That's why Asma didn't train Yang Lei, just gave him the fire escape ninjutsu scroll that the third generation of eyes gave him, and he was done. Most of the time he was training the new pig, deer and butterfly trio.

But then again, In fact, Asma is still too unconfident. In addition to his Huo Dun talent, he actually has the Wind Dun chakra nature, and Yang Lei currently doesn't know much about the Wind Dun Ninjutsu, just two Well, if Asmakon taught, Yang Lei would still be happy to learn.

After all, Sarutobi hadn't told Yang Lei about the decision of the monkey demon and the third generation of goals. He didn't know that if the third generation of eyes was not a hindrance, he could have gone to Huaguoshan for further studies.

It can be seen that the old man of the third generation is really a bit of that.

. . . . . .

Without further ado, go back to the field.

After the two had decided on the division of labor, Asma raised his left hand and took out two smoke bombs from the ninja bag behind him, took out the chakra knife in his right hand and held it tightly in his hand, took a deep breath and rushed out.

".smoke bomb."

Asma deliberately shouted and smashed the smoke grenade out. Before the four guards could see the people coming, they had already killed them, swung the chakra knife in their hands and chopped off their heads.

"Enemy attack."

A sharp cry suddenly sounded in the silent castle. Suddenly, there was a chaotic voice in the castle. A large mass rushed out from the inside, all startling Asma.

"'There are some guards sleeping in the hall on the first floor'?" Asma turned to Yang Lei and asked, "Is this what you call 'some'?"

It's no wonder that Asma is like this. It's true that Cardo knows that his atrocities have already caused anger and resentment, so he has recruited more than [-] people in the castle to stand by, not counting the initial attack by Zaebuzhan. The wandering warriors of Konoha and his party did not count the more than [-] rebellions that came later. It shows how great his handwriting is and how scared he is in his heart.

Faced with Asma's questioning, Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly. Although there are more than [-] people here, they are all ordinary people. The things he used, if he did it, it would all be solved with just one ninjutsu.

"It's my turn to go!".

0129 Assassinate Cardo!

"It's my turn to go."

Yang Lei saw that Asma's side had successfully attracted the enemy's attention, and when he saw it again, he found that Cardo in the castle was in a panic and was about to run away. He didn't dare to neglect and rushed forward quickly.


Quickly approaching the castle, Yang Lei condensed chakra and stomped the ground hard on the soles of his feet, and flew up to a window on the third floor.

"There are enemies here too."

The guards at this window had not left yet, so when they found Yang Lei's trace, they were shocked and loudly warned.


At this time, Yang Lei had already arrived at the window. He swung his knife forward and slashed open the window, cutting off the guard's head by the way.


With a light snort, Yang Lei didn't even look at the dozen or so guards who rushed here, and walked away. He had already locked the location of Cardo, and naturally he didn't need to look for it a little bit.

Originally, Yang Lei and Asma had the strength to rush in head-on. As I said before, the more than [-] people were not worth mentioning at all. As long as Yang Lei passed through a ninjutsu, all of them would be solved.

However, the value of this castle is very high, and I don’t know how much property there is in it. Some ninjutsu with too much power are really difficult to control. In case this castle that has collected the wealth of the entire country of waves is burnt down, we must not feel sorry for the dead. what. 203

Therefore, Yang Lei and Asma tacitly chose assassination rather than a more arrogant, open and domineering frontal attack.

The people of the Land of Waves are too poor, and Dazna is the same. He can't even pay the high-level quest remuneration, so he can only apply for the ordinary C-level escort quest as a last resort.

Not only did they have no money to pay for the task of escorting ninjas, but Dazna was even embarrassed about the cost of materials for the construction of the bridge. This country really needed money.

Therefore, after the third generation learned about the current situation of the country of waves through Kakashi's description, he directly issued another instruction in the mission. After the successful assassination of Cardo, they asked them to give Cardo's property to Dazna and The people of the Country of Wave distribute it so that Dazna can have sufficient funds to continue to build the bridge, and the people of the Country of Wave can live a good life.

In other words, in fact, this castle has been decided in advance on what to do with it?

. . . . . .


Looking at Yang Lei's side again, I saw that he was chasing one guard after another while walking. Although he was small and short, his strength was not comparable to those of the trash adults.

"Finally all dead."

After killing the last (bgeg) guard, Yang Lei snorted impatiently. The [-]-degree blind angle of his white eyes made it easy for him to see the surrounding environment, so don't look at him being careless, In fact, I have been concentrating on coping with it.

"Dong dong dong."

Walking forward, Yang Lei finally came to the door of a room on the third floor, raised his hand and knocked on the door politely, and shouted inside, "Kado, open the door, I'm here to take your head."

Cardo, who was searching for where he should hide in order to escape the catastrophe, almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. Did he say that?If you are so straightforward, I will definitely not open the door for you.


It was useless if he didn't open the door. He only heard a harsh sound on the door, and saw that the thick door he had spent a lot of money on was suddenly pierced by a sharp blade.

"found it."

Outside the door, Yang Lei glanced at the door with his white eyes and found the position of the door lock. He lifted the wind chakra and condensed it to the blade of the Kusanagi sword, and saw that the three-inch three-foot straight blade was suddenly covered by a layer of chakra. After being gently pushed forward by Yang Lei, he plunged into the gate, and at the same time broke the lock cylinder of the gate.


Pushing open the door, Yang Lei waved at the dumbfounded Kado, took out the Kusanagi sword and walked forward, and when he came to Kado, he waved the knife and was about to slash it.

"Forgive me."

Cardo came back to his senses at the last moment, and fell to his knees with a 'puff', begging bitterly: "Please spare my life, I am willing to spend one-tenth of my property to buy my life."

"Only one-tenth?"

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