
Asuna couldn't keep her calm expression any longer, her tears burst the dam in an instant, and she went up to hug Mrs. Yuuki tightly, and the two mother and daughter cried together.

"Asuna, you are finally back."

There was another person behind Mrs. Yuuki, who was Asuna's father, Mr. Yuuki. At this moment, he was crouching on the ground and hugging his wife and daughter with open arms, and he was almost moved to tears.

But in the end he held back, because there was still a stranger in front of him.

He wiped the tears that had just appeared at the corners of his eyes, looked up and looked at Yang Lei with curious eyes. Mr. Yuuki asked, "Well, this gentleman, did you send the little girl back? I'm really grateful. Excuse me, may I ask your surname?"

"My name is Yang Lei."

Yang Lei nodded and reported his name, and pointed his finger at Asuna's back and said straight to the point, "It's this girl's husband."

"Huh?" "Huh?" "Huh?"

All three of the family exclaimed.

"Asuna, why are you exclaiming along?"

Yang Lei complained angrily, but because even Asuna was exclaiming or something, didn't he act like he was lying.


Madam Yuuki wiped her pretty face full of tears, looked back at her husband, then looked down at the shy daughter in her arms, then looked up at Yang Lei opposite: "Is there something wrong? Our daughter is only [-] years old, not yet [-] years old, and suddenly she said she got married and found a husband or something..."

"Yes yes yes."

Mr. Yuuki also nodded again and again, and said: "And Asuna has a marriage contract, so what..."

Because of Yuuki-san's words, Asuna's face turned pale.

Yang Lei waved his hand without any hesitation, and said, "I just want to let you know because I know this, Asuna is mine, even if you are her parents, you only have the right to bless us, as for other aspects. Give me all the power back."

"Otherwise, I can only make you lose your daughter. After all, I don't want to, nor will I lose my wife."

0850 Cynical sarcasm from son-in-law

At night, Yuuki's house is still in a brightly lit state.

At this time, there were only four people sitting face to face in the huge living room, it was the Yuuki couple and Yang Lei couple.

"That's how it is."

After spending some time, Asuna recounted her experiences in the SAO game world one by one, and even told her parents about her relationship with Yang Lei.

"I still can't accept it."

Mrs. Yuuki seemed very unacceptable, but after being separated for more than a year, her daughter who returned home was married, and she was still in the game world. This is too ridiculous.

"makes sense."

Mr. Yuuki also said with a wry smile: "And that's just a relationship in the game world, isn't it? And now this is in the real world_ah."

"so what?"

Yang Lei's expression seemed a little indifferent, he just squinted his eyes and glanced at his father-in-law and mother-in-law with little respect, and said rudely: "At least our intentions are real, unlike some parents, for their so-called parents' intentions. Regardless of her daughter's wishes, she wants to force her to marry someone else or something."


Yuuki and his wife were angry, it was too rude to say this.

"Why do you accuse us?"

Mrs. Yuuki seemed the least calm, and scolded: "The person we found for Asuna is naturally an excellent talent, and this is our family's family matter, and it has nothing to do with you."

"It's really boring."

Yang Lei spread his hands: "Is it for the so-called dignity of the upper class? Or is it for the so-called unilateral imposition of wanting to make my daughter happy? Or maybe it's just a matter of face as a parent?"

"Hey, boring bloody plot."

"Jun Yang Lei."

Asuna tugged at Yang Lei's arm a little worriedly, and shook her head to tell him to stop targeting her parents like this.

But Asuna doesn't understand the plot that Yang Lei knows, girl, if you don't take it so hard, you will be sold by your parents.

"Speaking back."

It's just that since Asuna said so, Yang Lei temporarily put away his sarcastic face, leaned Erlang's legs and leaned back, leaning comfortably on the sofa to look at his father-in-law and mother-in-law opposite, and asked, "Can you let me I listen to your views, what kind of people are high-class people, and what kind of people should be worthy of your entrustment?"

"It's time for you to be fit."

This time, Mr. Liancheng couldn't help frowning, looking very unhappy.

Because Yang Lei's words sounded like he was going to sell his daughter, can anyone marry Asuna as long as she is a so-called high-ranking person or a talented person?Really asshole.

"Isn't that the truth?"

Yang Lei spread his hands and hugged Asuna's shoulder, which she wanted to hide but didn't dodge, and said, "Didn't you say that you have already betrothed the sixteen-year-old Asuna to a woman in her thirties. Is this an old man? Isn't that selling a daughter?"

"Ah, I remembered."

As if he suddenly remembered something, Yang Lei snapped his fingers with the other hand, and continued with a strange voice: "Yes, yes, that's what the so-called prominent family members usually do, right?"

"As the head of the family, find a beautiful and smart wife to have children, and then recruit a good man to your door. In this way, you can always make the family better, right?"

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