Even in normal times, the four major families will form a relationship of guardianship on political issues.

In addition, the Sarutobi clan is still very low-key, and usually does not show the mountains and waters, but when they need to take responsibility, they will not hesitate to do their best, so they are still very respected and loved by the village.

It is precisely because the prestige of the Sarutobi clan is getting bigger and bigger, so it is said in the village that the Hyuga clan wants to marry the Sarutobi clan with the owner's daughter, which makes Hyuga Hizu feel very uncomfortable. In a fit of rage, he became petty and became more serious with a child.

It is precisely because of the momentary confusion of Sun Xiang and Rizu that Yang Lei temporarily put aside the love of his sons and daughters, and devoted himself to cultivating hard, allowing him to obtain such a powerful strength as he is today.

He is only twelve years old, and he has the strength to kill Shangnin, even dozens of Chunin, which proves that his strength is quasi-shadow level, even shadow level.

This made everyone who knew the news startled, not just Hyuga Hizu at this time, such as Sandaimu, such as Danzo, such as the patriarch of the three families of Zhuludie, such as the head of the Inuzuka family and the oil girl family, and then Like Kakashi and Matekai.

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In short, on the night when Yang Lei returned to the village, there was an undercurrent flowing slowly in the darkness of Konoha Village.

. . . . . .

"Yang Lei."

After tasting the bitter matcha again, Hyuga Hizu only felt that there was no more fragrance in the matcha, only the bitter taste remained.

Looking up at Yang Lei, Hyuga Hizu sighed lightly and said, "Do you think I don't care about Hinata? Because her talent is not as good as Hana, I have already given up on her, and I even want to use her as a political marriage. victim?"

Hearing this, the blood on Hinata's face disappeared, and a miserable color flashed quickly.

Hua Huo was also not at ease. Although she didn't understand the adult's set of things very well, she also vaguely knew that she had run on her sister. Because of her existence, her sister had been very tired and difficult.



Mrs. Hyuga came to the two sisters at some point, hugged them one by one in her arms, and said, "Hina, I'm sorry for you, listen, Dad, he should tell his reasons."

In Japan, when mothers talk to their children, they call their husbands daddy too, but they don't mean daddy like the child does, but your daddy.

For example, at this time, Mrs. Hyuga said to the two sisters that the father was your father.

Just when Mrs. Hyuga was comforting Hinata, outside, Yang Lei looked at Hyuga Hizu, heard some clues from his words, and saw that Hyuga Hizu was planning to say something secret.

"I think so."

After thinking about it, Yang Lei said, "All parents love their children. Unless it is impossible or there are other secrets, they will never treat their children harshly."


Yang Lei's words suddenly changed, and he said deliberately: "There should be some reason for you to treat Hinata like that, I guessed right?"


Hyuga Hizu nodded and sighed in disappointment: "I can't do anything either, or I'll have to let Hua Huo suffer for the rest of my life."

"And if she chooses to treat Hinata harshly, although it will make her life bad, as long as she passes her childhood, she can still be happy."

0140 Those arrangements of sun and sun feet

"Yang Lei."

Hyuga Rizu stared at Yang Lei with equal eyes and said, "Do you know the clan rules of the clan and branch of the Hyuga clan?"

Regardless of Yang Lei's displayed strength, his so-called Tenseisen, or his maturity, Hyuga Hizu can no longer treat him as an ordinary child, as if he was facing a man of strength, no matter how strong he was. Or the identity of the same adults as their own.

"Know a little bit."

Yang Lei nodded, and vaguely mixed in.

In order to keep the topic going, he couldn't say that he didn't know anything about it, for fear that the Japanese Football Club would end the conversation.

You don't know what I'm talking to you about.

At the same time, he can't say that he knows everything. You, an outsider, know so many things about the Rixiang family. Do you have any bad ideas?

Hyuga Sunzu was very satisfied with Yang Lei's answer, and continued: "It's not that I'm boasting, the white eye is a very powerful pupil technique. In order to protect the bloodline boundary of the Hyuga family, the ancestors had to make a choice. , distinguish the clan and the branch within the clan, and invent a spell called the bird in the cage so that the eyes of the branch will not be taken away, and then let the branch do his best to protect the clan."

"And the so-called split family is the younger brother or sister of the Zong family, who was born a little later. For example, my twin brother was born a few minutes later than me, so he was split into the split family."

Having said this, Hyuga Hizu let out a long sigh again, and did not continue to explain about the caged bird, nor about the clan rules, but said: "After the day messenger died for me, I wanted to cancel the separation of the family. Clan rules, no, it's just that I can't do it with my own strength."

"But at that time, Hua Huo was born. At that time, I really didn't know what to do. According to the clan rules, when Hua Huo was five years old, he would be caged and caged. This is something I absolutely do not want to see. Picture, as you just said."

Sun Xiang Rizu gave a bitter smile and repeated what Yang Lei said just now, saying, "There are no parents who don't love their children. So I was thinking, what should I do to save my daughter."

"I understand."

Yang Lei suddenly interjected and said: "Hina's talent is not necessarily insufficient, but she must be insufficient. Only in this way can she show Hana's talent, so that she can replace Hinata as the heir of the Hyuga clan, so as to avoid being assigned. The fate of separation."


Hyuga Hizu nodded, closed her eyes to cover up the guilt and apology that were about to gushed out, and said, "It's not that Hana's talent is much better than Hinata's, the talent of their sisters is actually not much different, it was me at the beginning. It left a foreshadowing that when training Hinata, she didn't do her best, so she looked so ordinary."

"And when Hana was three years old, I was quietly cultivating her. When she was five years old, she actually surpassed Hinata in the training course, and it was completely natural to be able to defeat Hinata. ."

"In this way, Hinata's heir status was removed, and Hana became the heir smoothly."

"Because Hinata is the eldest daughter, no one else can propose that she be assigned to a separate family. That's how I can keep the two sisters by our side."

Having said that, Hyuga Hizu let out a long sigh. He sighed more times today than ever before, but he really couldn't bear it anymore. His palms and backs were full of flesh, how could he not love his eldest daughter.

To this day, he still remembers how excited he was with tears in his eyes when he picked up Hinata for the first time. He still remembers the emotion at that time and the happiness when his daughter called her father for the first time.

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