In Shanghai, buying an entire office building is naturally not an easy matter.

But this is naturally not something Luo Yun needs to worry about.

After all, with Chen Bin here, he can just leave these trivial matters to him.

Soon, Luo Yun signed a contract with Zhou Changhua, and then the next thing was entirely handed over to Chen Bin.

Of course, Luo Yun used the 7.7 billion to buy not only the Fengheyuan.

Including all the property personnel and staff in Fengheyuan, all will become Luo Yun's employees along with Fengheyuan.

This naturally also includes the arrogant Manager Zhao just now.

And at this moment, after witnessing all this.

At this moment, beads of sweat have already appeared on his forehead.

And Luo Yun, naturally, will not forget him

"Mr. Zhao, I still remember what you said just now."

Luo Yun raised his lips, with a hint of coldness in his eyes:

"I have to say, there is nothing wrong with what you said before! What you did is indeed not illegal, and ordinary people can't do anything to you! But...As the current owner of Fengheyuan and your future boss, I feel that you have violated the interests and reputation of the company, so I have decided to suspend you for investigation."

"Mr. Luo! No! Boss! Boss! I was wrong! I was really wrong! It was all because of the boss! It was the boss who took the initiative to find me! He bribed me to do this with him! Boss! I really won’t dare to do it again!"

Manager Zhao was terrified, trembling all over and apologizing frantically.

Indeed, if Luo Yun was just a tenant before, then there would be no threat to him.

However, now Luo Yun has not only become the owner of Fengheyuan, but also his current boss.

His current boss found out that he colluded with outsiders and used the company's special office to seek personal gain.

And after being found out, he was still arrogant and domineering in front of his boss.

After this move, it would be a small matter for him to be dismissed.

The fear is that once Luo Yun is really angry, he will sue him for business for encroaching on the company's interests and endangering the company's reputation.

If it is as a tenant, Luo Yun's lawsuit against him can be said to have no threat at all.

But as his current boss, Luo Yun has countless ways to deal with him!

So Manager Zhao was in a hurry and couldn't care so much. He started selling his teammates directly!

"Hey, hey, hey! Don’t talk nonsense! When did I take the initiative to find you?"

When Mr. Dong heard this, he was immediately shocked and quickly denied it:

"It was you who contacted me first! You told me there was a great bargain here! You told me to rent all these offices at a special price, and then rent them out at a higher price, and then we can split the difference! Why did I take the initiative to contact you! ?"

Mr. Dong was also afraid!

Although he was not an employee of Changfeng Group or Fengheyuan.

However, once he was involved in this matter, he would inevitably be dragged into the lawsuit.

In addition, looking at Luo Yun's appearance. He casually handed out 700 to 800 million in cash without even blinking an eye.

Who would dare to offend such a person!

Now Mr. Dong is almost regretting it to death!

Why did he listen to the words of Manager Zhao, the villain, and come to take advantage of this bargain!?

Even if he was greedy for a bargain, it would be fine, but he actually dared to contradict Luo Yun just now!


Isn't this courting death!?

"Oh? It seems that Fengheyuan has encountered many problems without my management!"

Zhou Changhua, who was finalizing the contract details with Chen Bin, raised his head and stared at Manager Zhao and Mr. Dong with a pair of slender eyes.

As Zhou Changhua has experienced ups and downs in Shanghai for decades, his aura is extremely powerful.

Manager Zhao and Mr. Dong became even more panicked after being bitten by him!

"Mr. Luo, I was not managing the place properly before, it is my fault! How about this, as an apology, I will leave these two people to me, I will definitely investigate the matter thoroughly and let them stay in prison for two years! As for the others......Changfeng Group will continue to pay the wages of all Fengheyuan staff for one year!"

Zhou Changhua is indeed a veteran, and he has a way of speaking and doing things.

He did this to clean up his own house.

In this way, he not only saved the face of his own company, but also gave face to Luo Yun. He also gave Luo Yun some benefits, so that Luo Yun would not resent him.

It can be said that he achieved three goals with one stone.

""Okay, then I'll accept this favor from Mr. Zhou!"

Luo Yun also smiled slightly and nodded, agreeing with Zhou Changhua's approach.

"Come! Security! Please take these two to the security department first! Then contact the legal department to investigate them!"

Zhou Changhua acted decisively and called the security directly to take the frustrated Manager Zhao and Mr. Dong away.

They knew that they would face crazy targeting from the Changfeng Group's legal department!


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