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《Player No. LL006 may retire!》

《IG President Wang personally discussed with UZI, could it be that IG.UZI is online! ?》

《LNG Lion opens his mouth to RNG. Saint Spear Brother disconnects!》

《UZI is suspected of retiring, is our youth over! ?》

During the transition period of the LPL Summer Season, the entire network was full of news about the Summer Season.

And what everyone discussed the most was naturally about UZI's situation!

Last year, Clerlove7, LPL's No. 001 player, announced his retirement.

At that time, countless old e-sports fans were in tears.

UZI is also a veteran who has been in the game for many years, and he is the faith in the hearts of countless ADC players.

If he really retires, then countless fans will indeed be sad.

And at this time, a blogger who claims to be an insider broke a shocking secret!

《RNG is suspected of blocking the live broadcast and preventing UZI from transferring! 》

Soon, countless fans rushed to the official blog of RNG and began to ask questions frantically.

Some fans with bad tempers even started to curse!

In response to this, the official blog of RNG remained silent and did not explain at all.

This further angered the fans of UI, and they began to attack the RNG club online!

At this critical moment, Luo Yun also received UZI in the e-sports base that was being built on the 31st floor of Fengheyuan.

This was the first time that Luo Yun had close contact with this little fat man who smiled like a big boy.

But if you are deceived by his kind appearance, then when you are on the line, he will beat you to death.

""Fuck, you are Luo Yun, the boss of Xiangyun Investment!? So young!?"

UZI came in and immediately spoke in a friendly manner.

However, it seemed that he was indeed surprised by Luo Yun’s age:

"I heard from Saozhu and the others about your deeds at the auction before, that you spent 1 billion yuan, and they also told me that you were very young, but I really didn't expect you to be so young!"

It must be said that after so many years of struggling in LPL, UZI's personality has become very good.

In addition, he is quite outgoing and did not show much restraint.

"Sit down."

Luo Yun also smiled slightly, looking at this big boy who was regarded as the"eternal god" by many people, and then pointed to the entire e-sports base under construction:

"How about it? This is the base I prepared for you. It contains the fastest network, the best computers, the most advanced spa and health center, and even a separate bedroom for each person! As for the restaurant, I will also transfer a chef from upstairs to cook for the team! I will also equip a very strong team coach! This will become the best team base in the country and even the world!"


Listening to Luo Yun's description, UZI couldn't help but feel a little yearning.

A boss like Luo Yun who builds a team regardless of cost, let alone LPL, can't be found even in all the regions in the world.

Even Principal Wang, who is always known for spending money, is far inferior to Luo Yun!

Apart from other things, the 1 billion team reserve fund alone is enough to make him stand out from the crowd!

"but...Are you sure I can agree to let you join your team? You know, your XYG is just a newly formed team, and I don’t even know who the other players in the team are! My goal is to win the championship! Not to play house with a group of newcomers!"

But although he was a little moved, UZI was still very rational, even a little cold.

Just as he said.

If it is for playing house, then wouldn’t it be better to stay in RNG as the absolute core?

His goal is to aim for the S10 world championship!

"Top laner, Saint Spear Brother!"

However, Luo Yun's next words made UZI look sideways!

"What!? You bought Saint Spear!? LNG offered a transfer fee of 30 million!! This does not include Saint Spear's own signing fee and contract bonus!! You really bought Saint Spear!?"

You know, Luo Yun did a good job of keeping secrets. Now the outside world knows nothing about XYG!

So UZI was surprised that Luo Yun had bought Saint Spear!

In fact, after S8 and S9, UZI himself realized how crucial it was to have a good top laner in the team!

Especially after S8, TeShy was born and changed the entire LPL top laner ecosystem!

UZI also wanted to have a top laner teammate who could stand out in the key game!

He was even willing to make changes for this and give up some of his own resources!

This is how UZI grew up after playing for so many years!

This is also the main reason why UZI wanted to transfer after learning that LNG had stuck with Saint Spear and RNG had no choice but to sign the young player New!

But what he never expected was that Saint Spear, who was originally thought to be impossible to become a teammate, was actually bought quietly by Luo Yun!

He... really regardless of the cost!?

"The mid laner and the support are indeed newcomers, but you don’t have to worry about their strength.

Looking at the surprised UZI, Yun continued:

"And if they fail in the game, or you have any opinions about them, I can continue to spend money, regardless of the cost, to buy new midfielders and supporters! My goal is the same as yours, that is to form an all-Chinese team, and then bring down the S10 championship trophy at our doorstep!"


I have to say that UZI was really touched.

At this moment, he really felt Luo Yun's sincerity.

And he suddenly understood that Luo Yun was really the kind of boss who would do anything to make his team win the championship!

This is incomparable to RNG's White Board and IG's Principal Wang!

Because they are all profit-seeking businessmen!

But Luo Yun is completely different!

His goal is to win the championship!

In his own home city, to keep the S10 championship in LL!

"That...Where is the jungler! The next version is likely to be a jungle core version! Without a good jungler, the team can't go far!"

But even though he was very moved, UZI still tried to stay rational!

He was really scared!

After so many years of fighting, he not only had many physical problems, but also felt extremely tired in his heart!

He had to weigh everything before making the final decision!


Looking at the serious UZI in front of him, Luo Yun also smiled.

What he wanted was such an UZI who was extremely eager for the championship!

"In terms of jungle, what do you think of your old teammate, MLXG?"

"Spicy hot pot!? This!? This is impossible! Not to mention that he has retired! Just say that his live broadcast contract has not expired yet! Although he is still in good shape after retiring! But he is the same as me. Because of the live broadcast contract, it is impossible for him to renew his contract with any team other than RNG! We are all in the same industry, so I will tell you straight!"

UZI's face was in disbelief, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes!

He actually didn't expect that he had paid so much for RNG, and when he wanted to win the championship, it was actually RNG that blocked his steps.

Gritting his teeth, UZI finally said:

"RNG club is really blocking my live broadcast contract, which prevents me from signing with other teams! Otherwise, I would have joined IG! I came to you today because you asked someone to tell me that there is a way to solve the problem of my live broadcast contract! If you can really solve this problem, then I can agree to join your team now! And... and it doesn’t even require a high signing fee!"

In UZI's eyes, if Luo Yun can really solve his live broadcast contract problem.

The way to do it is definitely to give RNG a sum of money that they can't refuse!

The amount of this money is likely to be hundreds of millions!

Therefore, if Luo Yun is really willing to do this, UZI even took the initiative to propose to reduce his salary!

To make Luo Yun bleed less.

"Reduce your salary? Are you kidding me? Am I short of money?"

However, Luo Yun shrugged his shoulders and raised his lips slightly:

"Oh, I see. Are you worried that I have to pay RNG a lot of money to buy you? I just forgot to tell you that you don’t need to worry about the Huya platform live broadcast contract! Because yesterday, Huya Live was also under our Xiangyun Investment, and your live broadcast contract can be terminated!"


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