Delete it quickly!

This was Zhao Xiaoqian's first reaction!

You know, the big account she mentioned.

It was the Douyin account with millions of fans!

Strictly speaking, this Douyin account is not owned by her.

It is the property of the company.

She is just the actress appearing on this Douyin account.

And she logged into this Douyin account on her mobile phone because, on the way back to the company just now.

Zhao Xiaoqian used this big account to reply to some comments from enthusiastic fans.

For a moment, she even forgot to switch to her own private small account.

And just now, she was shocked by the piano music played by Luo Yun, and she accidentally sent out the recorded video with the big account!

This is bad.

You know, this Douyin account starring Zhao Xiaoqian.

The main style is youthful and beautiful.

The videos shot are also some fresh and clean.

Now suddenly a video of a security guard playing the piano is uploaded.

It must be very abrupt.

So Zhao Xiaoqian was a little scared. She hurriedly wanted to delete the video that she had just accidentally sent out.

"Sent out? What was sent out?"

At this time, Li Kexin heard Zhao Xiaoqian's exclamation.

He frowned and hurried over.

"Mr. Li, I...I just accidentally thought I logged into my private account, but I didn't expect to use my main account to send out the video of Luo Yunge playing the piano! Me! I'll delete it now!"

Zhao Xiaoqian said nervously.

She knew very well that the value of this Douyin account was very high.

If the value of the account was damaged because of her carelessness, she would be in trouble.

"Wait! Don't delete it yet!"

However, Li Kexin was not angry, and didn't even seem anxious.

First, she stopped Zhao Xiaoqian from deleting the video she had sent out, and then frowned and asked:

"How was the result of the photo shoot just now?"


Zhao Xiaoqian was confused, staring at Li Kexin blankly, then nodded:

"Effect...Very good, it captures Luo Yunge's temperament"


Li Kexin thought for a moment.

Then her eyes suddenly became firm and she said:

"Then there is no need to delete it!"

"What!? Not deleting it!?"

Zhao Xiaoqian was completely stunned.

"Mr. Li...Will this have a big impact on Xiaoqian's main account?"

Zhang Cheng, the director in charge of filming Zhao Xiaoqian's account, also came over with a tangled look on his face and said

"It's too late to delete it now. With the popularity of Xiaoqian's account, there are thousands of likes and hundreds of comments in one minute, and the number of fans watching is at least over ten thousand!"

However, Li Kexin shook her head and continued to insist:

"So even if it is deleted, there will definitely be some impact, so it is better not to delete it! Anyway, Luo Yun's piano level is professional, plus I believe Xiaoqian's aesthetic level, the things she shoots will definitely not be bad, so it is better to just post it like this!"

"I slapped...It's definitely okay...."

Zhao Xiaoqian blushed and nodded.

She was completely attracted by the scene of Luo Yun playing the piano.

The video perfectly showed Luo Yun's temperament.

"That's good. You can comment in the video comments: There are masters among the people. I didn't expect that there is a security guard who plays the piano so well. I love it."

Li Kexin also nodded and continued

""Okay, Mr. Li."

Zhao Xiaoqian quickly opened the comment section of the video.

Sure enough, it was just as Li Kexin said.

In just one or two minutes, the number of likes on the video had exceeded a thousand.

There were also hundreds of comments in the comment section.

Douyin user 02112:"Why did you suddenly post this video?""

Tyrannosaurus Warrior:"Although I don't understand why Xiaoqian posted such a video of playing the piano, the security guard in the video is so handsome when he plays the piano!""

Zhujiu Lun Xiaomei:"Ahhh! This security guard is so handsome! The piano he plays is so beautiful! I feel like I'm in love!"

Zzzz:"Ahhh Xiaoqian, please give me the male lead's contact information!"

Among the hundreds of comments.

Some of them are asking why Zhao Xiaoqian posted such a video.

But most of the comments were attracted by Luo Yun's temperament and the sound of the piano in the video.

There are even quite a few female fans who began to ask for Luo Yun's Douyin account and contact information in the comment section.

"this...How could it develop into this?"

Zhao Xiaoqian was also shocked when she saw this.

She quickly explained it in the comment section according to what Li Kexin said.

Then, the comments began to grow wildly.

Almost everyone was asking who the handsome piano security guard in the video was.

"What's wrong? What are you discussing?"

At this time, Luo Yun, who had just finished playing a piece of music, stretched his muscles a little and looked at Li Kexin, Zhao Xiaoqian and others who were gathered in a circle with some curiosity.

"Luo Yun"


Li Kexin smiled slightly, looked at the comments in the video comment area, and then said to Luo Yun with a smile:

"You are going to be famous!"

"Huh! ?"


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