It's just a pity that if they don't cut it, they have already made plans to kill the people who come. They are worried that this is the enemy's trap, and they want to kill the people who block the road as quickly as possible.

Don't blame them for being ruthless, they really can't stand up to the slightest twists and turns right now, you know, there is a killing god still behind, but they can't catch up because they are blocked by their own ninjutsu.

That's right, the reason why they can escape without being cut off by Yang Lei is precisely because Yang Lei was blocked by his own fire escape ninjutsu.

This is not a game. The ninjutsu you release will not only have no immunity from the same team, but even you will be burned to death.

However, Yang Lei made the immortal method in order to make Huo Dun more powerful, so that he would not dare to rush into the sea of ​​​​fire easily even if he had a package of Taoist jade.

Originally, he didn't have no other way. For example, if he flew a little higher, he could get around, but don't forget that this terrain is in the forest. The country will no longer have to recruit.

It's all burnt, what else do I need?


The wind rang, and before anyone saw it, a row of sharp kunai flew out.

"Be careful~ˇ."

Kurenai Yuhi was the first to react, and asked Kashinata and the three to retreat back a long distance, and while avoiding the enemy's attack, they completely gave way to Zabuzhan and others.

"Count your acquaintances."

A few people rushed out without cutting a line, only to hear one of the Junin mumble a light snort. Seeing that the four of Yuhika knew each other so well, they were too lazy to catch up, and they didn't have the time.


"Wait a moment."

Lei Ya raised his hand to stop everyone, turned to look at Yuhika, pointed at their forehead guards and shouted, "They are Konoha's ninjas, kill them."


Akamaru, who was held in his arms by Tooth, whimpered. Animals felt the most sensitive. Not only did they sense the strength of this group, but they also smelled a strong murderous intent from Lei Ya.

"The ninja of Konoha?"

A few other people couldn't help but their eyes lit up, except Zaibu Zhan and Bai, they all echoed: "That kid suffered a lot, just killed them to relieve their anger, by the way, those two little girls seem to be good-looking, Take it back and have a good time."

Listening to the foul language of the rebels, Hong Yuhi couldn't help but blushed, but because she had three subordinates behind her, she didn't want to conflict with them unless she had to.

But the development of the matter was not under her control, so I heard Zai Bujian urging: "If you want to start, solve it quickly, don't forget that we are running for our lives, but we have no spare time."

"It's always the people who get hurt that don't talk nonsense."

Lei Ya made an unceremonious rant, making Zaibuzhan's eyes red with anger, but he couldn't explain it. After all, Lei Ya was very objective. Ever since he met Yang Lei and the others, he wasn't always injured.


But Lei Ya said so, and he knew in his heart that it was right to say no more. They didn't have time to delay here. They had to get rid of Yang Lei's pursuit, and if they could, they would rush to another battlefield to support them.

As everyone made a decision, they saw four jounin rushing over, except for Yuhika and one of the jounin who fought back and forth. .

After all, Hinata, Ya and Shino are just newly graduated Genin, not to mention compared with Shangnin, even compared with Neji and the others, there is a big gap between them.

"Take it easy."

I just heard a Joinin pointing at Hinata and reminded: "That girl is very handsome, be careful with your hands, you can play for a few days when you bring it back."

"Stop talking nonsense."

It was Lei Ya who dealt with Hinata, but he didn't care about the thoughts of the jounin, he held the thunder knife in both hands and ran to catch up with Hinata, and the little girl who was at the foot of a tree said, "Hey, little girl, let me give it to him. Have a funeral."

As he said that, he saw Lei Ya insert the thunder knife in his hand into the ground in front of him, and the seal on both hands was about to attack.

"Wait a moment."

Lan Maru, who was hiding in the basket on his back, made a voice and said, "Uncle Lei Ya, look at her eyes, they are white eyes."


It was only then that Lei Ya discovered the clue. He looked at Hinata's eyes seriously, and he found that it was actually a pair of well-known white eyes.

"...Go out her eyes, and then ask a doctor to replace you with a pair of pupils."

Ranmaru happily suggested.

"Just to my liking."

Lei Ya laughed loudly, turned his head and glanced at the others, seeing that Zaibuzhan and Bai Zhengwai were in the same place and had no intention of coming over. There were two Shangren working together to besiege Yuhika, and one Shangren was already fighting. Toga and Shino, who struggled helplessly, no one noticed what happened to him here.

"Ranmaru, from which angle do you think I should start to dig out her eyes intact?"

Lei Ya's breathing became a little quicker and heavier. He ignored the pair of thunder knives on the ground, raised his right hand and put his index finger and middle finger together and stabbed slowly towards Hinata's left eye.


Hinata was terrified. She never thought that she would encounter such an encounter, and she forgot to resist. It was also because she was kicked just now and couldn't use her strength. She sat there with a look of horror on her face. Lei Ya, when Lei Ya's fingers finally got in front of her, she finally couldn't help screaming.

(to Zhao Zhao)

"Jun Yang, save me."

In Hinata's heart, he didn't think of his father, nor did he think of Yuhika and his companions beside him. Instead, he called out the name of Yang Lei, who was unknown where he was.


Yang Lei, who was in the distance, raised his head, put down the movements in his hand, and without hesitation, he rushed forward, instantly turning into a black-blue shadow at full speed, and crossing countless distances in a blink of an eye.

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