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"What the hell!? What is going on!?"

"This guy, wearing a limited edition Armani, has a calm temperament...Could it be just a driver?"

"What the hell!? Who gives the driver a limited edition Armani suit?...This is too big a family business! ?"

"Yes! Who is the person who can afford such a driver?"

PDD and others were shocked.

Especially the men like PDD and Wei, they looked down at their suits.

In fact, compared with ordinary suits, the prices of their suits were not low. At least they were branded goods worth thousands of yuan!

Especially PDD, this specially customized suit from Septwolves was worth tens of thousands!

However, compared with the limited edition Armani suit of this driver... ahem!

There was no comparison!

Suddenly, Teacher Piao felt depressed.

"A big slut like me, the suit I wear is not as good as that of a driver! ?"

Just as everyone was surprised, a man wearing an old-fashioned Zhongshan suit and a gentleman's hat slowly walked out from the back seat.

After getting off the car, he looked around with a vigilant look, then nodded, turned around and said to the car:

"Boss, no danger found."

"this person...It's a bodyguard!"

Suddenly, everyone understood.

The man wearing a gentleman's hat was still not the real boss!

He was just a bodyguard.

""Yu Bai, didn't I tell you that we are now in a society ruled by law? There are not so many dangers."

At this moment, a voice with a hint of laughter came from the car.

A young man, who was unforgettable at first sight, walked out of the car.

It was Luo Yun!

After a few days of precipitation, Luo Yun's temperament at this time has reached a level of returning to nature.

So much so that everyone's eyes were all on him.

No one even noticed Zhong Jiawei who came down with him.

"This little brother...So handsome!"

Xiaolou, Xiaocang, and several other female commentators, such as Ita, Tongxi, and Gugu, all looked at Luo Yun with a crazy look on their faces.

Of course, Luo Yun's appearance, after dressing up, is indeed very handsome.

However, the biggest bonus to his handsomeness should be the extended version of Maybach next to him.

Isn't there a saying that the same person looks completely different when he gets off a Wuling Hongguang and a Mercedes-Benz!

"Eh? Isn't this Teacher Piao?"

After Luo Yun got off the car, he looked around and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"Teacher Piao, I have liked watching your live broadcast for a long time. Let me introduce myself. My name is Luo Yun"

"Luo, Luo Yun? Mr. Luo?"

PDD looked at the young boy in front of him, who gave people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze, and his mind was immediately immersed in a period of thinking.

I have never heard of any big man in Shanghai with the surname Luo.

And looking at the slender and extraordinary Luo Yun, even though he was fat, PDD actually fell into a rare inferiority complex.

It was as if in front of this boy, he, who had been doing well, was just like an ordinary citizen.

There was no sense of superiority at all.

"Mr. Luo! Mr. Zhong! Oh! I've been waiting for the two grand prizes to come!"

At this moment, Bo Cheng, the person in charge of Jingteng E-sports, suddenly rushed over with a large group of Jingteng E-sports management.

He walked in front of Luo Yun with a smile on his face:

"I guess this is Mr. Luo that Mr. Zhong mentioned. I have heard a lot about his name recently. It is really well-known! When I met him today, I found that his reputation is well-deserved!"

"What the hell!? Who on earth is this person!? He actually asked Lao Bo to come out and greet him personally!? Principal Wang doesn’t even have this kind of treatment!?"

"And it's not just Bo, almost all the management of Jingteng Esports have arrived! Who on earth is this guy? How could he have such a grand field!"

Looking at Bo Cheng, who was looking flattering, and the management of Jingteng Esports who were trying to get close to Luo Yun behind him, all the PDD people were surprised!

Who is this Luo Yun?

You know, with the popularity of LOL in the world in recent years, the status of Jingteng Esports, which is responsible for the LPL region, has also risen!

Especially after Penguin acquired Riot.

The entire Jingteng Esports is so arrogant!

On weekdays, these managements are all arrogant, one more arrogant than the other!

But in front of this man named Luo Yun, they are all looking flattering.

Who on earth is this person?

"Manager Bo, you are too polite.

Luo Yun also smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Zhong, let's go in. I have prepared VIP seats for you two!"

Bo Cheng also smiled and asked tentatively:

"Also, I have a small amount of money on hand recently, and I would like to ask Mr. Luo where is the best place to invest it! ?"

"Yes! Yes! We also want to ask Mr. Luo for advice!"

"We were busy with our work on Xingrui Coffee’s stock before and didn’t catch up with Mr. Luo’s pace, which is such a pity!"

"Yes! Mr. Luo has fought so well in the battle of Xingrui Coffee! I just wonder if Mr. Luo has any new investment targets next?"

Suddenly, the management staff behind Bo Cheng also spoke up and asked in unison.

All of them knew Luo Yun's identity. They were so enthusiastic about Luo Yun, naturally to get a good relationship with him and get some inside information about investment from him.

After all, although these management staff have a lot of salary and some benefits on weekdays, it is not certain how much money they can make.

After all, the official supervision of Penguin is still good.

So they will not let go of this opportunity to get to know Luo Yun.

You know, Luo Yun's Xiangyun Investment has become synonymous with a cash cow.

There is a saying in the domestic financial circle now that as long as you follow the pace of Xiangyun Investment, you can definitely make money!

"You don't have to worry. Our company is now preparing to launch an investment agency business. As long as you put your money in our company, we will help you invest. We only need to charge a small handling fee."

Luo Yun smiled slightly when he saw this.

Luo Yun would naturally not reject the investment of these people.

He was not doing it to earn a little handling fee.

As an investment company, the more investment it can get, the better.

Because attracting one person's investment is equivalent to gaining one more network of contacts.

Sometimes, connections are more important than money!

"That's great! Mr. Luo, please come in quickly!"

Immediately, Bo Cheng and others who heard Luo Yun's reply were overjoyed! They hurriedly greeted Luo Yun and walked into the hall.

"Teacher Piao, we'll see you later!"

Before leaving, Luo Yun turned around and smiled at PDD and the others, as a greeting.

""Lao Piao, who is this guy?"

PDD's friend Da Sima beside him was also surprised and asked with some confusion.

Other e-sports people also cast inquiring eyes!

After all, everyone knew that among all the people present, PDD should be the one with the widest network and the most extensive experience.

"This person's history...

However, PDD frowned at this time, his eyes full of doubt:

"I just seemed to hear...The name of Xingrui Coffee, and what Lao Bo and others said about investment...This person...I’m afraid it has something to do with Xiangyun Investment Company!"

---------------- ps: Chapter 5 is now available!

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