Just when the ice wall was just broken, Yang Lei's right hand seal was just finished, and he saw an arrow-like flame instantly wrapping Bai in it, causing Bai to be burned before he could even let out a scream. A handful of ashes...  

"Don't try to run."

After killing Bai, Yang Lei turned around abruptly, and saw that he had already escaped a long distance without cutting it, and he might have escaped after a while.

When Bai was distracted, he realized that he was going to suffer if he didn't cut it. Unfortunately, Yang Lei's speed was too fast, and he killed Bai before he could escape. At this time, when he turned around, he hadn't left his sight. .

"damn it."

After swearing again, he saw that Yang Lei had already caught up with the Kusanagi sword, so he had no choice but to fight with him again, wielding a big sword, and dying with dignity.

For such a small request, Yang Lei can still meet the requirements of not beheading again. It really made him die with dignity, and he chopped off his head with one knife.

Not to mention that he is covered with injuries at this time, even if he is still in good condition, he will not be Yang Lei's opponent. Don't forget that he lost to Yang Lei when he was in excellent condition before.


Yang Lei glanced at the head that would not cut it again, put the Kusanagi sword into the sheath, and turned off the Tensei Immortal Mode and Tenseigan with a thought.


A huge feeling of exhaustion and overwork greeted him, making Yang Lei groan uncontrollably, and almost fell to the ground with a leap forward.

He was really tired. Since he decided to stay and break, the battle between him and the forty or fifty rebels was really hard, and the consumption was not too big.

In fact, the consumption of chakra is still second, and the most important thing is mental power. This is the first 5.9 times that he has used Tenseigan so excessively, as well as the Tensei Immortal Mode.

Everyone knows that Tenseisen is an advanced version of Baiyan. It is a pupil technique of the same level as Samsara Eye, and Baiyan is a pupil technique of the same level as Sharinyan. Then, Baiyan and Sharinyan are not too expensive. , how could the consumption of the advanced version of the pupil technique be low.

Only after he is more familiar with his own power can he not be so unbearable.

"Uncle Asma and the others don't know what's going on."

Yang Leiqiang cheered up, he was responsible for destroying all the enemies after the break, and it was time to join the breakout team. I just hope they don't lose too much.

(PS: I haven't saved the manuscript. This is the chapter I just wrote. I'll go to the second chapter, and then the third chapter... In other words, isn't it worth everyone's reward and support for such an interesting author? ? I'm not going to sleep tonight...).

0117 Matekai went crazy

According to common sense, Yang Lei's spiritual power should be very strong. After all, he has a lot of spiritual attributes, why is he so tired?

As I said before, this is the first time he has used Tenseigan and Tenseisen mode so excessively, just like the first high-intensity exercise for a normal person, there will definitely be some weakness the next day, and even muscles will appear. Pain is normal.

And as long as he is more familiar with Tenseigan and Tenseisen mode, even if his mental attributes do not increase a bit, this situation will not happen again. At most, it will automatically turn off when it reaches the limit. more tired.

It is said that it has reached the limit, and it is definitely not comparable to what it is now. Now it is just a little bit empty after sudden high-intensity use.

. . . . . .

After beheading Zaibuzhan and Bai, Yang Lei used the Flying Thunder God technique to return to Hinata.

Because his chakra has the characteristics of nine-tailed chakra, the speed of self-recovery is not too fast. Even if he does not refine it, as long as he uses it diligently, he can even call himself an infinite chakra.

His exhaustion all comes from his spirit, such as chakra and physical strength are still very abundant, not to mention just using a flying thunder god technique, just 16 is to release a few arrogant fires with a coverage area of ​​tens of meters to extinguish it. No problem.

"Come over and put their hands on me."

Yang Lei didn't have time to talk to everyone in detail, so he unceremoniously wrapped his hand around Hinata's slender waist, and when Yuhika, Inuzukaya, and Shino Yiyan pressed their hands on his shoulders, the one-handed Yuyin again used it. Flying Thunder God.

. . . . . .

On the sea outside the forest, I saw a group of people rushing towards the moonlight, but their way of rushing was very different, and they were walking on the water with their feet.

"Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time."

This group of people is Xiao Ying's six people. At this time, Xiao Ying said with joy, and at the same time, he did not forget to whisper a few prayers for Yang Lei after breaking up, hoping that he would not encounter an accident, and hope that he can get out of trouble smoothly.

Xiao Sakura would never have thought that Yang Lei had not only escaped the predicament successfully, but also completed the post-broken mission perfectly.

If he is not perfect, it is estimated that even God will not be able to see it.

Since ancient times, the job of breaking the post has been to sacrifice the minority to make the majority. As a result, Yang Lei asked him to come up with an extremely strange result. Not only did he not sacrifice himself, but he also destroyed all the enemies. This is not because you can't beat it. After being sacrificed and left behind, he deliberately stayed to snipe the enemy, right?


At this moment, five people suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Ying, and Yang Lei squeezed his hands with a black face, because Xiao Ying had hung the special kunai he gave him in his clothes, for fear that the special kunai would be lost. And let Yang Lei lose his way of escape, and as a result, he touched a place he should not have touched.

"so small."

Yang Lei wisely took this sentence into his heart, and then quickly retracted his hand, pretending to be nothing to do with the arrangement: "Mr. Hong, you stay here and bring Hinata and Xiaoying and the others to escort Mr. Dazner's family to a safe place. , it's enough for me to go to Uncle Asma's side alone to support me."

Having said that, Yang Lei did not give others a chance to express his opinion before Xiao Ying was in a daze, and disappeared again after using the Flying Thunder God Technique again.

"Being, being, being touched?"

The moment after Yang Lei left, Xiao Ying's pretty face flushed red to the base of her neck, and she stammered inwardly: "I, I was touched by Yang Jun, will I be considered too small? Shall I confess to him? Will it be considered a bad woman?"

. . . . . .

"Copy ninja Kakashi, you can only stop here."

On the other sea, I saw a group of more than a dozen people fighting together. The current situation is that the side of the nine people is surrounded by the side of the six people?

These two groups are the Konoha Ninja party and the Rebel Ninja group of six.

Among them, Konoha's nine people are Asma, Kakashi and Matekai, the other six are Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, and Neji, Tian Tian and Xiao Li.

The reason why the Konoha group of nine was surrounded by the rebel group of six was because all six of the rebels were Shangnin, while Konoha Fang only had three Shangnin, and he could insist on fighting until now. Not bad, how can I ask for too much.

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