"I love Luo."

The 'Fengying' on the high platform saw that he had been carried out, so he had to say to Gaara: "Your goal is Sasuke off the field."

"I see."

Gaara responded with an expressionless face, and after thinking about it, I stopped taking the stairs, but turned back to the railing of the viewing platform, and jumped down as soon as I turned over.

Seeing that Gaara had gone down, Yang Lei took the initiative to sit down without waiting for the third generation to signal, but the expression on his face always seemed very unpleasant.

He is a very grateful person. Even if others give him a little help or charity, he will remember them for a long time. I dare not say that they will remember them for a lifetime, at least a few years.

But it is precisely because of this character, coupled with such a little self-esteem, that he has a little bit of vengeance. Sometimes, as long as someone rolls his eyes, he can't wait to never interact with you in this life.

It used to be okay in the normal world in the peaceful era, at most people who looked down on him or looked down on him, but now it is different, this is the cruel world of Naruto, and many people die every day, it is normal for him to be ruthless. .

Just like the previous wave of the country, if he is not cruel, then the last person to die should be him, and even others will die there, unless Matekai can come earlier.

Therefore, if he is hated by him in this world, it is really dangerous, and it is also a thing that can make people regret for a lifetime.

It's just that Yang Lei is very hesitant now. If it follows the direction of the original story, I love Rome (bgaa) will be influenced by Naruto and will become a good person. At that time, this will be one of the most pro-fire fans. Now, to say something inappropriate, I wish Gaara almost wore a Konoha forehead guard for herself.

So, he really can't do it.

"never mind."

For the sake of the overall situation, Yang Lei let himself forget the unhappiness just now with a long sigh, and regarded it as giving him a chance. If he dares to provoke him again in the future, don't blame him for being ruthless and disregarding the overall situation.

. . . . . .

After a short interlude, the arena quickly returned to normal, and as Sasuke and Gaara stood face to face on the arena, the audience began to cheer, more enthusiastically than any previous match. ,strong.

In fact, thinking about it is also true. Sharinyan is one of the trump cards known as Konoha. Back then, that is, a hundred or two hundred years ago, next to the first-generation Hokage, who was known as the god of ninjas, a man with Sharinyan was nothing at all. It was not overshadowed by the light of the original purpose.

Therefore, it is natural to attract so much attention.

Especially after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, people from the outside world and Konoha Village are actually very concerned about Sasuke, not only concerned about his loyalty, but also want to know whether his strength is worthy of Uchi. wave's name.

Now is the best chance to verify.

Sandstorm Gaara is about the same age as Naruto and the others, but his reputation has spread out early, unlike Konoha Twelve Xiaoqiang, who has just graduated from the ninja school.

Therefore, he is the best person to use to stretch Sasuke.

. . . . . .

"Are you ready?"

Shiranui Xuanjian looked at the two of them left and right, and seeing that they were all nodding their heads, not talking nonsense, he waved his hand and said, "The competition begins."


Shiranui Xuanjian's voice just fell, and before he could take a step back and leave a long enough distance, the two villains moved together.


I saw that they first punched each other one by one, but they were caught by the other's hand at the same time.

"Sand-bound coffin."

Because the two were tightly together, I saw that Gaara was only good at hooking, and the sand behind him almost stopped Sasuke.


Sasuke hurriedly withdrew, he just tested out Gaara's strength and speed this time, and then it was time for the real battle.

"Take off the weight first."

Sasuke stepped back and went straight to the wall on the edge of the field. He quickly took off the five pieces of weight-bearing equipment on his body, inadvertently raised his head and glanced at Yang Lei, and muttered to himself: "I will definitely catch up with you as soon as possible, Then overtake you, and by then, I should have the strength to challenge Itachi, right?"


0161 Konoha Crash Plan


Withdrawing his gaze, Sasuke turned his head to look at Gaara again, gave himself a loud shout as if to cheer himself up, and an awe-inspiring force surged from his body.

After returning from the Land of Waves, Sasuke and Naruto have the biggest improvement in strength. The latter learned the name of the Kurama from Yang Lei, so he could have a short communication with the Kurama. I usually ask him a favor. Anything can still be done~.

For example, in the previous battle with Shino, if Kurama did not respond, Naruto should have lost long ago.

Sasuke's improvement is not small, not only opened the three-goose jade writing wheel, but also found a way to become stronger, and even had a great psychological awareness.

Just like at this moment, his aura is not weaker than Gaara's murderous aura at all, so that anyone with a discerning eye can see that this matchup should be very exciting, and it will be a close match.


After the burst of momentum, the two looked at each other, and suddenly, Sasuke moved, and the speed after removing the load was more than twice as fast as before, and it was no longer something that Gaara could catch up with.

"So fast."

Gaara let out an exclamation, and quickly responded, stretching out his hands to control the sand in the gourd behind him for defense.


But suddenly, there was a sound of wind and a light noise behind him. Gaara turned his head subconsciously and saw that much faster than his consciousness, the defensive sand wall composed of sand was slowly dissipating.

"So fast."

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