As the young man kept checking between the pillars,

That’s when he found out

It turns out,

The relationship between the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan is deeper than he imagined!!

The ancestors of their two races were actually brothers!!

And this,

It is not entirely clear from the family records alone!!

The reason why the young man was able to infer so many things

It’s because,

He also scavenged some news from some of the Uchiha family.


Only then can he continue to compare the history of the Senju clan

Recreate it all!!

At this time, the young man discovered this shocking secret!!

Actually this secret,

Just by comparing the records of the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan

Then the connection between the two families can be discovered!!


But no one has ever done that!!

And the young pillar can understand why no one has ever done this!!

Because for as long as he can remember

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are unending enemies!!

People from two families just need to meet

There will inevitably be a fight to the death!!

How is it possible to still have the opportunity to sit down and talk!!

Not to mention discussing the history of the family together!!

It’s completely impossible!!

[Senjukuma: … It can’t be… We Senju clan and Uchiha clan … There is such a deep connection?!! 】

[Uchiha: So it looks… Plus the records in our Uchiha clan… It seems that we do have a very deep relationship with the Senju clan!! 】

[Ape Flying Sun Chopper: I didn’t expect the Thousand Hands clan to have such secret news… I’m really lonely…].

[Big Snake Pill: Huh… It seems that the news I got from the wild history before is true… I thought it was just nonsense…].

[Nara Shikahisa: Hmm… In this way, it seems that there is some truth, the two families, the flesh of the Thousand Hands clan is extremely powerful… The spiritual power of the Uchiha clan is extremely powerful… And the two families are more like opposites of each other…].

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Speaking of which… In some ways, our Uzumaki clan is also very similar to the Senju clan… Will it be…].

[Naruto Uzumaki: Senju… Uchiha… What… According to this meaning, Sasuke can also awaken Mu Duan??!! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: Idiot!! You yourself are stupid, don’t take me !! What a shame!! 】

[Four Generations of Thunder Shadow: Four Generations … Is this your child with Jousinnai… How I don’t feel like you at all…].

[Bofeng Shuimen: Hahahaha… Naruto is so cute, but it’s quite like Jiu Shinnai…].

【Senjukuma: Good!!】 This is the heir of the Will of Fire!! Young junior, I seem to see my own shadow in you!! 】

At this time, the young man was still sorting out the information he had collected.

And as he kept looking,

He finally found out the source of their Thousand Hands clan.

The ancestors of their Thousand Hands clan,

It seems to be a man called Ashuras!!!

Not sure why,

When I saw the three words of Asura ,

The young man always felt something familiar between the pillars.


He felt that these three words were somewhat kind

But the juvenile pillars can guarantee,

It was definitely the first time I saw the name!!

“Strange… Why does this name feel so familiar to me…”

“As if it’s not the first time I’ve seen this name…”

The young man was puzzled.

He put the scroll in his hand back on the shelf.

Want to get the answer,

He’s basically got it completely!!

Through these records,

He also put together a backstory.

The ancestor of their Senju clan is called Asura

The ancestors of the Uchiha clan are called Indra.

The two people were originally brothers

But there is only one heir to the father.

The two brothers and colleagues are excellent

Their father, in order to choose an heir,

Finally held a contest!

Asura and Indra are in a village in a similar situation

The village survives on the sap of the sacred tree, without which they would face death.

The Asuras did not oblige them to destroy the Divine Tree

Instead, they rely on their own power to dig wells

In the end, everyone was touched by the perseverance of Asuras

The Asura gave them his chakra and eventually managed to dig up the water.

Indra, on the other hand, is the opposite

Indra unconditionally gave the villagers water by his extraordinary ability, thus successfully destroying the sacred tree.

But this eventually led to the extinction of the villagers over water.

In the end, their father chose Asura as his heir

And he hopes that his brother Indra can assist him.

The two brothers had a great dispute as a result

This battle even spread for thousands of years!!

Until their descendants,

The Senju clan and the Uchiha clan continue to fight!!

After reading all the records,

The young man found that there were many unreasonable things inside!!

Older brother Indra and younger brother Asura,

The relationship between the two brothers is not very close!!

But there is absolutely no deep hatred!!

The heirship status passed down by their father

In addition to a titular symbol,

There are no other more benefits!!

This is not worth the two brothers to turn against each other!!

But many places in the record are unknown

It is also impossible for the young pillar to restore the whole picture of the matter.

Shaking his head,

He also stopped thinking about these unanswered things!!

This was thousands of years ago

What he has to do now is to manage the things of the moment!!


For the idea of his own ancestor Asuras,

The Thousand Hand Pillar felt a little familiar.

He always felt like he had seen it somewhere

But he didn’t agree much with the ideas of Asuras!!

Instead, he appreciated his brother Indra’s ideas more!!

To change the world,

Just by love,

That’s impossible!!

Only truly possess power

That’s what can change the world!!

As for the match between the two brothers,

In the eyes of the young pillars, it seems

It’s shady from start to finish!!

The biggest behind the scenes,

It’s their father!!

Although I don’t know what happened,

But the juvenile can be seen between the pillars

Their father favored his younger son from beginning to end

That is, their ancestor Asura !!

Not so

As an older brother, Indra could not have lost this game!

So this game was unfair from the start!

Without the help of my father,

It is impossible for Asura to grow step by step to the point where he can compete with Indra!

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