"Say 々〃."

Yang Lei was helpless, and complained: "Don't you know that we are going to buy ninja equipment this time? Why don't you bring a little more money?"

As I mentioned before, for ninjas, ninja tools are very valuable props. Think about it and know that it will cost a lot of money, these idiots.

In the face of Yang Lei's accusations, everyone has various reasons. Among them, only Tian Tian, ​​Naruto and Xiao Ying's reasons are the most reliable.

Tiantian's reason was that her family owned a ninja tool shop, so she knew the price of some ninja tools, and thought that [-] taels was enough, but she didn't expect that it was only one-fifth.

The reasons for Naruto and Sakura are more sufficient. One is that they have no money, and the other is that they don't have much pocket money because their family is not rich. To put it bluntly, they have no money.


The helpless Yang Lei had to accept his fate and pay for himself, took out a full [-] taels and bought twelve sets of advanced load-bearing equipment for everyone, and then quietly stuffed the remaining [-] taels into Xiao Ying's ninja gear when everyone was not paying attention. inside the bag.

. . . . . .

"You have to be careful from now on."

After washing up, Yang Lei put on his clothes in a relaxed manner, looked at himself in the mirror, and put on the goggles with black sunglasses that he had bought while accompanying the crowd to buy weight-bearing equipment. on the eyes.

After getting dressed, and finally tying the Konoha forehead guard around his neck, Yang Lei locked the door and set off, walking unhurriedly towards the ninja school.

"I reminded those two idiots yesterday, I hope they don't make mistakes."

Walking on the road, Yang Lei was still thinking about what happened when he met with the temporary team yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon, Yang Lei was found by Anbu in the back mountain. He was still cultivating and was taken to the Hokage office. It was there that he met two men in their twenties.

After that, the three of them were polite in front of the third generation, but the moment they walked out of the Hokage Building, the expressions of the three of them changed at the same time.

The two men were the first to attack. Although Yang Lei felt their contempt when he was in the Hokage office, because everyone was a Konoha ninja, he didn't want to touch them if he could.

As a result, the two of them committed suicide by themselves. Not only did they say that Yang Lei should take good care of them and take good care of them, but they also wanted to punch him. How could he bear it? He kicked them away with one kick. .

The night before the Chunin exam was about to start, the two brothers spent their time in Konoha Hospital.

On the way to send them both to the hospital, Yang Lei had seriously warned them that they should not be lighthearted in the first exam, and they would rather have no faults and not be greedy for merits, otherwise if something went wrong, he would take care of them.

Even though Yang Lei is only twelve years old, his height is only [-] meters, but because of his years of practice, his body is full of strong hard muscles. In addition to the training of Bo Zhiguo and his party, his aura is not simple. He is two grades better than him. The much bigger Genin was so frightened that he hurriedly cried and promised not to cause trouble.

".Really annoying."

Yang Lei couldn't help but feel a little headache when he thought of those two superb temporary teammates.

If you are a wicked person, then you will be wicked to the end, shrinking your neck when you see it hard, and picking soft persimmons to pinch them?It really made him look down on them.

He Yang Lei believes that he is not a good person, but the main thing is that he is cruel enough to himself, so he has the strength he is now, plus he was so difficult before crossing, and now the most despised thing is not seeking progress and greed Those who fear death, bully the soft and fear the hard.

If it wasn't for the sake of the ninjas from the same village, Yang Lei would have wanted to beat them hard to calm down.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, it's just a temporary team."

No longer thinking about those troubles, Yang Lei quickened his pace and rushed forward, and soon came to the ninja school in Konoha Village, the school he had only attended for a year and didn't have many memories.

"It's eldest brother, you are finally here (from Li)."

At the gate of the ninja school, I heard two voices shouting in unison. I saw two men with flattering smiles trotting over with their waists bent, surrounding Yang Lei and asking warmly, "Brother, have you eaten in the morning?"

"Brother, are you tired? Do you want me to carry you?"

"Big brother."

"Big brother."

These two guys are Yang Lei's temporary teammates.


Yang Lei, who was yelled at by a big brother with a black face, roared unbearably, and it really made the two of them honest.

"I'm not a gangster, a society, or a society. What's my name, big brother? Really."

With a helpless sigh, Yang Lei waved his hand and said to the two of them: "Okay, come in with me, remember what I explained before? As long as you are smart enough, don't ask for merit but blame, I can bring with you to the end."

"Yes, a, ni, ki.".

0148 Yang Lei's first appearance

"I said, don't call me big brother."

Yang Lei was annoyed by the two of them and couldn't help roaring again. If the Chunin exam was not about to start, he would have kicked them to the hospital for another day.

"Yes, aniki."

The two stood upright, bowed respectfully to Yang Lei, and then followed him out of nowhere.


Yang Lei, who had a headache and a pained expression on his face, was completely convinced. He was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them, so he took the lead and walked into the school with such a cold face.

Pushing open the door of the ninja school, Yang Lei opened the three-gou jade writing wheel eye and Baiyan with a single movement, but he immediately used Baiyan to find out the situation in the school.

At this time, in Yang Lei's line of sight, he saw a group of people gathered at the door of the [-] classroom on the second floor. They were blocked by two Chunin who used the transformation technique and could not enter the classroom.

"What a bunch of idiots."

Yang Lei scolded a little speechlessly, and he only walked up the steps to the second floor. How could it be Classroom [-]?

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