It must be said that the strength of the three generations is still very impressive. Not only did he fight the three major shadow-level powerhouses alone in the original book, but he also got a decent way to die. It was here that he not only fought Luo Sha Kuwu by himself. The power, even a ninjutsu cannot be used, and there is even enough energy to tease and dial Orochimaru.

"Damn old man."

I saw a few kunai fly out and stab at Orochimaru, causing Orochimaru to jump straight up.

Reincarnation is not so easy to perform, first of all, the consumption of chakra is not small, especially the three he summoned are all shadow-level powerhouses, especially Senju Hashima, who is known as the god of ninjas.

Secondly, because Orochimaru didn't dare to leave them with his own consciousness, he used a special technique to erase their consciousness. In order for the three of them to exert their normal strength, he had to give them some orders in his heart at all times. instruction.

In the end, the eyes of the third generation are very unique. The attack that was launched was when the arrival of Yang Lei's tree world forced Orochimaru to jump up and dodge. This made Orochimaru unable to resist cursing, that is him, others If so, you'll have to wait to die.

"The hidden shadow snake hand."

Reluctantly stressed that Chakra, who had just recovered a little, used ninjutsu. Orochimaru blocked the attack of the third generation. He fell to the ground and turned his head to look. The picture he saw in his eyes almost made him vomit blood.

Yang Lei, who was on the other side, was squatting on the heads of the two Qianshou brothers. At this time, he was constantly cutting off the heads of the two of them with the Kusanagi sword in his hand. When they were about to recover, he would cut them open again, so that they could never completely stop. recover. .

0166 Solve the Thousand Hands Brothers

Because of Orochimaru's distraction, the Qianshou brothers missed the first chance to break free when they were controlled by Yang Lei's tree world, and were then beheaded by him.

Yang Lei won't be polite to them. The two of them are just two puppets, let alone human feelings, they don't even have self-awareness.

"By the way, where did Orochimaru's technique go?"

Squatting in front of the two human heads, Yang Lei rummaged through them, and with the Kusanagi sword in his hand, he kept cutting open the two heads that had recovered after a while, trying to find the two Kunais that Orochimaru had put in just now.

"Yang Lei be careful."

At this moment, I only heard a three-generation ~ purpose warning from behind.

Yang Lei turned his head to look in response, and saw Orochimaru is rushing fast. When he came to him, he opened his mouth and spit out, first a small snake popped up, and then the little snake opened its mouth again and spit out a long knife.


Yang Lei raised his saber to meet the saber that knocked Orochimaru flying, and when he heard another movement behind him, he didn't look back, and hurried forward a few steps to avoid the attack of the Qian_hand brother.

The Qianshou Brothers' bodies have long since recovered. They are immortal in the state of reincarnation in the dirt. Even if they are burned to ashes, they can recover in a blink of an eye.

"Kill him for me."

Orochimaru didn't pay attention to the long knife that flew away, and ordered the Qianshou brothers to kill Yang Lei first.

"Woodun, there are all kinds of things."

It was Qianshou Zhujian who launched the attack first, and I saw that he was using Yang Lei's ninjutsu tree to make everything possible, and let the roots of the tree descend out of the ground to trap Yang Lei.

"Water escape, hard vortex water blade."

And this time, in order to prevent further interruptions, Qianshou Tobirama subconsciously used water escape ninjutsu, first condensing a ball of water that was spinning at a high speed in his hand, and then quickly approached.

This is really blocked before there are chasers.

However, Yang Lei, who was facing this kind of predicament at this time, was not worried at all. He only saw his thoughts moving and shouting: "Tenshengyan, open. Reincarnation Immortal Body, open. Shen Luo Tianzheng."


A huge repulsive force emerged from Yang Lei's body, and he easily bounced off the attacks thrown by Qianshou Tobirama, whether it was Senluo Wanxiang or Qianshou Tobirama's bad eyesight.


After Shen Luo Tianzheng dissipated, Yang Lei, who appeared in front of everyone again, had changed a lot. First, he was wrapped in a blue-green chakra, and finally a robe was condensed, and there were nine full of chakras flying around him. The black begging jade, holding the Kusanagi sword in the right hand, and a black slender sword in the left hand that I got from somewhere.

"what is this?"

Orochimaru frowned. He didn't know about Tenseigan, and naturally he didn't know what the reincarnated immortal body was. He didn't even know the existence of Qiudaoyu, and the fact that Qiudaoyu could be condensed into a physical weapon. In short, Yang Lei showed it. Everything seemed new to him.

"First generation, second generation, sorry."

For some reason, Yang Lei suddenly apologized to the Qianshou brothers.


Orochimaru instinctively felt bad, but he didn't know where the feeling came from.

After all, the real immortal mode that appeared in the previous one has to be traced back to the six-path immortal. At that time, there was no reincarnation of the dirty earth, so no one knew that if the weapon or the jade condensed by the Taoist jade was attacked, even if it was reincarnated from the dirty earth status can no longer be restored.

At this time, because Yang Lei had already obtained the Mudun Chakra from Qianshou Zhujian, and he had also obtained the magnetic dungeon's blood continuum limit from Luo Sha with a blank eye, so he didn't need to delay with them any longer. I want to end this battle as soon as possible.

In fact, as early as the first time he opened the reincarnation immortal body, Yang Lei thought about what weapon he should use the Dao Jade to make.

In fact, the materialized begging jade has already appeared. It is the black stick used by Nagato to control Payne, and that is the material of the begging jade.

In the later stage, when Naruto started the Six Paths mode with the help of the Six Path Immortals, he also made two black sticks, the material was very similar to Payne's.

It's just that the black stick on Payne's body is not Nagato's power, it was brought out by the outlaw when Nagato summoned the outlaw.

And Naruto's black stick and the black knife in Yang Lei's hands were made by them with their own power.

"It's coming."

Now that he had decided to start, Yang Lei would never hesitate, shouted loudly, and flew forward abruptly.


Yes, it is flying.

When he was in the Land of Waves before, Yang Lei once wrapped himself in a begging jade to achieve the purpose of flying. Later, he remembered that he had misremembered the plot, and only Sasuke could not fly, because what he got from Six Path Immortals was Pupil power.

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