Xiao Ying raised the book in her hand to indicate why she was here, and then asked Yang Lei, "Isn't your tenth class able to perform tasks normally?"

The seventh class was taken away by Jiraiya because of Naruto, and Kakashi was also injured. At this time, he was still recuperating at Konoha Hospital. There was no other way but to temporarily stop the activities, so Sakura would have time to run. Come to the library for information.

"I came to find you."

Yang Lei said boldly, in fact, he never knew what the two girls were doing recently, otherwise he wouldn't have been emptied one after another before, and he would have been locked in the house.

Although he was really looking for Hinata and Sakura before, the encounter at this time was a coincidence that couldn't be more coincidental.

But Xiao Ying believed it, because after going through the previous events, she faintly felt that Yang Lei had feelings for her, so she thought that Yang Lei had been paying attention to her, and shyly twisted twice, and asked in a low voice: "What do you want me to do, Jun Yang?"

"follow me."

Yang Lei didn't say much, just said hello to Xiao Ying, turned his head and left.

Sakura paused for a while and then caught up, and the two walked along the street in silence all the way to the back mountain.


Before a stream, Yang Lei finally stopped, sighed without looking back, and suddenly said, "I may have to leave the village."


Xiao Ying exclaimed, she thought Yang Lei was taking her to such a remote place to do something shy, she was still thinking about whether she wanted to refuse, or just give it a half push?Or let him make a choice, whether he wants him or Hinata.

She never thought that Yang Lei would actually say such a thing, it really shocked (bgee) her.

"Why did Yang Jun leave? Did you encounter unfair treatment? Or is there something outside that you have to do? Or, is there someone in the village who makes you feel uncomfortable?"

Xiao Ying was really anxious, she stepped forward and stood a step behind Yang Lei, spit out a series of questions, and even finally said: "Please don't leave, Yang Jun, if you can stay, I'm willing to do whatever it asks me to do."

"It's useless."

Yang Lei gave a wry smile, turned around and stood face to face with Xiao Ying, forgetting what he had promised to the third generation before, and said thoroughly: "It's not that I want to leave, I was forced to leave because of helplessness."

Having said that, Yang Lei passed on Shayin Village, about the oppression of the three major Ninja Villages against him.

After listening to Yang Lei's narration, Xiao Ying fell silent. She didn't know what else to say. Even the third generation couldn't let Yang Lei stay, let alone her.


Suddenly, an idea came to Xiao Ying's heart, she looked up at Yang Lei's eyes, and said with a firm expression: "If possible, please take me away with me, I will take care of Yang Jun and make Yang Jun happy, for sure."


Yang Lei was moved by Xiao Ying, but he couldn't be so selfish, shook his head, rubbed Xiao Ying's long hair with his hand, and said with a smile, "I am very satisfied with your attitude, but please forgive me. I can't take you away."

"Is it because of Hinata?"

Xiao Ying can't avoid letting Yang Lei make trouble on her own head, but she has to ask clearly, is it because Hinata can't take her with her?

"of course not."

Yang Lei shook his head and reminded: "Don't forget, you still have parents at home. If you leave like this, they will be so sad and sad, and they will be monitored by the village. How can you ignore them."

"I won't take you away, and I won't take Hina Tian away. I just want to say goodbye to you. We will meet again in the future, because I will return to the village sooner or later."

"Sakura, if I can come back one day, no matter if I'm still with Hinata, I will face up to your intention. I just hope you don't blame me, Hua, Xin, and don't reject me because of it."

Listening to Yang Lei's words, Xiao Ying couldn't help but feel sad, her feelings were finally faced, but she was about to face separation in a blink of an eye, her love.

. . . . . .

As a digression, the reason why the third generation chose to treat Yang Lei as an abandoned son may not be without Hinata's consideration.

The third generation didn't know about Xiao Ying, but he was not blind, so he knew something about Yang Lei and Hinata.

Therefore, Hinata is the reassurance for the third generation. He believes that no matter how long Yang Lei leaves the village, as long as Hinata is still a ninja in Konoha Village, Yang Lei will never become the enemy of the village, and one day he will even return to the village.

Because the third generation has already figured out Yang Lei's character, and knows that he is a person who attaches great importance to feelings, whether it is kindness or love, otherwise he would not have tried his best to benefit Yang Lei before.

So, Asma is right, the face before the third generation is really ugly. .

0180 Sakura declares war on Hinata

At night, at ten o'clock in the evening, in front of the resident of the Hyuga clan.

"I'm so tired."

Hinata, who had been out cultivating for a whole day, was finally sent back by Hong Yuhi. I saw that the eldest lady, who was clean and tidy before departure, was already in a mess. It seems that today's training program is very simple.


At this moment, a person stood up in front of the gate of the Hyuga Sect's residence. It was none other than Sakura?What is she here for?

"I have something to tell you."

Sakura beckoned to Hinata, then turned around and walked aside regardless of Hinata's reaction.


Hinata frowned and turned to look at Yuhika.

Since the return of the country of waves, Yuhi Hong had said something to Hinata, which made Hinata, who hadn't noticed anything at all, become vigilant.

At this time, what made Hinata even more puzzled was why Xiao Sakura suddenly found herself, is it about to showdown?

But she had never experienced this before, so she couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

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