"It seems that the little sister named Illya knows something."

Yang Lei said with a smile.

Illya didn't hide anything, and said generously: "It's nothing, just last night I went to say hello to big brother Emiya Shirou. I originally wanted to take him back to the castle to take good care of him, and Berserker is about to get there. Killing Saber, only to be messed up by Lancer at the last minute, I guess they got together because of this relationship?"

"I see."

Tohsaka Rin glanced at Illya with a grin, thinking that you have been attacking others since last night, it is really dangerous enough.

As for Yang Lei, he shook his head in disappointment. He knew that there was a battle last night. It happened after he and Tohsaka Rin went home. It is estimated that Shirou Emiya took Saber to the church to chat with Father Mapo. Bar?

And Ilya attacked Shirou Emiya on his way home from the church.

As for why sabe463r can't beat Hercules.

After all, Emiya Shirou is not a qualified Master, and the magic power that he can provide is really limited, which makes Saber really suffer a lot in battle.

In addition, Hercules not only has high muscle strength, but also has a good agility value. Finally, there is a Noble Phantasm called 'Twelve Trials', whose difficulty and entanglement are really extraordinary.

Let's just say, unless Saber has twelve ways to kill Hercules, she won't be able to beat her.

But Hercules' defense is so high that it's scary, and conventional means can't even hurt him.

Later, just as Illya said just now, when Saber was getting into trouble and was about to lose, Lancer, who was an enemy before, suddenly appeared and helped Saber to defeat Berserker.

That's right, even if the two Heroic Spirit Servants attacked together, they could only knock Berserker back but couldn't defeat him, so I said that this guy's strength is one of the best.

Then again, what is the purpose of Saber and Lancer coming together at this time?Did they want to go to war with Yang Lei and Hercules at the same time?

Of course not, in fact, they came to the rescue.

Uh... After all, Yang Lei is Archer, and even saber was defeated before, so they felt that Yang Lei would not only lose, but also a disastrous defeat, so they rushed to help.

"I'm really being underestimated."

0912 Against the Berserker Squad?

Obviously they got the support of others, but when Saber and Lancer expressed their intentions, Yang Lei expressed his dissatisfaction.

Hey, hey, he can handle Berserker himself, okay? It's just because he wants to take the opportunity to get Tohsaka Rin into submission, so he's not in a hurry to exert his strength, and also because it's been said before that it's not good to exert too much force now, you come together What's the fun?Are you messing around?

"What? Berserker?"

Saber didn't know that Yang Lei was slandering himself in his heart and mind. He looked at Berserker and Illya with his sword and asked, "Are you going to fight when facing our three servants?"


Illya snorted softly and greeted: "Go back, Berserker, just let them live a few more days."

After speaking, the little girl and the big black man turned around and left.

None of the three followers at the back were chasing after him. Instead, Yang Lei took a few steps back to protect Tohsaka Rin, and was on guard for Saber and Lancer who came to help.

"Say it."

Tohsaka Rin was also curious about the aid of these two servants, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you here to help us?"

"no way."

Lancer bore the spear and said, "It was the timid Master in our family who asked me to help. He felt that at least in the face of Berserker, who cannot be defeated by one person, we should cooperate."


Saber nodded in agreement and said, "After my discussion with Shirou, I also feel that at least when facing Berserker, the three of us can form a little alliance."

"Of course, the support this time is only because Shirou wants to thank you. Please consider carefully whether you agree to form an alliance."

It seems that Shirou Emiya has figured it out. Tohsaka Rin and Yang Lei must have rescued him before, otherwise he would have died under Lancer's gun, unless the scabbard in his body could function in time.

Then Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin later ran to his house when Lancer came to attack. At that time, Shirou Emiya hadn't summoned Saber, which means they still came to save him.

He has been taken care of twice before and after, and this time, of course, he has to repay a little.

"Nothing to do with hospitality~' ."

Yang Lei pouted, and mainly looked at Lancer. He knew who Lancer's master was. Of course, Father Mapo's purpose was not just to save Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin. In fact, his purpose was It's funny.

It is estimated that Father Mapo would like to see the amazed expressions of Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya when the truth is revealed.

Especially Tohsaka Rin's reaction.

"It's really bad fun."

Thinking of this, Yang Lei felt even more disgusting.


Lancer raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Lei with weird eyes. He only felt that he saw something, but after thinking about it, Lancer didn't say anything, but said goodbye to several people present: "I have already told me about my intention to form an alliance. I've told you, then it's up to you to decide, I'll go back first."

As he spoke, Lancer turned into a spirit state and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


Before Tohsaka Rin could speak, Yang Lei reminded: "Is it really good to just leave the Master at home alone? Lancer left alone."

"Then I'm sorry."

Saber nodded, turned around and went back the same way.

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