"It’s up! It’s up! Sister Hu! It’s really up!!!" From

Ziyun Financial Newspaper, Hu Yunyun’s assistant rushed into her office with excitement, shouting!

"I know! What's the point of being so flustered?"

Hu Yunyun rolled her eyes at her assistant, but she couldn't hide her excitement either! She stood up and shouted excitedly:

"Now! Immediately publish the article I wrote before! Publish it on the entire network!"

"Yes! Sister Hu!"

The assistant was scolded, but she didn't look unhappy at all. Instead, she became more excited and ran out to publish the article.

Hu Yunyun, who was left alone in the office, was excited and full of admiration:

"The stock price of Xingrui Coffee has really risen! Xiangyun Investment! How did you do it?"........

《Xingrui Coffee's stock price is skyrocketing, Xiangyun Investment cannot help it! 》

Soon, his assistant published the article that Hu Yunyun had prepared long ago on the entire network!

Once again, a stone stirred up a thousand waves on the Internet!

"It really went up! It went up! The share price of Xingrui Coffee went up!"

"Oh my god! How did they do this? Five minutes! Just five minutes! It went from 0.09M gold per share to 2M gold per share! This! This is simply a miracle!"

"Yes! How did they do that? It is said that when the U.S. stock market opened today, Xiangyun Investment was still adding to its holdings when it was at its lowest point! Are they really so confident that Xingrui Coffee’s stock price will rise?"

"Yes! This is too confident! But they...The bet was right!"

"but...The stock of Star Coffee...Will it continue to rise?"


Now all netizens are concerned about one thing.

That is, will the stock of Xingrui Coffee continue to rise?

If so, how much can it rise?

"Boss! Crazy increase! Crazy increase!! It’s too fierce! In just five minutes, it has risen to 2M gold per share!! Hahahaha! The faces of those people from Shuihun Organization and Erhua Street are probably as ugly as if they had eaten shit!"On the 33rd floor of Fengheyuan, Chen Bin, who has always been known for his calmness, could not hide his excitement and joy!

It’s growing too fast!

The stock price of Xingrui Coffee has grown too fast!

He seemed to see countless banknotes, with wings, flying into the account of Xiangyun Investment!

"Haha, this is just the beginning!"

Luo Yun also smiled slightly.

He could now imagine how ugly the faces of the people from Shuihun Organization and Erhua Street were!

And then, the stock price of Xingrui Coffee continued to rise very strongly!

Even though it was not as terrible as before, it doubled again in just two hours!

It reached 4 million gold per share!

At this time, Erhua Street was also in a panic!

More than a dozen bigwigs from Erhua Street even gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures!

"What should we do? What should we do? Can anyone give us an idea?"

"Our company has invested more than a billion dollars to bring down the share price of Xingrui Coffee, but there is no way!"

"Ahhhh! Every minute! Every second! Our losses are calculated in millions of gold!"

"Why! Why is the share price of Xingrui Coffee soaring so wildly! ? Why on earth is this happening!"


The bigwigs on Elwah Street are all panicking!

And what makes them most desperate is that they can't do anything about it!

There are even some financial giants who have good relations with securities firms who are frantically contacting their connections, trying to use their internal relationships to bring down Xingrui Coffee.

However, it's useless!

That's right, now the share price of Xingrui Coffee is no longer controllable by human power!

It seems that there is a mysterious force in the dark.

It is pulling the share price of Xingrui Coffee soaring all the way!

Especially when there is no daily limit in the U country stock market, the share price of Xingrui Coffee is like a wild horse that has broken free from its reins!

It is totally out of control!

"It's over. This time, it's really over! Our family has accumulated wealth for more than a hundred years. Maybe...It will all disappear!"

This is the desperate thought of some weaker capitalists in Erhua Street.

They invested more than 60% of their family's wealth in the stock of Xingrui Coffee, and they bought it when it was falling.

Now, their wealth has shrunk by 80%!

Although those powerful capitalists and financial tycoons did not lose all their wealth, they were also seriously injured.

Like them, there are also muddy institutions and those U country retail investors who want to take advantage of the fire!

Suddenly, the entire U country financial community fell into despair.

But in **, the atmosphere is completely opposite!

At this time, countless old stockholders are considering a question.

That is.

Can you take advantage of this opportunity to open an account in the U country stock market and get on the big rise?

Go and make a good fortune in the old U country stock market!

"Boss, Ziyun Financial Newspaper wants to do an exclusive interview with you. Should we agree to it?"

At the same time, at Xiangyun Investment, Luo Yun also received an interview request from Ziyun Financial Newspaper.


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