I saw Yang Lei waved his sleeve robe and hooked his fingers to a betrayal beside him. When the man was attracted by gravity, he pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist and chopped him in half.

Because he didn't intend to keep his hands, Yang Liu even turned on the reincarnation fairy mode just now, so he was covered with a blue-green robe.

"Kill him together."

Naturally, the rebels would not stand stupidly and let him kill them one by one. They only listened to one person shouting loudly, and everyone made a ninjutsu with their hands together.

"Forbearance, oil escape, the technique of imitating dragons."

"Ninja, fire escape, arrogant fire dragon technique."

"Forbearance, wind escape, wind dragon strangulation."

"Ninja, Earth Escape, Earth Dragon Ball Art."

The number [-] people used ninjutsu at the same time, the scene is not too big.

And because they are the kind of team with a sense of teamwork, they use four types of ninjutsu that can be combined into a powerful combination ninjutsu.

I saw a large piece of black oil turned into a dragon and rushed towards Yang Lei. Before he could react, several huge fire dragons followed, followed by several giant wind dragons, which increased the fire and increased the speed of the fire dragon. In addition, there were countless pieces of fire-filled clods that came first and hit Yang Lei on the body.

"It's still some means."

Yang Lei gave a soft praise while dodging the fire-filled stones, but the strength of the enemy was really good. I saw that the huge fire dragon generated by the combination was like a flame that destroys the world, with a diameter of more than ten. The rice is thick, and the length is hundreds of meters in size. Even Kakashi and others who fled to the distance discovered the strangeness here.

"Jun Yang, will you be okay?"

Sakura couldn't help exclaiming, the worry on her face had not diminished since she broke through, and it had reached its peak at this time.

"It's a shame I don't have the strength to help him."

Gritting her teeth, Xiao Ying couldn't help but secretly complained to herself in her heart. She seemed so lost and guilty, but she was clearly not wrong. Relatively speaking, she was much stronger than the others in the same class, wasn't she?

You see, in this year's graduation list, only Sakura is from a commoner, and the others are all from ninjas, especially Hinata, Sasuke and Naruto. The three of them are not very good. .

Among them, Hinata is the daughter of the giant Hyuga clan, Sasuke is the only heir of the former giant Uchiha clan, and Naruto is the son of the fourth generation. Although he is not a wealthy family, he is better than a wealthy family. Has the physique of the whirlpool family and the plug-in of the nine tails.

Others like Ya, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, which one is not from a ninja family?Even the middle class family.

Really, only Xiao Ying's background is the most ordinary and ordinary, because even Yang Lei has borrowed the attention of Asma and the third generation, otherwise he would not have thought of graduating in this class, because the graduation list has long been determined. Alright.

So, Sakura is really good. Just like Hermione in Harry's world, Hermione, who has never been exposed to magic since childhood, has achieved extraordinary achievements in the end, and her academic performance in school is also very top-notch. In addition to deliberately making things difficult, otherwise basically can be among the best.

The same is true for Sakura. Even Kakashi appreciates her theoretical knowledge. Even in the original chunin exam, she didn't need to ask someone to copy it, and she actually knew the questions that only chunin can access. , is evident.

However, as an ordinary person who can no longer be ordinary, Sakura does not have any special abilities that can be used, and she has never been exposed to ninjutsu, illusion or taijutsu when she was a child, how can she have far beyond ordinary people. strength.

This is her own horns, and she wants to stand side by side with Yang Lei too much.

. . . . . .

"."Kill him."

Looking at the other side, the rebels directed the huge fire dragon to attack Yang Lei below. The huge dragon's mouth opened not only swallowed Yang Lei, but also engulfed the terrain (Wang Zhao's) a few meters around.


He heard a huge bang spread from here. Under the witness of the rebels, Yang Lei was surrounded by scorching flames. Normally, if someone else encountered this kind of situation, he must be dead and can't die anymore. , there may not even be a corpse left.

Unfortunately, it was Yang Lei who encountered such a situation at this time.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

Hearing Yang Lei's voice in the flames, the flames were suddenly separated from it, revealing Yang Lei who was firmly protected by a transparent protective cover.


At the same time, only a sound came out, but his Kusanagi sword was sent out with a huge repulsion force when he deliberately used the Shinra Heavenly Expedition.


An unlucky chunin was selected by Yang Lei, and he didn't have time to dodge. He was directly pierced through the head by the Kusanagi sword and died immediately.

"Flying Thunder God's Art!".

0107 Calculations will not cut again

"The Art of Flying Thunder God."

While sending out the Kusanagi sword, Yang Lei formed the technique of Flying Thunder God, and escaped from the flames before the end of the Shinra Tianzheng.

The Shenluo Tianzheng can continue forever. For example, in the Payne invasion plot in the original book, Tiandao Payne once maintained the Shenluo Tianzheng state for a period of time.

Although Yang Lei's Shen Luo Tianzheng was brought by Tenseiyan, not the Samsara Eye, the effect is not worse than that of the Samsara Eye. The reason why he chose to interrupt the Shen Luo Tianzheng is that there is no need to keep roasting in the fire. .

After all, it was a ninjutsu with more than [-] people working together, and it was very inappropriate for him to fight alone.

Even if he has passed it, his purpose is to kill the enemy, not to defend.

Besides, even if the attack of the flame is blocked, the feeling of being surrounded by fire is not a pleasant experience. It is just like in a large oven. Although it is not directly touched by the flame, it is about to be cooked. , that is, relying on the Reincarnation Immortal Body mode to help block it.

"You also take my trick."

Yang Lei shouted angrily, quickly formed a seal in his hand, stepped on the corpse whose head was exploded by him, faced the rebels, and used ninjutsu: "Xianfa, fire escape, arrogant fire extinguishes."


I saw a large piece of flame sprayed out by Yang Lei, and the coverage was actively and widely gushing forward.

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