Yang Lei smiled coldly. This letter was sent by Shayin Village, telling the three generations that Yunyin Village, Wuyin Village and Yanyin Village knew that someone in Konoye Village had awakened the Samsara Eye, so they wanted to join forces to do good to Konoye Village. Press, ask Konoha Village to hand over the people.

After all, as I said before, the current Konoha Village is also unstable. Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan, the third generation is about to retire, the fifth generation has no candidates, and the older generation of powerhouses are leaving the scene. It's the best time to take advantage of the fire in the three major ninja villages...  

And once the Konoha Village is allowed to slow down, the three major Ninja Villages will not dare to do so.

But now, the opportunity of the three major ninja villages is really uncomfortable.

"It's really shameless."

Aside, Asma stood behind Yang Lei and also read the contents of the letter, and couldn't help but scolded the corner of his mouth.

It's not a shameless way to want people like this.

"No idea."

But there is no way, the third generation sighed and said: "The situation is stronger than people, we really can't stand the siege of the three major Ninja villages now, once they tear their faces, they will definitely ignore it, when the time comes, I'm afraid the village will be real. It's going to be dangerous."

"What should I do?"

Asma was startled, hearing the meaning of the third generation's purpose seemed a little wrong, and quickly shouted: "You don't really plan to hand Yang Lei over, do you? Let's not talk about Yang Lei's safety issues, you know how bad Yang Lei's blood is. Yes, in case of being taken by the three major Ninja villages, there will be endless troubles."

Hearing this, Yang Lei frowned, subconsciously, and unconsciously took a step back, instead of looking at Asma, he opened his left eye and opened his eyes to pay attention to the surroundings, and his right eye opened his three-goose jade writing wheel to look at Sandaimu.

At this moment, Yang Lei would not be an idiot or a fool and still trust Sandaimu like he did before.

Just like what Asma said, his bloodline is really unbelievable. Seeing that Jigu's Eye can copy other people's bloodline limits, moves, as long as he wants to, he can even put all the bloodline limits in the entire ninja world. They were all in one, so Yang Lei was worried that the third generation wanted to hand him over to protect the village, and then he didn't want his blood to spread, that is to say....

As for Asma, that can still be trusted.

"don’t worry."

The three generations are so talented, they saw through Yang Lei's worries in an instant, and said, "I won't make that mistake again, Yang Lei, don't worry, I won't shoot at you."

"I'm looking for you to come here, if the village can't protect you, then you should leave for a while, and when your strength is strong enough, come back when you want to come back!"

(PS: I wrote about Hyuga's daily errand to set off that Sandaimu regretted what happened in the past, so he made this choice now. Have you thought about it?... I was afraid of being scolded, so I put some dark lines. I will translate everything I can explain to you...).

0178 Yang Lei leaves the village?

In that year's Hyuga Risei incident, the third generation was actually helpless, because it was indeed Hyuga Hizu who killed Yunyin Village's Shangnin, and then there was no evidence to prove that the Shangin was going to kidnap Hina, and was taken by Yunyin. The village found an excuse to take the opportunity to attack.

But now, this is the unreasonable trouble of the three major ninja villages, how can the three generations agree.

But at the same time, he is also very clear that the three major Ninja Villages must not allow Yang Lei to grow up in Konoha Village. In fact, he just wants to force them to treat Yang Lei as an abandoned child. As long as Yang Lei leaves Konoha Village, it is enough.

Not only the three major Ninja villages, but also Shayin Village may not have this idea, but the current situation of Shayin Village is even worse than that of Konoha Village. Personally, at least the three generations are very grateful to them.

Therefore, the third generation quickly thought of a countermeasure. Instead of being provoked by the enemy in the later stage, making Yang Lei disappointed in the village, it is better to find Yang Lei from the beginning and talk to him honestly.

The three generations are so old, and they have never experienced anything, but they know the human heart very clearly.

Once the three major ninja villages really work together to put pressure on Konoha Village, I believe many people will make the decision to abandon the car and protect the handsome.

In particular, Yang Lei was the only one who had to give up, and he was still an outsider in the strict sense. He came to Konoha Village when he was five years old. Isn't it normal to be abandoned?

Otherwise, we can't let the village fall into crisis because of him alone?

The villagers don't know the importance of Yang Lei, even if they do, it's useless. There are too many selfish people.

Especially when there are people with bad intentions staring at him secretly, the third generation will make this decision and send Yang Lei away.

Yang Lei's departure has basically become a foregone conclusion, which is irreversible, because the current Konoha Village not only lacks combat strength, low morale, but also does not have unity of heart. Civil strife, this is what the three generations do not want to see anyway.

Therefore, in fact, the third generation also wants to deal with Yang Lei as an abandoned son, but it is more gentle, and it is said to send him away. As for whether he is willing to return to Muye Village in the future, the right to choose is in Yang Lei's hands.

. . . . . .

"That's it."

Yang Lei smiled bitterly. He was not a fool, otherwise he would not have endured for six years before. Although he was not too smart, he could always hear that he was about to be given up.

Didn't listen to the third generation and only told him to leave, but didn't mention if he could not leave?

Another, if Yang Lei can stay, in fact, the third generation will not call him right now, they can wait until things break out and then come forward to solve the problem, and then they can sell Yang Lei a great favor.

But now, the purpose of Sandaimu looking for him is to tell him in advance that he may have to leave Konoha Village.

"Yang Lei."

The third generation is a little embarrassed to look at Yang Lei again. He still has some calculations in it. Doing so will not hurt the relationship between Yang Lei and Konoha Village, because this is a helpless move, and he doesn't want to hurt Yang Lei. Returning to Konoha Village will not harm Konoha Village in return.

On the other hand, doing this by the third generation will also make the calculations of the three major Ninja Village useless, because Yang Lei knows why he has to leave, and Konoha Village does not intend to persecute him, I believe Yang Lei will not. He was recruited by the three major ninja villages.

"Look at this."

At this time, I saw that the third generation took another scroll from the table and handed it over.


Yang Lei forced himself to no longer feel lost and sad. He took the scroll and looked at it. He saw that it said quest entrustment, which meant that Yang Lei was entrusted by the village as an information collector from this moment on, and he could temporarily give up the ninja of Konoha Village. Identity, act at will with a free body.

That is to say, from this moment on, he is free, and no matter what he does, he has nothing to do with Konoha Village.

And once he wants to return to Konoha Village one day, as long as he gives this scroll to the person in power, unless he has done a great evil, he can become a ninja of Konoha Village again.

It seems that the third generation has already made plans.

The third generation believes in Yang Lei's talent very much. Even if this scroll leaves a retreat for Yang Lei and Konoha Village, as long as he wants to return in the future, Konoha Village will resist what he has committed during this period of time.

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