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"Friendly match! ?"

Luo Yun looked at the plan handed to him by Chen Bin.

Since Xiangyun Investment has already received a part of Douyu shares,

Chen Bin plans to take the lead in the name of Xiangyun Investment and let the XYG team members hold a friendly match with Luo Yun, as well as some big anchors of Huya and Douyu.

It can also be regarded as a warm-up for Xiangyun Investment to integrate major live broadcast platforms in the future.

At the same time, it is also a part of Chen Bin's strategic plan.

It is to use the Huya live broadcast platform and the Douyu live broadcast platform to squeeze Penguin E-sports.

After all, Penguin E-sports is the son of Tencent.

If you want to snatch the big cake of live broadcasting from Tencent, you must suppress Penguin E-sports!


"Do you want me to play in this friendly match? Do you want to watch me perform 10,000 ways to die in League of Legends in front of tens of millions of viewers?

Luo Yun rolled his eyes!

He knew his level in League of Legends quite well. It was

OK to play in the silver and gold leagues.

Playing against some professional players and big anchors, even in a friendly match, he would probably die miserably!


Boss, the show effect, that's what we want!

Imagine that when we promote it again, we will let everyone know that XYG is a team under our Yun Investment!

And Huya Live has also been acquired by our Xiangyun Investment!

Now our goal is to acquire Douyu and other live broadcast platforms.

As long as the acquisition is successful, we can gather these popular big anchors and professional players together, and often have friendly matches or something!

Boss, don't you think it's not worth it to die a few times in LOL!


Chen Bin persuaded Luo Yun with a sincere face and a righteous attitude.

Seeing his speech that almost made him cry, Luo Yun couldn't help but be moved.

"It’s worth it! It’s really worth it!"

Luo Yun’s eyes were filled with tears:

"And I think we must have some gimmicks for this friendly match! Killing one person will be rewarded with 1,000 yuan, and the winning party will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan each! This will motivate the players and anchors, what do you think! ?"

"Boss! You have come to your senses!!!"

Chen Bin was immediately touched, as if he was an old comrade who had not seen each other for many years and finally met again.

"Oh, that's right."

Seeing Chen Bin so moved, Luo Yun also smiled slightly:

"The bonus will come from your salary!"

Chen Bin:"........"

"Boss, I was wrong!!!".............

But joking aside, Luo Yun still accepted the plan proposed by Chen Bin.

After all, this plan is still relatively advantageous for Xiangyun to invest in integrating major live broadcast platforms.

Especially when XYG won the first battle and defeated last year's S-League champion FPX team.

The video of Luo Yun, UZI, MLXG and others was also pushed to the hot search list.

It gave fans a feeling of crossing dimensions.

At this time, it is indeed a very good choice to do this again.

After getting Luo Yun's approval, Chen Bin also started to get busy and contacted the anchors who participated in this friendly match.

Huya is relatively simple.

After all, UZI and Shengqiangge Malaxiangguo have all signed contracts with Huya Live.

So he still needs to contact the anchors on Douyu.

PDD is of course the first choice! He is now the well-deserved number one on Douyu Live LOL.

He has super high popularity, and as a former professional player, his skills are also relatively good, so it is no problem for him to line up with Shengqiangge.

As for the other candidates who participated in this friendly match, Chen Bin invited Doinb, Dai Mei'er, Zhixun, Xigua, Smile, Curly Hair, Hacker, who are all world champions in FPX and live on Douyu, who are either professional players or super popular anchors.

After several days of discussion and consultation with Douyu officials, a quota for both sides to participate in the friendly match was finally determined.

This friendly match is divided into two teams, red and blue!

The red team has PDD on the top, Xigua, Luo Yun on the middle, and UZI and Dai Mei'er on the bottom. The blue team has Saint Gun on the top, Hacker on the jungle, Doinb on the middle, and Smile and Curly Hair, the father and son of the old WE, in the afternoon.

As for who is the father and who is the son, it depends on one's own opinion.

It has to be said that the distribution of the two teams is still a little unreasonable.

After all, apart from the jungle position, the red team is somewhat weak.

PDD on the top against Saint Gun, although PDD is a veteran top overlord, he has retired for so many years after all. On weekdays

, I only play in Platinum and Diamond games, and it is still a bit difficult to go against the current domestic top laner Saint Spear....

Luo Yun had a headache looking at the ID Doib.

Although Doib has gradually changed from the director of an orphanage to a mid-lane player who focuses on support and roaming in recent years.

But no one really thinks Doinb is bad, right? ?

After all, he is the player who won the MVP of the 2018 Summer Split!

When laning against him, Luo Yun was already prepared to last hit under the tower.

On the bottom lane, UZI was still strong, but he brought a silly girl with him.......

Look at the smile and curly hair opposite...

Even UZI, who is still active now, is definitely in better shape when he smiles at his predecessor.

But his smile plus curly hair is 1+1 greater than 2.

UZI, that's 1.5-1.4=0.1......

It’s just this 0.1 because the ADC is UZI!

"This Chen Bin...Isn't it because I want to use his salary to pay the prize money for the game? Is he deliberately making trouble for me?"

Looking at the list of players for the two teams in the friendly match, Luo Yun couldn't help but have such a thought in his heart.

Of course, according to Chen Bin, it was Mala Xiangguo who was originally the jungler of the red team.

Because he happened to have something to do on the day of the friendly match, he didn't come to participate.

Otherwise, the jungler position of the red team would still be better than that of the blue team......

Moreover, before Luo Yun got the list, the publicity of the entire event had already been spread all over the Internet.

Even if Luo Yun wanted to change it, he couldn't.

"Damn it, at worst I can just give it a try, and...I still have a hidden treasure that I haven't used yet, it really makes me anxious! Humph!"

Luo Yun gritted his teeth, isn't it just a match against the S9 world champion mid laner?

Why should I be afraid of him!?

At most, I will die a few more times and deduct more of Chen Bin's salary!..........

Soon, after a lot of publicity, the day of the friendly match finally arrived! This match between almost all-star players was naturally the focus of everyone's attention!

Countless fans opened the live broadcast room early in the morning and looked forward to it!

However, as soon as the live broadcast room was opened, a scene appeared that surprised all the fans!

"This friendly match...Is this an offline competition? Where is this competition venue?"


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