Qin Feng’s gaze and Liu Dexueer’s gaze suddenly converged here, but it was also related to this!

What Qin Feng thought was completely different from before.

In the next second, an even more powerful force erupted on Qin Feng’s body!

A lot of things may erupt in an instant, but it depends more on what the two people fighting can do here!

It didn’t take long for Liudeschel to directly burst out with his own power!

What he cares about is himself, but what his opponent is doing now is completely different from what he had expected!

It has to be controlled.

Countless forces began to erupt from Qin Feng’s body, but this was not a beginning, or this beginning could not end!

Too late to shoot.

A figure had already appeared in front of Qin Feng, Liu Dexueer.

Just when Qin Feng was about to make a move, this time Liudexueer directly chose to strike first, and he definitely couldn’t give the opponent a little chance here!

The magic storm gathered again at this moment, this time a derivative of desire.

Liudesher’s wings stretched out at this moment, and the angel soaring in the sky finally revealed its already gloomy fangs at this moment!

But it’s just the beginning.

Countless Laudeschel suddenly seemed to appear in the sky, but all this was really just the beginning of no surprise!

Qin Feng looked at Liudexueer’s actions, he knew very well that this was the opponent arranging a desperate killing belonging to the other party, as long as it was his own carelessness, then what awaited him was definitely the arrival of death!

This must be taken care of.

From beginning to end, what Qin Feng cares about here is not the strength of the opponent at all, in other words, this is because behind Liudesher, there are characters!

Now Qin Feng can’t do it yet.

The supreme god is the same existence as the Demon God King, so you can almost think of the power contained in each other!

The power began to erupt, but Qin Feng’s figure blurred again at this moment.

It’s not a shot, it’s not a direct dodge, as if you thought about something here!

Is it enough?

An idea that had appeared before suddenly appeared in Liudecher’s mind!

Liu Dexueer was suspicious, from Qin Feng’s shot, and then to now his own shot, as if all this was in the budget!

Even now the Rudescher began to arrange.

However, there was more apprehension in the bottom of his heart, more uncertainty about the unknown, and Liudecher didn’t even dare to think about how much trouble this uncertainty would bring to him here.

Everything in the eyes, Liudeschel was negligent, but on the other side, a person found the difference in Liudecher at this moment!

It turns out that you are still wondering here?

Liudexueer’s thoughts were immediately detected by Qin Feng!

The appearance of a smile precisely at this moment showed Qin Feng’s recognition of himself, and the plan just now was not the best!

But it can definitely be lasting, can’t it?

After the first time the idea appeared, Qin Feng’s next plan had already appeared.

Qin Feng’s shadow is here!

It’s not just a shadow of Qin Feng, but after Qin Feng’s actions here start directly, it’s definitely not a shadow thing!

Every shadow was Qin Feng’s appearance, and countless shadows appeared without the slightest warning!

There is only one goal: to strike directly at the opponent.

At the same time, it is also confusing the opponent, confusing the supreme god in the sky!

The power was constantly transmitted in all the doppelgangers and in all the shadows, but there was no doubt that this was Qin Feng’s plan!

Need a chance, only need a small chance, then what awaits Qin Feng will be the best start!

As for Liudeschel?

What will happen at that time, who knows?

The unparalleled power began to erupt, Qin Feng’s power came at this moment, and Liudexueer’s face became very fast, which was almost completely different from all the previous expectations!

This guy?

An idea appeared in Liudesher’s mind, he was a little curious about everything before, but for Qin Feng’s performance, it could definitely be regarded as a sure thing!

But now this guy’s actions, why is there such a terrible power?

Liudesher immediately knew that before was different from now, and Qin Feng’s strength became stronger and stronger, directly exceeding all the ideas expected!

This is definitely not a very good thing!

This so-called hope must be directly stifled in the cradle, so that at the same time, the power in Liudeschel’s body is still constantly erupting!

It has reached this point, especially when he sees Qin Feng’s power!

“Do you think you’re going to burst out of power here? Or do you really think that you so-called demon gods can change something here? ”

Before his own power began to erupt, the person who was also at this moment directly spoke.

Liu Dexueer knows some things very well, but it is especially important not to be here, especially not to give Qin Feng a little chance!

The patience of the Supreme God is extremely limited, and this is known better than anyone else!

Strength slowly accumulates from Lyusher, but more, because as things continue to develop, certain things are changing at a glance.

It has to be done to stop this mess from happening.

The next moment, Qin Feng’s figure disappeared, but Liudesher found that it didn’t seem so simple.

Because Qin Feng came directly!

Qin Feng’s body was all magical appearance, and even completely surpassed the previous performance, but it was not enough.

Because, not only Liu Dexueer, Qin Feng’s goal from the beginning was not like this, you must know that all the angels are the best at once!

At that time, Qin Feng could definitely guarantee that his strength had risen to a terrifying point!

One, no matter how strong the opponent is, he can still destroy the other party.

Soon the magic storm came, this time the range was very large, directly covering a large range of battles, and the angels who had not followed Lyudcher here were surrounded at the first time!

This is a battlefield that belongs to Qin Feng, and it is also a slaughtering Asura field that belongs to Qin Feng alone.

A best springboard that can send Qin Feng directly to the top!

Don’t be in too much of a hurry, give me a little more time, I will definitely give you this surprise!

While thinking, Qin Feng raised his head.

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