Temari snorted secretly in his heart, holding the handle of the fan in both hands, chasing Shikamaru in the direction where he fled and attacked again.

"Wind escape, the technique of the scythe itachi."


This time, the wind was stronger and stronger than before, Shikamaru couldn't resist any longer, and was shot flying out 233 in an instant, hitting the surrounding walls heavily and couldn't get up and down.


At this moment, the house leak happened to be raining overnight, and I saw wind blades suddenly appearing and slashing here.

In the distance, Shiranui Xuanjian firmly bit the long stick in his mouth and prepared to rescue, and Asma on the high platform waited for Shangin, and even Yang Lei stood up.

At this time, Shikamaru couldn't even move a step. If he couldn't react before Fengren came, he could only be sentenced to lose, and then everyone would rescue him as soon as possible.

"How can I lose as soon as I come up."

Shikamaru gritted his teeth and figured out a solution without turning his head. With a will to at least not lose too ugly, he stuck his kunai into the wall and dragged himself away from the attack range of the wind blade.

"This kid."

Asma breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Hong Yuhi, who was sitting beside him, "I thought he couldn't hold on anymore."

Kurenai Yuhi rolled her eyes and ignored him, thinking who was praising that kid in my ear just now?

Look off the field.

"You still admit defeat."

Temari was not in a hurry to attack again, (bgfe) but said: "You have no other means of attack other than shadows, and my ability is a long-range attack, you can't get close to me, you can only If you are constantly attacked by me, it is better to admit defeat as soon as possible.”

At this time, although Shikamaru avoided the attacks of the previous wind blades, he was still within the range of the wind vent, and he could not even open his mouth to speak, because as long as he opened his mouth, he would be filled with wind, and in the end he could only Che gave a wry smile and waved his hand, indicating that he would not admit defeat.

"Cut, a boring man who will only be brave."

Temari thought that Shikamaru was trying to be brave because of his face, so he couldn't help but muttered, no longer being polite to him, he picked up his fan and waved it out again, only to see that the strong wind in front continued to blow Shikamaru, and then there was another. The fresh wind blowing made Shikamaru even more miserable.

"It can't go on like this."

Shikamaru said this to himself in his heart, his right hand shoved the kunai with a thin string into the wall, and his left hand took out a military ration pill from the ninja bag and ate it for himself, and a sudden burst of air burst out from his body. The new Chakra, the physical fitness has also been temporarily improved a lot.


Seeing that another wind blade appeared in the gale and slashed over, Shikamaru kicked hard on the wall and rushed out.

Although the effectiveness of Bingliangwan is not as good as the Qiu Dao family's secret medicine, it is not to be underestimated. At least temporarily, it can improve the strength of the ninja by a small amount.

For example, at this time, Shikamaru, who was quite weak to fight back just now, was able to run out against the strong wind, but instead of going up against the wind, he ran wildly in a circle, and in a blink of an eye, he went around the hand-maru for half a moment. Circle, looking for the flaws in Temari.

"What's the point of light in a circle?"

But before Shikamaru found the opportunity to attack, some of the audience on the audience stage complained a little dissatisfiedly. They wanted to see a wonderful fight scene, but it wasn't such a one-sided battle.

Especially Shikamaru was too weak to deal with it, and some people even said that he might as well just admit defeat.

"The result is coming."

Hinata also spoke up, but her point of view was different from that of other audience members. She opened her eyes and pointed at Kunai, who had been left on the wall by Shikamaru before, and said, "Temari is too careless, she is going to lose."


Yang Lei naturally saw something, and he made a gesture of silence, and said, "Look, it's still unclear who wins and who loses."

So, what did the couple see?

I won't say it first, let's see.

"It's useless."

Facing Shikamaru's struggle, Temari seemed very calm, but he just turned around and Shikamaru's half-circle ran in vain.

"If I don't admit defeat, I will do my best."

Temari warned loudly, holding the fan in his left hand and putting his right thumb in front of his mouth to take a bite, just as he was about to draw blood on the fan to make a stronger attack.


Hearing a light sound suddenly appearing beside her, Temari turned his head in confusion, and saw that a thin line almost invisible to the naked eye had come to her. It has not even been found until now.


Temari was startled, and hurriedly turned his head and glanced at the Kunai on the wall behind him, guessing that the source of the thin thread was on the Kunai.

It just makes her more strange, what can this thin thread do?


Suddenly, Temari remembered that in the previous qualifiers, Shikamaru had beaten Jin of Otoyakumura in a similar way, but the difference was that the thin line that time was gold, but this time the thin line was not. It was prepared by Shikamaru himself.

"Shadow Mimicry."

Sure enough, Shikamaru on the other side made an attack with a seal on both hands, and I saw a thin shadow rushing forward along the thin line.

Because the distance between Shikamaru and Temari is too far, so even if the thin line has touched Temari, it gives her time to deal with it.

"Don't try to succeed."

Hearing Temari shouting loudly, he quickly jumped out to the left.

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