It was only today that the first floor was opened, and there was nothing on the Swordsman's Monument, except for the two of them.

"I really want to get through to the [-]th floor now."

Yang Lei sighed, in this way, this swordsman's monument has completely become a monument to the two of them. From the first floor to the hundredth floor are their names, so don't show your affection too much.

"I'm a little too sorry for that."

Asuna smiled and shook her head, as gentle as she secretly brushed a wave, she would be very embarrassed, how could she continue to leave others alone.

And everyone else is waiting for the two of you, so there must be some response.

Even if you don't bring other people to play, you have to compete fairly, but you can't just play it secretly without saying a word.

"Okay, let's go offline and go to sleep."

After staying for a while, Yang Lei greeted his wife. It was almost ten o'clock in the evening, so it was time to go to bed.


Asuna nodded obediently, and subconsciously raised her hand to caress her flat stomach.

Since she learned that she was pregnant, she would do this from time to time. After all, it was the first time to be a mother. It was a new and surprising experience for her. Of course, she would also be very happy. Be happy and feel happy.

It's just that she seems to have forgotten that this is the game world. What's here is just her spirit. It has nothing to do with her body. Even if she has a big belly outside, she will still have a perfect figure in the game world. What can I touch? .

. . . . . .

That night, the couple went offline normally and were about to rest.

What they didn't know was that not long after they got off the assembly line, a group of six people came outside the Black Iron Palace.


A beautiful girl who was at the forefront exclaimed, and stepped up to the bottom of the Swordsman's Monument.

"How could this be?"

The girl exclaimed, and shouted in a very sad and angry tone: "It's clear that we are about to figure out the secret to getting through the first floor of the BOSS, how can we be preempted by others?"

"Yuji, Yuji, look up."

At this time, the five people in the back also chased after them, and I heard one of them with aqua-blue hair similar to white, and the beauty of the race should be the water elves reminded: ".ˇ Look, there are only two displayed on it. Individual? Is this true? Someone got through the first level with a team of only two? We've suffered a lot here."


Only then did the girl called Yuuki react. Previously, she only cared about her disappointment and anger, but she didn't realize until she was reminded that, indeed, only two people's names were displayed on the first floor area above the Swordsman's Monument, proving that There is a team of two people to get through the first floor BOSS.

"is this real?"

Yuuki's eyes lit up: "That is to say, it's not that our strength is not enough, nor that we have too few people, but that we haven't figured out the correct direction of the strategy, right?"

"Well, it must be so."

The other five nodded in approval of Yuuki's discovery.

"very good."

Yuuki quickly regained his vigor and shouted angrily, "Then, we will continue to work hard, we must seize the time to get through one of the bosses before the other large guilds, as long as we get through One boss is enough."


The six people's momentum was soaring, and they didn't continue to sink at the Swordsman's Monument. Instead, they chose to move forward and climbed up to the second floor. This is to challenge the second floor BOSS.

In other words, is it really okay to have only six people?

It can't be said that there is no problem. After all, they have said it themselves. They have been studying the first level BOSS but have not been able to get through it smoothly. This is enough to prove that they must have encountered some difficulties.

It's just that they also have their own plans and reasons for having to do so.

What must be said is that their lives are running out, and now they just want to leave a trace that can be remembered by people before they die, and in their own way.

That's right, they are the Sleeping Knights Guild that makes people feel pity. .

0863 Yang Lei, the incarnation of Frankenstein

After getting up the next day, Yang Lei first accompanied Asuna back to the new ALO for a day during the day, during which time he was criticized by everyone from the Fenglin Volcano Trade Union.

As I said before, they also wanted to be on TV, but they didn't rush to attack because they waited for Yang Lei to mention it. As a result, they found out this morning that the first floor had been secretly taken by Yang Lei and Asuna. .

Hey, leaving everyone behind and sneaking away is too bad for team harmony.

Yang Lei knew that he was wrong, but he didn't refute it much. Instead, he endured everyone's complaints with a wry smile, and finally made a promise that after he finished the BOB game today and tomorrow, he would take them to the City of Steel.

It is no secret that he wants to participate in the BOB game, everyone has supported him, and he plans to watch the live broadcast of VRMMO when the game starts.

"Then it's settled, but don't let the two of you sneak away again."

In the face of Yang Lei's promise, everyone asked this with suspicion.

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei shook his head speechlessly, when did his reputation become so untrustworthy?

Not far away, Asuna, who was sitting with a few girls in the guild, snickered.

As a girl, the big men definitely couldn't bear to target her.

In addition, Asuna picked herself up as soon as she came up, saying that Yang Lei took her to play, and this teammate sold it.

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