Therefore, it is better not to have anything to do with it from the beginning, so that he will not be merciful when he raises the butcher's knife.

In this way, Yang Lei not only did not show any kindness along the way, but he offended all the three beastmen early, believing that they would never become friends anyway.

As for all of this, Esdes actually saw it in her eyes, but she didn't come forward to mediate the disputes between her subordinates, but it was very interesting to hide from the side.

"There must be something in this man! Interesting! Interesting!".

0884 It's time to win

For Esdes, there is no shortage of admirers around her, and there is no shortage of subordinates willing to follow.

However, her view of those people is just pets.

But Yang Lei's appearance made her see something different. She could see that Yang Lei really didn't care about his performance.

This made Esdes inexplicably feel some faster heartbeats, and became more eager to conquer the other party.

This kind of sense made her very unfamiliar and curious, and she couldn't help but pay more attention to Yang Lei~.

Then Esdes discovered that although Yang Lei was lazy, he never trained with other people, never acted with the three beasts, and maybe even forgot his identity as his own guard.

However, Yang Lei's life and rest have always been regular, and it gave her a very strong feeling and made her feel at ease.

what is this?Why would she feel at ease with a stranger?

Estes didn't understand, so she wanted to figure out what kind of feeling this was.

It's a pity that the foreign nationalities in the north came to attack at an untimely time.

"Damn it."

Esdes looked particularly angry. She finally had some clues recently. She might be able to figure out how she felt about Yang Lei at any time, but she was interrupted by an attack from a foreign nation. She was really annoyed.

"Kill them all for me."

With a cold tone, Esdes gave a horrific order to kill this group of aliens.

And just like that, a war broke out.

And in this battle, Yang Lei's strength was as bright as a blazing sun, and there were hundreds of thousands of foreign troops, but he alone wiped out hundreds of thousands of them.

And no one knew how he did it. They only felt that there was a sudden earthquake in the distance, and then, the ground sank into a deep hole, and the hundreds of thousands of alien warriors who were still alive before were all smashed into flesh. .

And this made Esders even more excited and paid attention to him.

With Yang Lei and Esdes in charge, this war was doomed from the very beginning to a disastrous defeat for the alien races in the north, and even the [-] captured soldiers and the residents of nearby cities were all slaughtered.

It can be said that in ancient times, there was a killing god who killed [-] prisoners of war, and today there are [-] aliens buried alive by Esdes.

. . . . . .

In this war, Yang Lei's position is very clear, for foreign nations, he will of course stand in the camp of the imperial army.

In any case, a foreign nation is a foreign nation, and their military expedition is to invade the empire, not to rescue the people of the world from the sea of ​​misery, but to burn, kill and loot.

Just like the relationship between the Huns and other grassland peoples in ancient times and the Han people in the Central Plains, the purpose of this foreign enemy's attack is definitely not good, so don't be merciless, it's just right to kill.

Speaking of it, the current empire is really very similar to the late Ming Dynasty. It is also corrupt, it is also an uprising by the Revolutionary Army, and it is also watched by foreign enemies.

The only difference from history is that this world is an overhead world, and it is not the Ming Dynasty. At the same time, the empire is not at the juncture of life and death, and there is still salvation. It only depends on what Yang Lei means.

. . . . . .

The war was over soon, and there were not too many casualties in Esdes's army. Yang Lei's attack shocked the northern aliens, otherwise there would not be such a spectacular captive of more than [-]. (real?)

On this day, Esdes used an iron chain to lead an inchless guy in a city that originally belonged to an alien ethnic group in the north, followed by the three beastmen and the expressionless Yang Lei.

The guy that Esdes was holding like a humanoid pet was the commander of the alien army and the prince of this alien country.

I don't know how Esdes did it, but he only captured him for a few days, and this guy was trained as a pet by her, which is really amazing.

"It's so boring."

At this time, Yang Lei, who was following behind Esdes, was really too lazy to continue with them, and said unceremoniously: "Esdes, if it's really okay, I'll go back first, there is just one book left. Don't finish it, go."

"and many more."

"You guy."

"How dare you call Lord Esdes by his name?"

Without waiting for Esdes to express his position, the three beasts began to condemn Yang Lei.

The relationship between the four of them has long been on the verge of fire and water. Although the three of them will not fall into trouble, they will definitely not miss this opportunity to hit Yang Lei.

"Do you have an opinion?"

Yang Lei grinned, stared at him with cold eyes, and said, "If it wasn't for Esdes' face, I would really kill you all."

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This sentence is actually the truth. Yang Lei's meaning is to say 'It's up to the owner to beat the dog', which really has no other meaning.

But Estes' pretty face suddenly turned red, and he didn't know what was going on. He seemed to feel a little bit of joy in his heart.

"Then you go back."

Unexpectedly, Esdes' voice became a little softer, and he did not criticize Yang Lei's attitude towards himself and the scolding of the three beasts.

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