Fighting, the shadow clones quickly exchanged information, and felt that it would not be a problem to keep fighting like this, they are just shadow clones, chakra is not unlimited, and has no self-recovery ability, it will be used up sooner or later.

"It's time to act."

Looking at each other and looking at Danzo together, the shadow clones finally made a decision.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

I saw a shadow clone rushing out, first quickly changing the pupil technique to Samsara Eye, and then using Shen Luo Tianzheng to bounce all the surrounding root members.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

There are two shadow clones behind, one left and one right to catch up with the root members who were ejected. They also replaced the pupil technique with the reincarnation eye and used Shinra Tianzheng. This time, they directly ejected all the root members who had not died from the room. Going outside, it can be described as breaking through the wall.

Fortunately, the house in Tuanzang was built of wood. If it was a brick building, I am afraid that this group of people would be shot to death on the wall.

"Go to silence."

However, Yang Lei will not let those root members go. As I said before, Yang Lei doesn't want the village to find out that he wants to kill Danzang, otherwise he will definitely be sentenced to be a traitor. I saw four shadow clones, one left and one The right one chased after the two gang members, and the remaining six shadow clones took the opportunity to rush to Danzo, who was no longer protected by anyone.

"You can't use other gods yet."

Seeing that there were as many as six Yang Lei left, Danzang knew that now was not the time, so he quickly removed the seal on his right hand, revealing that not only the cells that had been transplanted between the thousand-hand pillars, but also more than ten densely packed The right hand of the writing wheel.

"It's disgusting."

The six Yang Lei who had come to him all grinned. It was really disgusting to have eyes on their arms.

"Let's send it to the main body."

Hearing what Yang Lei behind him said, Tuanzang stopped his movements.

"It turns out that the main body is not here, just happened to be sent to find him!".

0185 Danzo's Plan

"Three generations of adults."

At night, a group of men in black suddenly appeared at the Sarutobi family's residence and knocked on the door hard, only to hear the one who took the lead rushing to the door and shouted, "Something has happened."

"what happened?"

The third generation, who was already asleep, opened the door and came out, and suddenly frowned, only to see that all the men in black were wearing animal-type masks, with only one difference, indicating that it was a member of Gen.

"Is it a celestial burial? Why are you here?~"

The third generation guessed the identity of the person. Because of a certain opportunity, he successfully turned against a member of the root and made him his undercover agent, but he didn't expect that he would find him today, which means that things must be very important. serious.

(PS: Sky Burial is Captain Yamato, Yamato is his action code, and Sky Burial is the name he gave himself. Now he has not yet become Anbu, but at the root. My setting _ set.)

"Lord Sandaimu, Yang Lei is killing people at Gen's headquarters. According to Danzo's plan, he plans to take the opportunity to capture Yang Lei to get his pupil technique, and at the same time launch a political attack on you."

Sky Burial said what he knew.


The shock of the third generation is really no small matter, and he couldn't help but snorted: "That idiot, Yang Lei's strength is something he can provoke."

Just a few days ago, Yang Lei easily solved the first and second eyes in front of him, although they were reincarnated from the dirt, and the self-consciousness was erased by Orochimaru with some kind of technique, causing their own self-consciousness. The strength is only one-twelfth.

However, that is also the god brother of the ninja, how can it be a good match?

Moreover, the monkey demon also told the third generation of eyes, and described Yang Lei's achievements in the month of cultivation in Huaguo Mountain, so that the third generation of eyes had some guesses about his strength, and he knew in his heart that Danzang would suffer.

"Have to stop it."

The third generation was anxious, and hurriedly called everyone to go to Gen's headquarters to stop Yang Lei.

"Yang Lei, don't do anything irreparable, otherwise, the scroll I gave you would be meaningless."

In the original work, the reason why Sasuke was not wanted in the early stage, until Danzo announced that he was wanted, did he become a rebel, because Sasuke did not hurt the ninjas in this village.

Yang Lei is the same here, and he was forced to leave the village because he had no choice but to leave the village, so he wouldn't be a rebel.

However, once Yang Lei killed Danzo, the three generations had to want him. From then on, Yang Lei was the rebel of Konoha Village, and the scroll would naturally be useless.

. . . . . .

"Send him to the main body."

Looking at the root's headquarters, there are four shadow clones still chasing and killing the root members, and six shadow clones are surrounded by Danzang, only listening to one of the shadow clones deliberately said this, so that Danzang's heart moved quietly. Stopped a certain method that was just about to be used.

"Going to find the main body? It's exactly what I want."

Dan Zang thought to himself in his heart, although he had opened the bandage wrapped around his right eye, he did not open his right eye to reveal the kaleidoscope derived from Shishui, nor did he use the dozen or so writing-wheel eyes in his right hand. He stood there honestly, let a shadow clone press on him, and used the technique of flying thunder god to send him away.


The technique of Flying Thunder God is space ninjutsu. I saw a shadow clone with Danzo coming out of Konoha Village in an instant, appearing in a forest outside the village, in front of another Yang Lei.

"Is this the body?"

Danzo looked cautiously at the Yang Lei in front of him, suddenly raised his foot and kicked back, kicking the shadow clone behind him into white smoke.


Yang Lei didn't look at the white smoke, and looked at Danzo. At this time, his eyes were fully opened to look at his right eye. At the same time, he asked, "Why do you keep targeting me?"

"Knowingly asking."

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