That's right, the gemstone in Yang Lei's mouth is Kishua Zellich Shubein Ogu.

Do you still remember, in another world, when Tohsaka Rin was chanting the spell to summon the Heroic Spirit Servant, he once added a sentence 'The ancestor is my master Shubein Ogu', which shows the relationship between the Tohsaka family and the Jewel Weng. .

Moreover, the Tohsaka family is now in a period of decline. Although I don't know how Tokiomi in this world is gone, anyway, there is only Tohsaka Rin left in the Tohsaka family.

In this way, even if Yang Lei killed his so-called high-level executives, what benefit would she gain?

and so.

"You should stay at home and wait for my good news."

After a brief wash, Tohsaka Rin hurriedly ran away from her home tired, fearing that Yang Lei would be mad at her if she stayed any longer.

As for Yang Lei's words.

After sending Rin Tohsaka away, he really didn't get up, and he really planned to stay at home for a day.

"It should be fine."

16 Yang Lei muttered: "I will always pay attention to the situation on that side. Even if there is an accident, I can arrive at the first time, so let the next plot be played as in the original work."

For Yang Lei, even if they are separated by [-] miles, even if they are separated by a cosmic distance, he can rush over in an instant.

Moreover, he also has Hitomitsu who can keep an eye on Rin Tohsaka's situation at any time, so there is no accidental situation.

In this way, he naturally doesn't have to worry about anything, just stay at home so bored, and just wait until that side really needs him before dispatching.

"By the way, wouldn't it be a bit boring to stay like this all the time?"

Just thinking about it and thinking about it, Yang Lei thought that it would not be a problem for him to stay so empty.


Suddenly he remembered: "Can't I go to another parallel world to find another Rin?"

Everyone should not forget that Yang Lei had peeped into this world from another world before. I remember that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia from this world at that time had just arrived in Fuyuki City, and they had a big fight.

In other words, he can also see that world in this world?

He did what he thought of, Yang Lei hurriedly used his pupil technique to see through all the laws and origins of this world, and it didn't take long for him to find the parallel world he had stayed in before.

"found it."

Yang Lei jumped up happily, put on his clothes as soon as he took off the quilt, and then waved his hand silently to break the barriers of space, and instantly came from this world to another world, and right in the In the master bedroom of the Tohsaka house.


It's afternoon now, and even the school is over. Tohsaka Rin has just returned. He wanted to take a break and think about what to eat for dinner, but he only felt that there were too many people in front of him.

"Yang... Yang Leijun?"

Some unbelievable experts rubbed his eyes, and Tohsaka Rin found that it was not his dazzling eyes or hallucinations, but that Yang Lei really appeared in front of him again.

"Rin, you want to kill me."

Yang Lei jumped forward and threw her back before Tohsaka Rin sat up.

"elder sister?"

And at this moment, because of hearing some strange noises, a girl walked in from the door. She was Matou Sakura.

After Matou Zaiyan and Matou Shinji were erased from this world by Yang Lei, and all the negative traces on Matou Sakura's body were erased by him, she finally recovered some health, it's not her body, but mental health.

In particular, the relationship between the two sisters was really recovered by them, and Yang Lei can be said to be a great contributor.


Matou Sakura was a little dumbfounded. She didn't expect to see such an explosive picture when she opened the door. She quickly raised her hands to cover her eyes, but there were still some gaps between her fingers, which made Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin very uncomfortable. speechless.

"Sakura, just be generous when you see it, nothing happened to us, really."

Tohsaka Rin rolled his eyes at his sister angrily, thinking that you are doing this like we are doing something inappropriate for children, but they really didn't, they didn't even take off their clothes.

Who knows, just after Tohsaka Rin finished speaking, Yang Lei lowered his head and grabbed her mouth.


Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened, and then he quickly teleported out of Yang Lei's arms with a thought.

The two of them are already together, how could Yang Lei not use Dragon Ball to get her unreasonable power.

Now, let alone a modern magician, Medea from the age of mythology is here, and he is completely in front of Tohsaka Rin, and he is no match at all.

What's more, Rin Tohsaka has obtained the most powerful physique, which is really not an exaggeration to be called a god living in the contemporary age.


Teleporting behind her sister, Tohsaka Rinqiao glared at Yang Lei with a blushing face, and scolded, "What are you thinking, didn't you see Sakura still here? Really, idiot idiot."

Tohsaka Rin was originally a very calm character, but only in front of Matou Sakura would he be very concerned about face issues, and he didn't want his sister to see that she was a dignified side of her sister.

"Don't be so excited."

Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly and reminded: "We are fiancées. Isn't it normal to kiss or something? And I will stay at night, when the time comes, hehe."

"Boom. 407"

Tohsaka Rin couldn't listen anymore, and quickly pulled Matou Sakura, whose face was blushing, even with a faint white smoke rising above her head, turned her head and rushed out.

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