If Yang Lei is not in his early stage, he will not be able to pass his own level.

Another, it doesn't matter if Ning Jie mentions it or not, why did Yang Lei expose Tenseigan?The purpose is to lay the groundwork, and when he returns, he will go to Hyuga's house for a showdown.

It can be said that Yang Lei couldn't resist the first exposure of Tenseigan. After all, Baiyan's promotion was a bit too sudden. He really didn't expect that the celestial body of the whirlpool clan could also start the evolution of Baiyan.

But now the second exposure is intentional, and through the mouths of everyone present, it will be passed back to the village, so that he can get the title of genius, so that he can be matched with Hinata.

At the same time, after Neji passed the news that he had Tenseisen back to the Hyuga clan, he might not even need to come to the door on his own initiative, and the matter between him and Hinata could be solved.

After all, Hinata has been reduced to an abandoned child. If she can recruit a genius with pupil skills for her family, it can be considered a waste, right?

Therefore, Yang Lei didn't need to thank Ningci, he wasn't helping them, and he couldn't help either. 590

In this way, he lost his temper and became a lot more confident.


Yang Lei let go of Hinata's small hand, broke free from Asma's big hand on his shoulder, then passed around Yuhi Kane who was blocking him, and said to Neji who was behind Kakashi and Matekai, "Hinada is mine. Man, I don't care what reason you have, you can ignore her, but you can't despise or target her."

Because Yang Lei had already made it clear that he just wanted to teach Ningji a lesson, the Shangnin looked at each other and stopped talking.

One of them is thirteen and the other is twelve. They are only two children. Let them handle their affairs by themselves. It is best for adults not to interfere.

"bring it on."

Seeing that Yang Lei made a move at Ningci with his right hand, he said, "Let me see if you have the strength to despise others."

"Since you insist on doing so."

Ningci's face was very gloomy. He was well-meaning before, but the way he expressed it was a bit inappropriate, but he didn't expect that it would cause a show, and he was as angry as he wanted.

What made him particularly dissatisfied with himself was that he was actually frightened by the murderous aura of Yang Lei, who was one year younger than him, and even lost control of Chakra, and finally fell into the sea with one foot empty, which is really shameful. Big hair.

Therefore, at this time, Ningci's state of mind was really uneasy. It could be said that he was ashamed and angered to the limit. He nodded when he heard Yang Lei's words and replied, "Then I have to stay with me to the end and see if you treat me well. provocative power."


Yang Lei almost didn't laugh out loud, does he have the strength?If this sentence came out of the mouths of the four Jōnin present, it would be excusable.

But Ningji's words can only make him laugh out loud, because the strength of the two is no longer on the same level.

The current Neji is only at the Chunin level at most, while Yang Lei is at least at the quasi-shadow level. Even the Join can kill in seconds, let alone Neji, the gap between them is not too big.

"What's going on here?"

The surrounding Genin people looked at each other, and they couldn't understand what happened, why the two suddenly confronted each other.

No wonder they were slow to respond, it was because they were still young and didn't understand Yang Lei's concern for Hinata, so only Xiao Ying could understand it, and she was staring at Yang Lei's profile with gentle and expectant eyes.

"Make room for them."

Kakashi couldn't help but sighed lightly. He was already very tired and wanted to go back to the town of the Land of Waves to have a good rest, but at this time he had to host Yang Lei and Ningci, otherwise he would worry about them. They will solve this matter privately, and the direction of the incident will be out of their control.

According to Kakashi's instructions, the lower ninjas stepped aside to act as spectators, while the four upper ninjas stood in four positions to surround Yang Lei and Ningci in the middle. (bgcg)

In this way, only Yang Lei and Ning Ci were left on the ten-meter-square sea, and there was enough space for them to have a good time.


Yang Lei didn't hesitate too much, it wasn't because he was arrogant, but because the gap between them was really too big.

"Blind eyes, open."

Ningci snorted inwardly and opened her eyes, daring not to be slighted in the slightest, she felt a huge pressure from Yang Lei, and as soon as she came up, she was ready to take action with all her strength, and she took a stance amid the exclamations of Hinata, and said softly: "Rou Boxing, gossip and sixty-four palms."

Yang Lei's eyes lit up, and at the same time, a look of admiration flashed away, and he praised in his heart: "Ningci really deserves the name of a genius, has he mastered the sixty-four palms of gossip now?"

Not to mention Yang Lei's strength, but his mental age is much older than Ningci's, so there's nothing wrong with praising Ningci in the tone of an elder.

And Neji really deserves the title of genius. You must know that his father, Risaka, died many years ago because of his footsteps. There is only a little Neji left in the family, and he is still in the middle of the separation. Home, so that Neji didn't have the chance to come into contact with too many soft boxing techniques at all.

In other words, he developed the Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms completely based on the little information he knew, and his talent was truly amazing.

After all, the Sixty-Four Palms of Eight Trigrams is a secret technique passed down orally by the Hyuga clan from generation to generation, let alone outsiders, even if they are separated, they have no chance to learn.

But Ningji has mastered this secret technique at a young age, and if it were known to the people of the Hyuga clan, he would have no idea what he would think.

But although I don't know what the Hyuga clan of Konoha Village will think, don't forget that there is a daughter of the Hyuga clan at the scene. Hinata has opened his eyes and is looking at Neji with a complex face. , It turned out that her cousin was still merciful in the previous fight.


Not mentioning the outside, looking at the two inside the arena, only to hear Ningci open his mouth and let out a violent drink, and a blue gossip circle suddenly appeared on the water surface under his feet, covering Yang Lei and him who had come to him.

"Two palms."

I saw Ningci take a step forward and suddenly appear in front of Yang Lei, put the index and middle fingers of both hands together to make a sword finger, urging Chakra to point on Yang Lei's acupuncture point.

"It seems that this gossip array is not just beautiful."

Yang Lei still had the mind to care about the gossip array under his feet, and said to himself: "There is also an element belonging to the space array in it, no wonder Neji in the original book would say 'the gossip map is full of his attack range'. But it's because no matter where the enemy is, he can rush over as soon as possible."

At this moment, Ningci's hand was about to touch the acupoint in Yang Lei's heart.

"Be careful."

In the exclamation of Hinata, Yang Lei smiled.

"King Kong is not bad!".

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