Asuna had already made preparations, jumping high at this time, she was about to launch an attack when the BOSS was defenseless.


However, he heard the blue-eyed demon howling, and when the right hand holding the knife was knocked flying by Yang Lei, the left hand clenched a fist and swung it violently.

This guy didn't lose the ability to fight back just because the weapon was blocked like other monsters.


But Asuna regarded the fist that was getting closer and closer to her as nothing, she snorted coldly, and sent her right hand forward with force and tapped it dozens of times.

As Asuna's combat experience has become more and more rich, her sword skill proficiency has also become higher and higher. Now it is no longer the level of three flash combos. If you want to calculate it carefully, it must be dozens of flash combos. That's right.

In other words, although Asuna hit the boss, the boss's fist also swung over. If this fist-sized fist hit her, most people would be beaten to death.

Even if it was in the game, it would hurt Asuna to get hit like this all of a sudden.

But don't worry, don't forget that Yang Lei is right in front of you.

Why does Asuna treat the boss's fist as nothing?Isn't it because she believes that her husband can definitely block this blow for her.

Facts have proved that Yang Lei did not let Asuna's trust go to waste.


The last one came first, Yang Lei, who had just fought with the boss just now, just jumped lightly and came to the air, and blocked in front of the boss's fist, only to see that he raised his hand and blocked it casually. .

With a 'bang', Yang Lei didn't move, but he blocked the boss's fist with ease.

That is at this time.

"Puff puff...."

Asuna's attacks finally hit the boss.


Hearing the howl of the blue-eyed demon suddenly became a little desperate, and then, the last red blood state finally disappeared, and as the blood bar was completely emptied, it turned into a bunch of fragments and disappeared.




All the people who had just retreated outside the battle circle cheered. After defeating the blue-eyed demon, the final twenty-sixth floor level can be cleared.

In other words, even counting the seventy-fifth floor, as long as they defeat another twenty-six guard bosses, they can get out of this damn death game, and they can return to reality.

".ˇ It's really not easy."

Some people were even moved to tears, and some people actually cried.

"Take a rest for a while."

After the boss fight, Yang Lei and Asuna returned to the vicinity of their friends, and after throwing something to Klein, they greeted everyone: "Everyone, sit down, don't make noise, hurry up and recover. Physical strength and state, wait a while while it's still early, let's try to get through the seventy-fifth floor."


Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing Yang Lei's words.

Brother, haven't we got through the fifth floor today?You count, the seventieth floor, the seventy-first floor, the seventy-second floor, and the seventy-third and seventy-fourth floors, there are exactly five bosses.

According to the usual experience, it should end here.

Yang Lei sneered again and again: "Isn't today's event the result of your long-awaited beginning? Then continue for a while, otherwise I will be reluctant to part with you."

(Ok) "Please don't say it so misleadingly."

Everyone complained, why are they reluctant to separate, are they going to die?

And it turned out to be the three words reluctant to bear. Hey, people will suspect that our relationship is okay. If someone mistakenly thinks that the guild of Fenglinhuo is some kind of gay guild, the image will be ruined.

"Honey, don't make trouble."

Even Asuna shook her head hilariously, helping those who were frightened to stop Yang Lei from continuing to mess around.

"Alright alright."

Yang Lei shrugged and sure enough, he was no longer fooling around, but he had to remind everyone: "According to the current speed of the attack, with five floors as a stage, it takes five stages to reach the hundredth floor."

"And if you only fight five bosses in a stage, there are still twenty-six bosses left, which means that you have to stop for a while when you reach the [-]th floor."

"But forget it, anyway, this is the result of your request, so let's do it.".

0844 to hit the seventy-fifth floor

After the [-]th floor guard boss was cleared, another month passed. During this period, the rest of the Fenglin Volcano Guild spared no effort to upgrade, and other players who chose the life category were also there. They wholeheartedly support all kinds of materials.

Now, the enthusiasm and hope of the players have finally risen again. They see the hope of liberation, so they don't need anyone else to say anything, and they are doing their best to help.

There are also some players who have always been very good, but players who are just a little worse than the people of the Fenglin Volcano Union have also come over to join the Fenglin Volcano.

Everyone knows that the more difficult it is to get to the back of the boss, so you have to do your best.

In this way, after all the busy work, until today, all members of the Fenglin Volcano Guild have gathered again and held another round of BOSS strategy meetings.

After this recruitment, the number of members of Fenglin Volcano has reached more than [-]. If it is not for the quality of personnel, this number will be even more, and it can even easily break through the thousand mark.

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