This immortal dog is also a leader in the darkness. In fact, his role in the darkness is not weaker than Uchiha Madara.

First of all, the third generation originally wanted Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui to solve the ambition of the Uchiha family in a peaceful way. There was no way to use illusion to control the radical clan, and it was he who made Itachi have to kill his own clan in a threatening way.

Because if Itachi didn't do this, Danzo said he should do it, and he would kill everyone by then. In order to leave a bloodline for the Uchiha family, itachi, his beloved younger brother Sasuke, this Only had to do it, and took the initiative to bear all the charges, so as not to let the village bear the infamy of excluding the talented and excluding dissidents.

In addition to the Uchiha genocide incident, Danzo also went to the Land of Rain to make trouble, turning the Akatsuki organization, which should have been very sunny, into a terrorist organization that wants to overthrow and rebuild the current world.

There is also Orochimaru's forbidden and taboo research, the assassination of the three generations of Hokage, and the collusion with Orochimaru after his defection, and even had contact with him until the time of the storm. .

In addition to these, there are countless dark things, and now let's take a closer look at the topic of cruelty.

The first is the cruelty of people's hearts. Except for Yunyin Village, other hidden villages have basically the same attitude towards the tailed orc Zhuli.

Naruto of Konoha Village, Gaara of Sandyin Village, Lao Zi of Yanyin Village, and Yakura of Wuyin Village, either did not have a good childhood, were rebellious, or were hated and feared by the village. In the beginning, which one was recognized?

Even Rabbi Riki, the eight-tailed person who was trusted and loved by the villagers, was actually hated by the villagers from the beginning.

Then there is the cruelty in action.

It was said before that the graduation examination of Genin without slashing is cruel, that is, let the students of the same grade compete in pairs, and the one who survives can become a ninja, and the loser can only be the dead.

There is also the living puppet making technique of the Red Sand Scorpion, the murderous character and behavior of Feiduan, the rebellious and unscrupulous behavior, the burning, killing and looting of the bandits, and even the power of the country of wave Kado. , which one is not cruel? .

0120 Polite Yang Lei

The world of Naruto is actually cruel and dark. I didn't see Yang Lei's first thought when he found out that he was in the world of Naruto, that he might die in this world one day.

One more thing, is Yang Lei really just because he was looked down upon by Hyuga Hizu, really just because Hyuga Hizu didn't let him get close to Hinata, so he went to practice hard in a fit of rage?

Didn't Yang Lei have been exercising before he even went to ninja school?

Hyuga's attitude can only be used as a stimulus. In fact, the reason why Yang Lei is willing to devote himself to cultivation is nothing else. It is precisely because he knows that the world is cruel, so he wants to gain a strong strength, not only for the sake of himself You can live longer and more freely, but also to protect the people you care about.

So, even Yang Lei knows what the true face of Naruto World looks like. How can the native join-nin, Mai Tekai, be so innocent? So, not only did he not think that Yang Lei's aggressiveness was a little bit bad, but he felt that he was waiting for him. When you grow up, you will definitely achieve something.

"Asma, tell me how you educated your son."

Matekai was no longer angry because he was deliberately left to the side, and ran to Asma's side to pester him to ask for scriptures, and wanted to know how he educated Yang Lei.


Yang Lei on the side looked very dumbfounded, thinking big brother, can you add the word 'dry' in front of his son?He is a godson, not a real son.

Besides, did Asma educate him?How could he not know?

"never mind."

I have lived in Konoha Village as the son of Asma Gan for several years. Yang Lei is also used to being someone else's son. He turned his head to look at Kakashi and asked: "Kakashi-sensei, what do you think of my proposal?"

Don't look at Yang Lei's ability is already very strong, not to mention that he stole the eight-door Dunjia of Maitkay just now, and already knows how to open seven of them, but he was able to destroy it alone before. Forty or fifty rebels, among which there are six Shangnin.

Of course, he did not kill all the six Shangnin. Three of them had captured Yuri Hong. Yang Lei had no choice but to release the three in order to prevent this little lady who might become his godmother from having an accident. gone.

But even if this is the case, even if Yang Lei's displayed strength seems to have reached the quasi-film level, or even the film level, when he faced Asma and Kakashi, and even met Matekai for the first time, Still showing a polite side.

It doesn't mean that when you are strong, you can be defiant, and you can trample everyone except yourself.

Because of his background, Yang Lei has always felt that others don't owe him anything. If you want to gain the kindness of others, you must first express your own kindness.

Especially the question of politeness, if you want to be respected by others, you must first learn to respect others.

I've never heard of a real strong person standing tall by stepping on someone else's back.

For example, at this time, not to mention the hidden means, but the current strength on the surface, Yang Lei has far surpassed Kakashi and Asma, at least he destroyed the rebel force alone, And Kakashi and Asma together haven't solved the six Jōnin yet.

And before, the ten-member rebel team that Asma and Kakashi didn't solve was destroyed by Yang Lei, and the comparison of their strengths is clear at a glance.

But he still calls Kakashi a teacher, not because he has a place to ask Kakashi, but because of politeness and respect, Kakashi is indeed the teacher leading the team now, he called Kakashi. The teacher is fine.

Even if he becomes a chunin or a jounin in the future, he will add a senior or captain when addressing Kakashi.

"Ask me."

Yang Lei's politeness satisfied Kakashi very much. This kid didn't look down on others because of his strength. He was a good kid, and he was willing to face his problems.

I saw Kakashi closed the book he had just opened in his hand again, and seeing that because of Yang Lei's question, Naruto and the others were also looking at him, and coughed dryly and said, "It's better not to do that. , because it is a bit too inhuman, if it is spread out, it will smear our Konoha Village."

"It's very direct."

Naruto couldn't help but complained. It was really Kakashi's words that were too thorough in order to explain to them, so it was a little bad to hear it, because it was too contrived and too deliberate.

If you listen to this, you mean that as long as it is not spread out, you can actually do some inhumane things?

It can also be understood as being more humane for fear of smearing the village?

"Cough cough."

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Kakashi coughed dryly and glared at Naruto angrily. He wanted to explain it to them. Well, it's a small lesson. Let them be careful when doing things in the future. Don't do it too much. He was punished again when he returned to the village.

If it's a normal punishment, it's okay, but I'm afraid that I'll be suspected of not being good to the village, which is bad, but it will really be brought to the test of loyalty.

"That's it."

Yang Lei shrugged noncommittally. He just said it because he thought it was too troublesome to carry six unstable factors, and it was just enough to save Asma and Kakashi. This is not really that easy to kill. Nature had to kill them.

Don't look at the six people who were tied up after being cleaned up by Matekai, but for the ninja, as long as one does not notice, it is possible to escape, and then try to catch It will be difficult to come back.

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