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"Hey! Ha!"

Chen Juer is indeed a fierce general. He swept left and right in the midst of dozens of people!

He became more and more courageous as he fought!

And what Liu Yubai valued most was naturally Luo Yun's safety.

Seeing that Chen Juer and his people were almost able to get rid of Shakui's people, he simply did not take action and waited honestly beside Luo Yun to prevent him from having any accidents!

"Mr. Luo, I just wanted to ask, is your guard from the Liu family in Dongguang?"

At this time, Mr. Chen also glanced at Liu Yubai and asked curiously

"Oh? Did Mr. Chen see anything?"

Luo Yun smiled and asked calmly.

"Liu Family Iron Fan! I just heard that it disappeared with the disappearance of a martial arts champion of the Liu family more than a hundred years ago. The iron fan in your guard's hand is very similar to the legendary Liu Family Iron Fan, so I asked this question."

There is naturally nothing to hide about these things.���The old man of the Chen family told the truth directly

"Liu Family...What about now?"

After hearing what Mr. Chen said, Liu Yubai was slightly startled, then he sighed and asked

"The Liu family is doing pretty well now. Although it has been squeezed out of the list of the four major families in Dongguang, the head of this generation, Liu Chenguang, is still quite capable. He led the Liu family into the real estate industry and is considered to be quite valuable."

"That's good."

Liu Yubai nodded and felt relieved.

Seeing that Liu Yubai didn't want to say more, Mr. Chen was very tactful and didn't continue to ask.

At this moment!

A cold light flashed from the black shadow!


"Not good! The ninja sword of the South Sea pirates!"

The South Sea pirates combined the ninjutsu of the Japanese pirates and the swordsmanship of the wandering swordsmen on the southeast coast to create a ninja sword technique!

Specializing in assassination and sneak attacks!

Very vicious!

At this moment, while Mr. Chen was chatting with Liu Yubai, the sword suddenly stabbed at Luo Yun in the center!

A cold light flashed, and the blade was about to pierce into Luo Yun's body!

This sword was chopped by the South Sea pirate Zhou Meng himself!

With a fierce cold light and murderous aura, it chopped towards Luo Yun fiercely!

"Zhou Meng! You dare! ? ? ?"

However, the first one to speak was Shaqui!

For Shaqui, although the sea ganoderma grass is good, it can't compare to real gold and silver!

Especially the 10 billion gold that Luo Yun mentioned!

It has always been on his mind!

So in his eyes, Luo Yun is now a cash cow!

He must not let his life be in danger!

But for Zhou Meng and Fu Cheng.

What they value most is the sea ganoderma grass!

As for money, it doesn't matter!

In other words, Luo Yun's life doesn't matter!

As long as he kills Luo Yun and gets the sea ganoderma tea, then he will be done!

""Zhou Meng! Stop it!"

Although Sha Kui was anxious, he was too far away from Luo Yun to stop the knife in Zhou Meng's hand!

However, Liu Yubai was different!

Even when he was talking to Mr. Chen, Liu Yubai's attention was all on Luo Yun!

There were swords and shadows all around, and it was dark at night!

No one could guarantee that an accident would not happen in the next second!

And when an accident happened, there was only Luo Yun in Liu Yubai's eyes!

Protect Luo Yun!


The huge iron fan spread out like flowers scattered by a fairy, streaking a cold light in the dark night, and instantly blocked Luo Yun's body!


The blade collided with the iron fan, bursting out a dazzling fire!

""Who are you? How can you block my ninja sword?"

Zhou Meng was a little confused!

His sword was fast and fierce!

And it came from the shadow of the night!

It was impossible to defend against!

And now, it was blocked by this young man with this weird fan-shaped weapon!

How could Zhou Meng not be surprised!

""Hey! Zhou Meng! Don't be so presumptuous!"

While Zhou Meng was surprised, Mr. Chen beside him also reacted, and immediately used his strength to concentrate his strength on his palms!

"Take this palm from me!"

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Although Mr. Chen is old, he is the head of the family after all, so his martial arts skills are naturally not low!

Although his palm is not as strong as his heyday, it can at least break rocks!

""Old man! You're looking for death!"

Zhou Meng was also frightened and didn't dare to resist the palm of old man Chen!

He immediately retreated with curses!

Seeing this, Liu Yubai did not continue to chase him, but floated back to Luo Yun's side.

In his eyes, protecting Luo Yun is always the most important thing!

"Mr. Luo, it's my fault that I didn't pay attention for a moment and let Zhou Meng get close to me! You were almost in danger!"

Seeing this, Mr. Chen also said apologetically

"It's okay, Yu Bai is here."

Lu Yun smiled slightly and shook his head, not panicking at all.

In fact, just now, no one noticed that at the moment when Zhou Meng rushed up with a knife.

A red light spot had appeared on his head.

If Liu Yubai had not reacted in time, Zhou Meng's head would probably have been shot in the head by Xue De who was ambushed in the distance!

That's right!

Luo Yun is not only protected by Liu Yubai!

There is also Xue De leading the Umbrella Team to protect his safety at any time.

But Luo Yun had ordered before that Xue De and others should not show up unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, in addition to Sha Kui and Zhou Meng, Fu Cheng has not appeared yet!

Since these people have ill intentions towards him, Luo Yun simply solved them all in one breath!

Otherwise, it would be a disaster to keep them!

And if Xue De and others appeared in advance, they might scare Fu Cheng and others away.

It would be difficult to find them.

So just now, seeing that Liu Yubai was able to protect Luo Yun, Xue De also put away his gun very patiently!

"Everyone, pay attention! Be sure to protect the boss's safety!"

"Yes! Captain!"

In the dark, the five members of the Umbrella Team were like five sharp blades, ready to fight at any time!

On the bright side, after Zhou Meng retreated, the pirates from the South Sea under his command also rushed out instantly! They all raised their ninja swords and killed Luo Yun!

On the other side, Fu Cheng couldn't help it, and commanded his men around him, as well as the men who had been ambushed outside! They also rushed out!

In a moment, on this beach, three or four hundred strong men, holding various weapons, rushed towards Luo Yun, Mr. Chen, and the Chen family!

"Damn it! This time, it's a bit tricky!"

Seeing that the other party was so numerous and powerful, Mr. Chen couldn't help but look gloomy:

"Where is our contact? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"


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