Some people may say that because Sasuke's attributes are the same as Kakashi's, they are both fire and thunder attributes.


Kakashi's title is a copy ninja, not to mention fire and thunder ninjutsu, and even water, earth, and wind ninjutsu. It is said that there are thousands of ninjutsu copied, so it is really not suitable. Naruto's?

As a result, during the Chunin exam, Kakashi, on the premise of not knowing that Jirai would also teach Naruto, used the reason that Naruto needs more basic courses to find the tutor Ebisu.

It's not that Ebisu's strength is not good, but his strength is really not good.

Although Ebisu has also taught Yang Lei a lot of things, but he is only an elite chunin, how can he keep up with the ninja, not to mention that his attributes do not know whether he is compatible with Naruto, only what he can teach Naruto ?In the end, didn't you get a treadmill to practice?Ha ha.

But when facing Sasuke, even if Sasuke's attitude is not good, Kakashi still tried his best to teach him, not only let Sasuke increase the speed in the shortest time, even catch up with before Xiao Li, who can't see clearly even if he opened the writing wheel, even taught him his special skill, Leiqi. In such a comparison, Naruto and Sasuke, in Kakashi's eyes, are more important than others. At a glance.

So, why is Kakashi being so nice to Sasuke?Is it just because he is from Uchiha Obito's clan?

I don’t think so. You must know that Obito was unpopular in the Uchiha ethnic group. After all, he was just a hindrance who had never opened a writing wheel. Except for his family, don’t expect others to be rare. he.

Especially since he was still a subordinate of Minato Naikaze, who had not yet been promoted to Hokage.

Maybe some of you don't know why the Uchiha family doesn't like seeing Minato Namikaze, that's because Minato Namikaze's master is Jiraiya, and Jiraiya's master needless to say?It is the third generation...  

Then, who is the master of the three generations of purpose?

It's the first and second generation.

Again, will the Uchiha clan be pleasing to the eyes of the Hokage clan?But don't forget, the reason why the Uchiha family wants to usurp power is precisely because they are dissatisfied with the lack of rights they have obtained.

So, who is the one who suppressed the Uchiha family?

It's not Hokage anymore!

If so, would Kakashi still help the Obito clansmen like this?

In fact, the reason why Kakashi treats Sasuke so differently is because he knows the details of the Uchiha family tragedy, at least he should know what Uchiha Itachi did for the genocide massacre.

That's why he feels guilty, feeling that the village is sorry for the Uchiha family, at least it has to say that it is sorry for Itachi, so he has always taken good care of Sasuke, even if the child's attitude towards him is a little rude, it doesn't matter, this is Itachi's only younger brother .

On the other hand, Sasuke's performance when he was fascinated by the darkness of hatred was very similar to that of Kakashi back then, which was one of the reasons why he couldn't let go of him.

It's just a pity that in the original book, he still failed to drag Sasuke out of the darkness in the end, and let him run to find Orochimaru, and almost fell into the abyss forever, even to Konoha Village. For revenge, fortunately there was a ninja war!

. . . . . .

Cough, it seems that the building is a bit crooked.

Back to the topic, I have said so much before, but there is always one important point that cannot be bypassed, that is, Kakashi knows in his heart that once the village knows that Yang Lei's bloodline limit is actually 3.7 So defiant, I am afraid that he will be in danger.

Not to mention that Kakashi had seen Yamato when he was young at the time in Orochimaru's laboratory, and saw cruel and bloody taboo experiments, but only said that Yang Lei even copied Baiyan and Sharonyan, which made Hyuga. What do you think of the family?

You know, in order to prevent Baiyan from being stolen by outsiders, the Hyuga family developed a spell called a caged bird. The purpose is to not let Baiyan's power be taken away by outsiders. Now there is a Yang Lei, what do you think of them?Guess what they will do?

Therefore, Kakashi felt tired when he agreed to Asma's request.

"It's still easy for that guy Kai to live."

In the end, Kakashi couldn't help but blackmailed Matekai in his heart. He was a guy with strong limbs and a simple mind. If he heard the news, he would definitely not feel entangled because of the darkness in the village.

"Say it."

After scratching his hair, Kakashi said to himself again in his heart: "It's my own fault!".

0096 Black hoe Leiya!

Not to mention the rest of Konoha Ninja here, look at the other side.

In the land of water, I saw a small boat slowly sailing out from the shore of the border of the land of water. There were more than a dozen people sitting on it, but in the end, only two were forced to row. They were no one else. , it was the ghost brothers Mingtou and Yetou who were sent out by Zaibujian.

"If you don't kill that guy, how dare you invite me to help?"

On the boat, I heard a sneer from a man with a big bag behind his back, and said, "I just asked him casually if he wanted me to hold a luxurious funeral for him. I didn't expect this guy would dare to look for me."

This person is none other than the black hoe Leiya who had just defected from Wuyin Village. Like Zaibuzhan, he was originally one of the seven people of the ninja swords in Wuyin Village. His weapons were two knives named Leiya. .

"Lord Lei Ya."

At this moment, Ming Tou among the ghost brothers raised his hand worriedly and pointed to the shore behind him, reminding: "There are chasers here."


Lei Ya raised his eyebrows, patted the basket behind him twice, and said, "Now is not the time to waste time, Ranmaru, use your red eyes to solve them."


There was a crisp sound from inside the basket, and there was no movement in the basket. Suddenly, dozens of boats appeared on the surface of the water, exactly like them, just like their mirror images, swaying out in all directions. .


The next second, just as Mingtou sensed, a group of pursuers from Wuyin Village appeared and glanced at the dozens of boats on the river, although they knew that only one of them was real. , but do not know how to pursue, and which one to pursue.

"never mind."

In the end, one of the leaders stood up, waved his hand and gave up the chase, put away his weapon, looked up and looked into the distance, only to watch Lei Ya and the others drifting away, until they couldn't see it.

. . . . . .

The red eye is also a kind of blood following the pupil technique, but because it is not counted in the three pupil techniques, it is not well known.

Although the so-called three major pupil techniques are wrong, because the eye of reincarnation evolved from the eye of the wheel, but the world does not know it, so it can only be called that.

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