
At this time, Yang Lei seemed to sense Sinon's change, and shouted with some confusion.


Only then did Sinon regain her distracted attention, looked back at Yang Lei, and said, "What? Do you want me to surrender voluntarily?" "

The duel that the two had agreed to before had become a joke, but now she can't even pull the trigger, so how will she duel?

So Sinon generously chose to admit defeat, and she had to open her mouth and shout the words of admit defeat.

"and many more."

Yang Lei suddenly stopped Sinon, raised his hand and took out something from his pocket to show her: "Look at what this is."


Sinon was stunned for a moment, and when she saw what Yang Lei was holding, she couldn't help but startled: "Isn't this the mine that the guy buried all the way on the road just now? Why did you bring it here? Throw it away, how dangerous it is what."

"I thought of a good way."

Yang Lei stopped Sinon's plan to snatch the mines and throw them away, but expressed his own thoughts: "You said that if we were both 'accidentally' killed together, would we both be champions?"

Sinon was stunned for a second, then looked at Yang Lei with weird eyes: "What do you think about this brain hole? Well, it's really possible."

According to Sinon's analysis, the current BOB is still held for the first time, and there will inevitably be some loopholes in the rules. After all, the first champion in the original book was born like two people. There is no reason to not do it now. One time.

"Then try it."

Yang Lei said, no longer giving Sinon a chance to react, but triggered the mine in his hand.


Sinon opened her mouth to say something: "But..."

"Nothing but."

Yang Lei interrupted Sinon's unspoken words: "Don't forget that we have formed an alliance, and we are friends. Of course, there are difficulties and blessings to share."


Sinon said it was a lie if she wasn't moved. She rushed up with tears in her eyes, and hugged Yang Lei's neck tightly with her feet on her feet.


Yang Lei grinned bitterly, and found that her hand holding the bomb was caught by Sinon, because otherwise, she was afraid that the damage of the bomb would be wrong. A piece of his good intentions?

It was just this that made Yang Lei feel a little unspeakable, and couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Hold the grass, author, what about the brakes? You are trying to trap me in a place of injustice. Do you want me to cheat while my wife is pregnant?"

'You bastard, what are you selling when you are taking advantage of it?Also, I don't know which bastard cut the brake line of Lao Tzu, and I have no choice... '


Swallowing, Yang Lei secretly measured Sinon's upper circumference, while quietly hugging her slender waist with the other hand, and then said sanely, "Will it be too much? tight?"


Sinon raised her head from Yang Lei's arms, her blushing face still had the crystal tears dripping from the corners of her eyes when she was touched just now. She didn't speak, she just looked at Yang Lei like that. Secretly said: "Hey, don't touch too much, otherwise I will be very troubled."

"Also, why didn't this bomb explode? What time did you set?"


Yang Lei asked rhetorically, as if he just knew: "Do you still need to set a time for this thing?"


Sinon was speechless, let go of the hands that were holding Yang Lei's neck, lowered her head and found the bomb in her arms. At a glance, she found that because Yang Lei didn't set the time, the bomb's detonation time became the default five minutes. .

".ˇIs this too long?"

Sinon muttered, and shook her waist slightly, but found that Yang Lei's hand seemed to be stuck on her waist and couldn't shake it. She couldn't help biting her lip angrily and hilariously, but she didn't resist, she just silently reset the time. Okay, then he put his hands up again generously, maintaining the original appearance of the two of them.

"Bastard, you have to take responsibility for me."

"Ah? Still responsible?"

"Nonsense, I'm like you, I can't marry anymore."

"That's a good feeling."

"What did you say?"

"No, I mean, well, then marry me."

"Wow~~, I was abducted by you after only three days of knowing each other. You don't think I'm a random woman, do you?"

"How come, didn't I say it? Sinon, you are a good person, a good girl, a good girl."

"It's good to know."

"Yes, I will be with you with a grateful heart, so please associate with me."

(Good Zhao good)

"Ah? I just confessed now? By the way, what's under you? Shi Geng Shi Geng pushed me."

"Ahem, that's a good thing, you'll understand later, it can make you a happy woman, and it will allow you to have your own children, and so on and so on."

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