"Beautiful tour."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia exclaimed together, and looked at Miyu with incredible eyes, and when they saw Miyu's expression seemed very lonely, and at the same time had some consciousness, they couldn't help but look at each other, already. See her mind.

After all, they are a few years older than the two children, so Tohsaka Rin and Luvia can naturally see that Miyu is planning to take everything by herself, and then let Illya be relieved.

Well, there's only one last job referral card left, and Illya does seem to be resisting now, so that's it.

Thinking in their hearts, the two women closed their mouths again, intending to leave this matter to Miyu to handle it, and Illya's thoughts were left to her to decide.

As for Yang Lei's words, he had already turned around and ran into the distance to let the wind out, and at the same time he couldn't help but keep chanting words like dog blood and dog blood in his heart.

"What kind of bloody plot is this?"

Shaking his head speechlessly, Yang Lei said in his heart that such a cliché and bloody plot is really embarrassing enough to just watch it from the side.

"Even if I call myself an actor, if it's such an embarrassing plot, I'll fail."

Even Yang Lei, who is known as the best actor, shook his head and said that he couldn't take the show, which shows that Meiyou's skill is still a higher level.

Of course, it's also because Miyu is still too young. If she grew up to the age of Rin Tohsaka and Luvia, I believe she wouldn't be able to do this, right?

And this is also good for Elijah.

It didn't take long for the trivial matters over there to end, and it ended with Illya running away with an expression like she was about to cry. The most embarrassing drama of the year was finally coming to an end.


Only then did Yang Lei return to the three girls. He didn't ask about the situation just now, but just reminded: "It's time for us to go back, and the world will collapse."

Indeed, with the successful crusade against Hundred Majestic Hassan, this world of reflection has been collapsing, but the speed is not too fast, giving Miyu and Illya a chance to communicate.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

And now, with the passage of time, the degree of collapse is close to where the four of them are.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get out."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia panicked again. Now only Miyu's wand can take them out, so they hurriedly urged: "Miyu, Miyu, hurry up and let Sapphire open the transfer magic circle and take us back, hurry up."

Meiyou didn't care about the sadness and loss, and quickly picked up the sapphire and acted. Finally, the four of them managed to escape before the world of reflection collapsed.

In fact, the world should have collapsed long ago. It was Yang Lei who suppressed it secretly, otherwise it would be too late to drive out.

After coming out, Illya's shadow disappeared long ago.

It seems that Miyu's words must have brought her a big blow, but Illya must not have reacted.


After all, for Miyu, Tohsaka Rin, and Luvia, Illya was just an ordinary little girl living in an ordinary world. Although she was cute and beautiful, she really should live a happy and peaceful life.

It's just that the three girls are still a little too simple. They would never have thought that Illya's true identity is actually the carrier of the Holy Grail, but she was sealed by her parents when she was a child, maybe more than a year old. , and even destroyed his own family for her.

It can only be said that Ilya in this world is simply too happy to have a parent who dares to oppose the family for her.

And it was precisely because of the seal that Rin and the others failed to see that Illya was actually from their 'world', and even if she was protected now, she would return to this world sooner or later. , it's really just a matter of sooner or later.

"All right."

At this time, Yang Lei came to Tohsaka Rin's side, wrapped her arms around her waist, and greeted Luvia and Meiyou cheekily: "Since today's battle has ended successfully, we should go back."

"Well, after all, I just finished a big battle. Although it doesn't need to be too thorough, it also needs to be replenished. Let's go, Rin."

"You bastard, is this the time to talk about this? Obviously Illya and Miyu are here... eh? Let me down, I'll go by myself, idiot, don't fly up so blatantly, how much are you? Worry, how hungry and thirsty?”.

0955 Resolutely maintain the love of lilies

That night, under Yang Lei's stalking, Tohsaka Rin couldn't resist, so he had to accompany him with a blushing face.

As a result, a big battle almost fought until dawn, and then the next day, Tohsaka Rin naturally couldn't go to class again.

Fortunately, Luvia is very rich, and she and Tohsaka Rin are together, so the teachers didn't pursue it too closely, just let Luvia go back and tell Tohsaka Rin that the exam is coming soon, let her It is best not to miss too many classes.

Yes, the exam is coming soon, and it will be summer vacation in a month at most.

When Tohsaka Rin didn't wake up until the afternoon, especially after getting the teacher's warning from Luvia, he almost didn't get angry with Yang Lei.

It's too much, because he insisted on this and that, she didn't go to school for three days in a row, it's really too much.

In the end, Rin Tohsaka made a strong request to Yang Lei, and in the past few days he was resolutely forbidden to touch him again.

""Three Nine Zeros" Then I'm going to turn on the theater mode again tonight?"

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows and asked Tohsaka Rin like this.

"It's not impossible."

Tohsaka Rin shrugged, thinking that she would not be fooled again, and if she continued like this, she would become his exclusive plaything.

She also has her own life, but she is not the kind of woman who will lose herself once she meets the person she loves.


Yang Lei is easy to talk, but he doesn't take it seriously, because he knows that the last remaining job card is a Berserker, and it is the hero Hercules, who is the most difficult to deal with among all Berserkers. One.

Now Illya is going to give up again. To be honest, even if Tohsaka Rin is unwilling, it is estimated that he will still use his power in the end.


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