"Oh, it's really calm."

After coming in, the man saw that Yang Lei was still lying there as steady as Mount Tai and didn't move, and he didn't know if he was asleep or what. He couldn't help laughing with interest, and said at the same time, "Hit me, as long as you don't kill him, you'll be fine."

"Is it alright if you don't die?"

At this time, Yang Lei suddenly spoke, and opened his eyes to look over, but there was no expression in his eyes, just like a person staring at an ant.

"It turns out that there is a rule."

He nodded, as if he understood some rules, and he would no longer be merciful when he made another move.

"Thunderbolt click."


There was a crisp sound like glass shattered, and then, the recruits suddenly cried out, but everyone who dared to surround the camp had their limbs and joints shattered, and fell to the ground at this moment. Can't stand up.

The situation here in the recruit camp has long been noticed from outside, but no one wants to pay attention to it.

Why did Yang Lei say that he was defined as a miscellaneous soldier at the beginning?It is because the new barracks is a miscellaneous barracks, the lowest level of arms, and the first legion to be sent as cannon fodder when the war broke out, so no one else cares about what happens here, because they despise these miscellaneous people in their hearts. soldier.

However, now they dare not ignore it anymore, after all, this has already involved the entire recruit camp.

And how Yang Lei shattered everyone's limbs in an instant, they couldn't understand, so they had to come and ask.

".Really annoying."

In the tent, Yang Lei naturally found out that there were people from other legions coming, and he couldn't help frowning.

He originally wanted to hang out for a while, but because he was provoked over and over again, and because he couldn't hold back for a while, it made him stand out.

Yang Lei said in his heart that if Esdes didn't even pay attention to him like this, then she would be like that too.

And once he is spotted by Esdes, it is estimated that he will soon officially enter the camp of the Imperial Army.

It means that he wanted to paddle the water and resist a little bit. He didn't want to face Ye Xiu so early. After all, the people who Ye Xiu killed were the ones who should be killed.

It's just that he's not alone.

"How is this going?"

I just heard a more dignified shout from outside the tent, asking what happened to the wounded.

Inside the tent, Yang Lei pouted, thinking that when he came up, he didn't send people to be healed first, but instead asked condescendingly what happened. It can be seen that this person is also a chusheng who doesn't regard people as people.

"Speaking of which, the human beings in this world are really going to be destroyed."

Yang Lei complained, only that everyone in this world is so distorted, there are very few normal people, at least the characters shown in the original work are like that.


On the ground not far from Yang Lei, the 'boss' who had been arrogant before was no longer calm, and shouted for help with a few younger brothers beside him, afraid that Yang Lei would suddenly kill them.

This is because they think too much. Yang Lei doesn't want to be kicked out of the empire camp. In that case, wouldn't he have to lose all the reward points that he finally saved up?

"It seems that I can only join the imperial camp wholeheartedly."

"Esdes? I even accepted Darkness as a concubine, let alone you."

"Let's see if it's you S, or I'm more S.".

0883 Become Esdeath's bodyguard

As the gang of miscellaneous soldiers fought back, Yang Lei was taken away by the soldiers of the senior legion.

in the interrogation room.

"It was a fight when I first came here, and I also broke the limbs of all my comrades in the recruit camp. It's really cruel."

A guy who acts as an interrogator is sitting opposite.

On the other side, Yang Lei sat there carelessly. Although his hands were handcuffed and there were various torture instruments around, he was not worried about his situation at all.

"What? Is there anything you want to say?"

The interrogator frowned, and knocked on the table with some unhappy expertise: "Or do you want me to treat you with something?"

"How do you want to entertain me?"

Yang Lei finally opened his mouth and asked, "What do you want to do with the torture tool? Let's have a look? Also, what you said earlier should be complimenting me? In the face of some scumbags, I don't think it's a compliment, then , what do you want me to say? Thank you for the compliment?"

Yang Lei's indifference made the interrogator feel embarrassed, and he was about to say something more ashamed and angry.

"Go back."

At this moment, a clear and pleasant voice with a high and majestic voice sounded. Then, the iron door of the interrogation room was opened, and a tall and beautiful young woman walked in from the outside. She was Esdes. Now, he is the supreme commander of this legion and one of the few two generals in the entire empire.


Seeing Esdes coming, the interrogator quickly and honestly withdrew.

"What's your name?"

Across from Yang Lei, Esdes sat down and asked Yang Lei.

"Yang Lei."

Yang Lei introduced himself: "Gender male, [-] years old, [-] meters tall, and weighs [-] pounds."

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