Even if Sasuke can't open the eternal kaleidoscope because of the change of the plot, it doesn't matter, isn't there Uchiha Madara, isn't there still Samsara.

. . . . . .

"It's really hard to chase."

On the shore of a small lake outside Konoha Village, Itachi and Oni, who were running in front, suddenly stopped and turned around helplessly. In the next second, they saw Kakashi, Asma, Yuhika and The four of Yang Lei were right in front of them.

"Who are you?"

Kakashi slowly exposed the writing wheel in his left eye, staring closely at the movements of Itachi and Oni, not daring to relax, he felt the pressure from the two of them, and guessed that the two of them must be is the enemy.


Suddenly, the ghost shark on the right said in surprise: "I didn't expect that other than you, there are other people who have such eyes."


Kakashi, Asma and Kurenai Yuhi were all taken aback, they didn't know who these two were from the beginning, because they not only wore long trench coats to cover their bodies, but also wore a large one on their heads. Dou hat, can see who is really called a ghost.

And the reason why Yang Lei can see the identities of the two is because he saw the rings they were wearing when he entered the ball store before. The ring is the word 'South', so we can be sure that it is them.


Now that his identity has been called out, Itachi doesn't need to cover up any more. With a light breath, he slowly took off the hat on his head, and looked at the Konoha Ninja in front of him with a complicated look. Except for Yang Lei, the other three were all Someone he was fairly familiar with.

At least he knows them, and Itachi has gone to Anbu since graduating from the ninja school, so he is not well known to outsiders, even Asma and Yuhika only know his name because of Uchiha's genocide night.

"Itachi, why do you want to go back to the village? What is your purpose?"

Kakashi still knew Itachi, and he knew even more that this was a genius who had been a team leader in Anbu at the age of thirteen, so he was more wary of him, and wanted to know why he wanted to return to the village. What is it.


Itachi glanced at the ghost shark covertly, and thought, Kakashi, are you an idiot or intentional?If you ask me directly in front of the ghost shark, it will be hell if I can tell you.

Everyone knows that Itachi's clan extermination was done to protect Konoha Village and Sasuke. That is to say, he still has feelings for Konoha Village, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do such a cruel thing.

It's the same now, Itachi still cares about Konoha Village, otherwise he wouldn't have gone back to the village to make trouble all these years. Even in the original book, he has never been an enemy of Konoha Village.

Think about it, when did Itachi ever fight against Konoha Village?

That is to say, this part of the plot has played against Kakashi and others, and in the end, didn't it end with no casualties?

Kakashi's injury is only a mental drain, and it also made him turn on the kaleidoscope writing wheel. It can only be said that he was a blessing in disguise?

At least in the early settings, Kakashi's kaleidoscope was opened because of Itachi's stimulation, and it was changed to another way in the later period, otherwise everyone thinks, if Kakashi is really in It was opened with Obito when he killed Rin Nohara, why hasn't it been used in the following years?

It can only be said that there is a problem with the settings, otherwise there is no explanation...  

Therefore, Itachi can still be regarded as a ninja of Konoha Village. At least he values ​​Konoha Village more than others, even if he is burdened with all kinds of infamy and misunderstanding by his younger brother, even if no one in the world can understand him, it doesn't matter.

At least Yang Lei realized that he couldn't do that.

That being said, if there is no ghost shark to follow closely, maybe Itachi will find an opportunity to reveal something he knows.

It's a pity that it can't be done now. The idiot Kakashi asked directly in front of the ghost, and he didn't dare to show the slightest.

It's not that he is worried that he will be removed by Akatsuki, but that he wants to stay in Akatsuki all the time. One is that there are some things he doesn't understand in it, and the other is that he wants to use this identity to better protect the village and Sasuke.

"I really can't tell you."

Therefore, Itachi finally said this with his expression unchanged, and just like that, the negotiations between the two sides were completely broken at this point.

"If that's the case, then we can only fight."

Both sides were very clear in their hearts that there would definitely be a battle to be resolved, and the ninjas of Konoha Village would not watch them leave swaggeringly.


"Then let me cut them off."

The ghost shark was not surprised but happy, and took out the shark muscle sword on his back, looking very happy.

The seven ninja swordsmen who also came out of the village of blood fog, the ghost shark's character is no better than Zaibuzhan and the black hoe Leiya, they are all madmen who are bloodthirsty and warlike.

Therefore, at this time, after hearing that there is a fight, I can't help but look very excited.

"Let's fight quickly."

Itachi frowned, knowing the strength of the ghost shark, he didn't dare to let the so-called tailless beast really go crazy, and quickly reminded: "It's too close to Konoha Village, if it's endless, let's Maybe there is no escape."

"So, you cover, I will do my best to eliminate their combat power, and then seize the time to retreat."

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, open. Monthly reading!"

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, open!".

0173 Eternal Kaleidoscope, Reincarnation Eye

After deciding on the strategic policy, Uchiha Itachi stopped talking nonsense, and said softly with a thought: "Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, open."

"Be careful."

Kakashi was startled, and quickly reminded Asma and Yuri Hong on the left and right: "Don't look into his eyes except for me and Yang Lei."

Hearing this, Asma and Hong Yuhi didn't ask why, and closed their eyes in trust.

However, Yang Lei raised his eyebrows. He didn't know that his secret had been told to Kakashi by Asma, and he didn't know that it was because he had accidentally turned on the writing wheel and the white eye before and was caught by Kakashi. West to see the relationship.

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