Yang Lei was so obedient, he actually dropped the black saber and turned around and came back.

"You go."

After Yang Lei came off, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia sent Illya and Miyu on board again.

No way, ruby ​​and sapphire betrayed them, even if they wanted to fight, they were powerless.

Moreover, these two wands were originally the tools they used to recycle their employment cards. Since they were obtained by these two children, although I felt sorry for them, I could only let them use them.

"Speaking of which, the two of you are really a perfect match."

Then, I heard Luvia couldn't help finding fault with Tohsaka Rin and began to complain.

Of course, this time she didn't dare to say too much in front of Yang Lei. Don't forget that Yang Lei was angry last time.

"What did you say?"

Of course Rin Tohsaka would not choose to endure, but turned to find Luvia, and the two girls were pinched again.

. . . . . .

Look at the battle over there.

At the beginning, Ilya and Miyu both chose to fly to the sky, and at this moment, they were standing on the head of Kuro Saber, looking at each other up and down while discussing the countermeasures.

Heroic spirits without intelligence are really too weak, and although they have great power, they don't know how to use them at all.

The same is true at this time. I saw that Illya and Miyu were discussing countermeasures there, but the black Saber stood there honestly, as if waiting for the two girls in the sky to come down on their own initiative. ....

In the end, the two magical girls didn't wait, and I knew that Illya and Miyu would not easily fight in close combat. After all, they were magical girls, and the word "magic" stood out.

And they can fly, but they didn't see that the black saber can fly, so, of course, they will have a firm advantage to fight.

"Beautiful tour."

I don't know what the two girls said, maybe they thought of some countermeasures, and Illya said: "Bombard her with magic together."

Good guy, after thinking about it, did they think of this?So what else is there to think about?


Miyu nodded, the child was very direct, responding with the movements of his hands, aiming at the black saber on the ground (bgbd) from a distance, and the magic power at the front of the wand had begun to condense, and he could release an attack at any time.


Illya also made the same action as Miyu, also aiming at the black saber with the wand in her hand, and then listened to her count down: "Three, two, one, maximum power, ha."



As the two women released the two most powerful magic cannons, the black saber on the ground was immediately swept in by the huge explosion.

However, when a breeze blew away the dust that had risen due to the explosion, the black Saber who showed up continued to stand there unharmed.


"Why doesn't it work?"

Illya exclaimed, she and Meiyou had done their best, but they couldn't do anything about the other side. This battle was simply impossible.

"It should be that the enemy has a magical barrier."

In the back, Tohsaka Rin loudly reminded the two women.

Just like the Caster she defeated before, she guessed that the black saber should also be able to deploy the magic barrier.


At this time, Yang Lei, who was bored and turned on the play mode, kindly explained: "That guy is a heroic spirit of the saber agency, and he has a high level of magic power. I guess modern magic is useless to her. , after all, that guy can resist even a Command Spell."

"More than that, her real identity is actually the King of Knights, and she is holding the famous holy sword in her hand, and the holy sword also carries something called the Wind King's Barrier, which is estimated to block your attacks. It's the wind king barrier."

"That is to say, for you, if you want to defeat her, you have to fight her in close combat, or you have to use super magic that she can't resist."

Listening to Yang Lei's explanation, Illya and Meiyou couldn't help looking at each other.

Didn't I just say that their attack is already their strongest shelling, if even this can't hurt the legendary hero below, they can't come up with stronger means.

"This is how to do."

The two women couldn't help but get tangled, and now it's almost as if they're in a predicament.

Looking at Tohsaka Rin again, she was looking at Yang Lei with weird eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Hey, Yang Lei-kun, how did you know such details?"

"It's nothing."

Yang Lei shrugged and said bluntly, "It's just that I fought with her before, and I almost chased her down and replaced you in another world."

This is what he is talking about, obviously he just said casually, 'If he hadn't already had Tohsaka Rin, he would definitely not be able to help but want to chase others,' where did he come from and he almost caught up?

And whether the saber will be chased by you and whether it will respond to your pursuit is still a matter of two things. Well, don't be so shameless, although you are the protagonist...

"Then, Rin."

Yang Lei wouldn't let go of the good opportunity in front of him, and asked Totosaka Rin, "How about in such a predicament? Is it time to use my power?"

0949 Helpless Magical Girl

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