the existence of one.

A rather familiar presence.

The younger brother of the goddess Ryudeshre, Maha!

All this is also thanks to the previous sneak attack of the Demon God Clan, you must know that before this, Liudesher had almost seen the arrival of victory!

But what he didn’t expect was that the Demon God Race would actually choose to start from the back and directly play a trick to draw salaries!

On the other hand, he is reluctant to give up the current battle results, under such results, if you really give up, Liudeschel can’t do it!

That’s why it’s Maha who came this time!

Although he can’t completely give up his fight, but Liudeschel is not a fool, knowing what the current situation is, if he really gives up, it is a very unflattering thing.

In Liudecher’s opinion, as long as his younger brother arrives, then the urgent need here can definitely be alleviated!

Soon, a man with angelic wings arrived!

And in front of him, it was Qin Feng.

The current true leaf is still the same true leaf, the man who has not yet activated the final forbidden spell in Desireless Gauther!

Qin Feng vaguely remembered that in the original world, he was fortunate to get the magic power of True Leaf once, the world and the earth, only me!

“Human? I remember you, could it be that you also began to join the Demon God Clan? It was also at this moment that Zhenye directly opened his mouth and asked Qin Feng!

Looking at Zhenye’s iconic appearance that had not yet woken up, Qin Feng laughed instead!

Although he once possessed the magic power of the other party, if he really wanted to fight with Zhenye now, this was also something that Qin Feng was very interested in!

At least, it’s really felt.

“Arrogance? Sun! How measured! But now, I’m going to see if your magic is really that scary! ”

After saying the words, Qin Feng’s has risen directly!

Even now, Qin Feng has not forgotten the description of the original seven deadly sins, and it can be said that Gao Ther alone ended the holy war!

And the reason why Goser gave up this battle is also because of this inconspicuous looking man in front of him!

Maha with the magic of the sun!

Goser knew very well what kind of terrifying power Maha himself possessed, and if it only took once, then the other party would have the magic power to destroy the entire battlefield.

That’s why Gowther launched the forbidden spell!

I have to say that Qin Feng’s desire is to really come to the last game with the opponent, and it is also the relationship between this, Qin Feng’s magic power has been raised to a point!

A point where an outbreak is really needed.

Maha, who was originally still drowsy, opened his eyes directly at this moment, and this magic power was a little interesting!

Of course, it’s just a little interesting.

For Maha, only true power has the possibility to speak!

Qin Feng’s speed is very fast, under the blessing of magic power, the original Qin Feng can’t even see the shadow clearly, but even if Qin Feng shows such a terrifying power at this moment, he still can’t change anything!

Because Maba is still only interested.

Qin Feng also seemed to see Zhenye’s performance here at this moment, and immediately after, something more important happened.

The power that had originally erupted on Qin Feng’s body had suddenly been released at this moment, just when Qin Feng was about to approach this opponent!

Direct release, completely without the slightest warning.

It is also the relationship between this, Zhenye, who was still indifferent before, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, which was completely different from what he thought before!

If it were said that Maba hadn’t made a move yet, things here could still be controlled, but now?

It doesn’t seem to be that power yet!

Qin Feng’s strength really didn’t give Zhenye the slightest feeling at the beginning, and even Zhenye felt that he might be serious almost zero!

However, this so-called force actually burst out here.

It can be called a terrifying explosive power, and it exploded on the opponent’s body in the first time, and this opponent is Maha!

Feeling the endless magic of the opponent, Maha’s face also changed for the first time here, if it was before this, it might not be easy to change!

However, Qin Feng’s power was not only that, this point was actually Qin Feng had already thought of this.

At the beginning of his own strength, when the other party has not reacted, it is Qin Feng’s best opportunity to perform here!

This force just continues, continues on this side!

Qin Feng looked at Zhenye resisting his magic power at this moment, and a smile appeared on Qin Feng’s face, maybe the so-called sun is very powerful!

It’s very bells and whistles, but don’t forget who his opponent is!

Qin Feng’s plan was not so at all, when he had just started fighting, Qin Feng had already sensed a little point, that was the other party’s strength!

A truly terrifying manifestation of strength.

A look has already made these expressions vividly tight!

So this is not an outbreak, this is a temptation, for Maha’s temptation, collide his own power with the other party’s power here, and at the same time test a possibility!

Now, judging from Zhenye’s performance, Qin Feng’s purpose has truly been achieved.

The next moment, Qin Feng’s magic power once again made remarkable progress!

At the same time, the expression of the opponent, that is, Maha, completely changed at this moment!

Strong power.

Is this the real power of this guy?

Unconsciously, Maha’s wings are windless at this moment! _

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