There is only one truth, that is, as Yang Lei said before, ALO and SAO have a deep connection, and even said that Sugo Nobuyuki completely stole the things of Kayaba Akihiko, and just changed the superficial things. Now, the real core is Kayaba Akihiko.

That's why SAO players only get relatives in ALO, except for items that cannot be used, such as character attributes can be inherited.

As for Kayaba Akihiko, the reason why he can easily cross the border is even simpler. The stolen things still belong to him. In fact, his ID is the highest authority.

Of course, the premise is that Yang Lei doesn't do anything, otherwise, neither Sugou Nobuyuki nor Kayaba Akihiko's authority will be enough.

As for the purpose of his appearance in front of Yang Lei and Asuna?

"It's like "two eighty three"."

Kayaba Akihiko reached out and took out a small golden crystal from his pocket, which looked like both a seed and a diamond.

"This is the seed of the world."

Kayaba Akihiko explained the origin of this crystal, and then entrusted the two of them: "If you still have feelings for that world..."


Yang Lei suddenly interrupted Kayaba Akihiko's speech, called out the menu to find the names of Kirito and Agil, and suggested to Kayaba Akihiko: "We don't have time to take care of it, if you want, you can entrust this world seed. Given these two people, they should be more than willing to help take care of it, and even let it take root."

"That's it."

Kayaba Akihiko sighed in disappointment. He felt that Yang Lei was not only the one who defeated him, but also possessed great knowledge, so he was able to steal the highest authority from him, which is evident.

But since they were unwilling to help, he could only find someone else. After all, the relationship between them was not a good friend, but was once an enemy.

"See you later by fate."

Kayaba Akihiko said goodbye to the two of them in a very free and easy way, and disappeared as a crystal light. He really wanted to go to Kirito and Agil recommended by Yang Lei.

As for Yang Lei and Asuna.

"Let them investigate the experiment conducted by Nobuyuki Sugo and the trapped [-] players."

Yang Lei took Asuna's hand and said, "As for the two of us, we have another task to do. Before Nobuyuki Sugo might abscond, call the police and arrest him."

Yang Lei won't give Suxiang Nobuzhi a chance to struggle, so he will start his own plan.

As long as Nobuyuki Sugo was put in jail, Yang Lei would have countless ways to make him commit suicide in fear of crime, and even make him choked to death by drinking a mouthful of cold water.


Asuna nodded, not hesitating because this incident would definitely bring a blow to her father, and that even her father's company would have a big impact.

In her opinion, if you make a mistake, you have to be punished, otherwise the three hundred players who have been treated unfairly are too pitiful.

Otherwise, how could Yang Lei call her the Little Virgin?

At the moment, the two chose to go offline, regardless of whether it was a safe zone or not. As soon as they returned to the real world, Asuna called the police.


As for Yang Lei, he suddenly felt something and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"what happened?"

After describing the cause and effect to a department established specifically to deal with this kind of online game incident, Asuna looked at Yang Lei and found that his expression seemed to be laughing and speechless.

"he came."

Yang Lei said to Asuna, dumbfounded, "That idiot actually came to the door on his own initiative. It seems that this guy wants to pull his back when he's dying."


Asuna was startled, and quickly called the police who wanted to find another criminal case.

"no need."

Yang Lei stopped Asuna, got up and walked out of the house: "Since he dares to take the initiative to bring it to the door, of course I have to entertain him."

"Asuna, just stay inside and don't come out. This is a battle between men."

. . . . . .

After Yang Lei and Asuna's relationship was recognized by Yuuki and his wife, and the blessing of Asuna's eldest brother, the young couple moved to live alone.

You don't have to doubt that Yang Lei is rich. After all, this guy has Dragon Ball in his hands. It's not a matter of casual words to want money.

Originally, their little home was rarely visited by guests, and even the friends who met in the game went to Agil's little shop to meet.

But today, an uninvited guest came to their house, it was Nobuyuki Sugo, who had red eyes.

Nobuyuki Sugo himself knew that he was finished. Once it was known that he actually used players to do experiments, he would be sentenced to a crime of at least ten years, or even decades.

You know, that's the spirit of a whole [-] people. Whether it's out of humanitarianism or criminal responsibility for illegal detention, he can't afford it. It can be said that his life is finished...  

It's just strange that why would he do this if he knew the consequences?

In fact, it's nothing. It's just that Nobuyuki Sugo wants to study the secrets of the human brain. If he can control a person's emotions, or even a person's thinking, can he really become a god?

And even his lost fiancee was able to return to his arms.

It's just a pity that all hope has been turned into ashes today, and the most hated by Nobu Sugo is that the man who took his fiancée came back with that bitch and destroyed everything he had. Hope he's going to be mad.

No, he has gone mad.

"Since I can't get happiness, since I can't get her, let me destroy her and let you taste the feeling of despair and pain, haha, hahahaha."

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