Yang Lei said his plan: "It seems that those people will definitely be able to successfully conquer the fifth floor BOSS. In this way, we can completely grab the BOSS as soon as the sixth floor is activated."

"I see."

It was only then that Asuna realized that, yes, instead of staying at the gate and only watching and not being able to participate in person, it is better to wait at the teleportation point in advance, so that you can go to the gate guard boss on the sixth floor as soon as possible. .

In this way, the two of them wasted some time. After brushing another wave of mobs on the road reaching level [-], they passed through the 'wild monster' area from the labyrinth area and returned to the safe area, which is the fifth floor. in town.

Then, they went straight to the teleportation point and waited.

Before attacking and defending the BOSS, the teleportation point leading to the next floor will always be closed, otherwise there is no need to fight one level. Is it better?

Kayaba Akihiko is not a fool, and he will definitely not let people take advantage of such a loophole.

Therefore, Yang Lei and Asuna can only wait now. If the raiding team does not defeat the BOSS, they will not be able to activate the teleportation point to the sixth floor.

And just at the moment he was waiting for.

"This gentleman, and this lady."

At this moment, someone suddenly quarrelled behind them and said to the two: "Hello, my name is Heathcliff. I want to ask if you two are interested in joining the guild?"

Yang Lei was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked at Heathcliff with weird eyes.

He knows the plot, and naturally he knows the famous Heathcliff. In other words, isn't he Kayaba Akihiko himself?

When Yang Lei looked at Heathcliff, Heathcliff was also looking at Yang Lei, especially his mysterious eyes.

Yang Lei's eyes are really amazing. Anyone who sees Yang Lei for the first time will involuntarily look into his eyes, and the deepest impression on him will definitely be related to his eyes.

Not only Heathcliff, but other people were surprised by Yang Lei's eyes. Even Asuna asked Yang Lei curiously.

Only before the two confirmed their relationship, Yang Lei just dealt with it casually, and only introduced his eyes to her after they were together.


On the side, Asuna saw that the two big men were looking at each other 'affectionately', forcing the weirdness and dissatisfaction with Yang Lei in her heart, she politely smiled and said to Heathcliff, "I'm sorry, my husband and I are very sorry. Husband doesn't want to join any union, thank you for the invitation."


Madam, what are you worried about?What must you be worried about? .

0828 Go to the sixth floor

Without the slightest hesitation, Asuna, who was supposed to join the Knights of the Blood Alliance, and even became the vice-commander, rejected Heathcliff's invitation.

For this, Yang Lei expressed his understanding.

Well, Yang Lei definitely didn't know that he had made up something bad in his wife's mind, just because they had always been a team of two people, didn't she even say that they would like to do it at the previous level [-] boss strategy meeting? Did you reject others from joining?

So, she definitely doesn't want others to disturb their two-person world.

Besides, based on their strength, they can walk sideways in this game world. It is not a problem to challenge the [-]th floor BOSS now, and what union do you want to join?

"Sorry, I'm a strict wife type, so..."

After Asuna, Yang Lei also immediately rejected Heathcliff's invitation.

Yang Lei even had no idea of ​​joining a union, and was too lazy to pretend to be weak and play house games with others.

"That's it."

Heathcliff was not too disappointed, just nodded and turned away.

Although there were a lot of things that he couldn't see, he still got some data when the player attacked the first floor BOSS. He knew that the two people in front of him were definitely the masters of the masters, so he wanted to invite them.

It's just that he doesn't care if they don't want to join the union.

"Then there is a chance to cooperate again in the future."

Heathcliff turned around and left after saying a polite remark similar to that of a later period.

"Hey, Yang Leijun."

At this moment, Asuna on the side suddenly stared at Yang Lei unhappily and complained, "What do you call the type of strict wife control? Am I so unreasonable?"


Yang Lei looked like he was thinking, and then asked back: "It seems that our family's decision-making power has always been yours, right? It's like this time when you said you want to catch up with the Raiders team, and the last time you want to stay on the first floor. some type of."


Asuna pouted and continued to stare at Yang Lei with dissatisfied eyes, thinking that even if these are the facts, don't say it, what about the strict control of your wife?This is not a kind of strict wife control, is it?

"Haha 々ˇ."

Yang Lei was adored by Asuna, he laughed and stretched out his hand to pull his petulant wife into his arms, and the two hugged each other on the street as if they were alone.

Of course, Asuna wasn't really angry, she laughed along with her, and also didn't care about other people's eyes.

This is true for those who are in love.

. . . . . .

After chatting and laughing for a while, Yang Lei and Asuna realized that the fifth floor boss didn't seem to be finished, so they simply sat down against the teleportation point and chatted about some interesting things.

What particularly interested Asuna was the story between Yang Lei and his wives in other worlds.

In other words, Yang Lei is really confident enough. He even confessed to Asuna that he was married in other worlds, and that there was not only one woman.

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