Therefore, when Yang Lei saw that Xiao Ying had only taken a small bite of the spring roll in order to take care of her appearance, she quietly brought the half of the spring roll with a few ramen noodles and buried it under the ramen noodles.

In other words, it wasn't that Xiao Ying forgot, but that it was hidden by Yang Lei, so it's no wonder Xiao Ying couldn't find the half of the spring roll.

As for why Yang Lei did that, he actually wanted to hint at what he meant. He ate the remaining half of the spring roll in front of Xiao Ying. His meaning was not too obvious.

Just like Xiao Ying has to take care of Hinata, Yang Lei also has to take care of Hinata. For him, Hinata must be the empress of the palace, which is non-negotiable.

But he didn't want to let Xiao Ying go. After all, this girl seduced and seduced him first. If she hadn't made various hints to him from time to time, he wouldn't have been upset, so he paid more attention to her, and finally evolved. to the point where I like it.

So, it's all Sakura's fault, so I can only let her be a child.

It's just that Yang Lei's plans are a little too naive and take it for granted.

In today's era, there is no so-called male superiority and female inferiority. Women can also be ninjas and support a family, so why bother themselves.

One more thing, didn't you see that Sakura and Ino's best friends turned against each other because of Sasuke?Why don't they two daughters serve a husband together?

This shows a problem, even if Xiao Ying is blind to love, she still has her own dignity, that is, the person she likes only belongs to herself, and she is unwilling to share it with others.

. . . . . .

Because of Yang Lei's action, the atmosphere between the two became a little awkward. They glanced at each other from time to time, but they didn't know how to speak...

Yang Lei was waiting for Xiao Ying to speak, thinking that as long as she spoke, some of the words he prepared later would be smoothed out.

For example, if Sakura confessed to him, he would first express his helplessness. While saying that he likes Hinata, he should also imply that he actually likes her, and then he can wait for Sakura to take the initiative to say that he can To be small, even if you don't want to be named.

Yang Lei doesn't believe that Xiao Ying can give up after falling in love with him. After all, this girl is so dead-hearted in the original book. As long as she decides, she will bump into the south wall and never look back, so he doesn't have to worry at all, as long as she speaks, he will dare Make sure you have an absolute chance of success.

On the other hand, before Xiao Ying took the initiative to say something small, he could still tease, tease, and tease her from time to time.

But in fact, Xiao Ying is also waiting for Yang Lei to speak. She has a hundred and a thousand in her heart and wants to confess to Yang Lei. After all, she has always been a character who dares to love and hate.

No, not to mention that there are many people here, but don't forget, at least in name, Yang Lei and Hinata are 'justifiable' lovers.

What Xiao Ying didn't know was that just last night, Yang Lei had already come to visit. Although he didn't get his father-in-law and the marriage between him and Hinata was finalized, he also got his consent, and he could have an open and honest relationship with Hina. Tian dated.

That is to say, her justification for using quotation marks is actually a real justification.

2.7 Anyway, anyway, as long as Yang Lei and Hinata are not separated, Xiao Ying can't take the initiative to open this mouth, otherwise what would she become?Little three?The bad woman who prys people's corners?The blue pool in the morning and evening?

In the end, she must not be able to escape the infamy. As long as she is a student of the same class, she basically knows that she has always liked Sasuke when she was at the ninja school, and she is about to die.

But who would want to play tricks on fate? When she was most helpless, it was Yang Lei who brought her warmth, but Sasuke, who she liked, never even gave her a second glance. Is it wrong for her to fall in love with someone else?

It's just that Xiao Ying can calmly face the infamy, but doesn't want to bear the rest of the blame, so the two thoughtful people have been silent.


Until the end, I don't know who sighed, this time the party that started well at the beginning ended in desperation. .

0146 Chunin Selection Exam Application

A few days later, it was in a barbecue restaurant again.

"Dingji, you also leave a little bit for me."

At the dinner table, Yang Lei was about to have sex with Ding Ci, when they saw their chopsticks flying around when you and me, others rolled their eyes helplessly, thinking who left it for us?

Because Yang Lei and Ding Ci are both foodies, they get along very well.

It is precisely because they are both foodies, and the relationship in normal times must be better, but once they sit at the dinner table, it is not the two of them.

Usually it's okay, there are only five people in the tenth class, but today there are more people. The four classes of the ninja team held a party again, and the two of them couldn't grab it. As a result, someone else joined in, making a fuss. It was a little bit more aggressive than usual.

Didn't I say it before, Kakashi and Asma, as teachers leading the team, almost caused major losses to their subordinates in this mission, and they felt a lot of guilt and self-blame in their hearts, so I want to invite everyone to a meal .

As a result, because Xiao Li was too violent, and Yang Lei wanted to use the gold brick he had come to treat guests, the two Xun 16 thought that this meal was a bit too much, and for the sake of their small vault, they even refused. Without any pretense, let Yang Lei settle the bill.

After all, they didn't treat the guests, it was Yang Lei who treated the guests.

That's why there is such a gathering today after a few days.


Seeing how happy Yang Lei and Dingci of his team were, Asma couldn't stand it anymore, so he didn't care, he turned his head to Yuhihi, Matekai and Kakashi and asked, "You all Have you been notified? This Chunin exam is about to start, and it will be held in our Konoha Village."


Kakashi nodded, and hummed like gold to show that he knew.

Matt Kay didn't even bother to say a word to Asma, just nodded in response.

Yuhi Hong was still interesting enough, and said: "I only received the news yesterday, and I haven't decided whether to let Hinata and the others participate."


Hearing this, Asma couldn't help but sighed and said, "I want them to participate, but."

Pointing at Shikamaru, Ino, and Dingji, Asma reluctantly said, "These three little bastards refuse to participate. Shikamaru is lazy, and Ino and Dingji are afraid. It's really troublesome."

It made Asma speak Shikamaru's mantra. It can be seen that the trio of pigs, deer and butterflies really gave him a headache.

"Ah ha ha."

At this time, Matekai, who was listening to the side, suddenly laughed and shouted proudly: "My beloved disciples will not embarrass me, they have already signed the application form."

"Yah ah ah."

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