That's why he finally asked Danzo again, but in his heart he was already ready to fight.

Danzang still didn't know what Yang Lei got, and his face still looked like he was winning. After all, he had one arm that could use Izanagi's Shaker Eyes more than a dozen times, and the right-eyed Bie Tianshen. The possibility of twelve-year-old Yang Lei.

So Danzo was not in a hurry, but replied, "I also have my own goals and ideals."

"The reason why the Ninja world continues to conquer is precisely because it is too divided. Not to mention the five major countries and the five major Ninja villages, there are countless small countries and little-known small Ninja villages. For interests and ambitions, people will continue to break out wars. ."

"And I thought of a way to end all wars, and that is."

"Unify the world." At this moment, Yang Lei suddenly interrupted Danzo's words, opened his eyes to reveal the Samsara Eye in the left eye and the Tensei Eye in the right eye, and said, "You want Konoha Village to unify the ninja world, and then let the whole world unify. The world becomes the only great power, and finally achieves the purpose of peace, right?"

Speaking of this, Yang Lei couldn't help sighing in his heart, and he didn't know what kind of person Danzo should be classified as. However, I have to say that he is still a good person. At least he did not intend to destroy, but aimed at peace. in action.


Danzo nodded to confirm Yang Lei's words, and then sent an invitation: "How about Yang Lei-jun, are you coming to be my help and build a peaceful world with me?"

Do you think Danzo is really wasting saliva in vain?Wrong, terribly wrong.

Danzo is using his charisma and the so-called bright future to bewitch Yang Lei, wanting to subdue the enemy without fighting. If he can recruit Yang Lei like this, it would be really great.

Is it impossible?

In the world of Zhanmei, Chitong was sent by the empire to assassinate Nadetta, but what happened?But in turn, the Revolutionary Army and Ye Xiu gained a trump card, and even in the end, it was Chi Tong that led to the subversion of the empire...  

Therefore, it is not impossible to incite a rebellion.

For example, sky burial, isn't he being instigated by the three generations?

It's just a pity, Danzang is doomed to be wasted, because in front of him is not an ignorant [-]-year-old boy, but an adult who already has self-consciousness and is in his twenties.


Yang Lei spread his hands and asked back, "If your idea can really come true, then may I ask, why didn't the original Hokage Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara do the same?"

Senju is known as the god of ninjas, and Uchiha Madara is a strong man who can compete with Senju, and finally is known as the powerhouse who killed Senju.

If the two of them join forces, they may really be able to sweep the Ninja world and unify the world.

After all, in addition to their own strong strength, they have also subdued the tailed beasts after pacifying the chaotic world. If they want, it is really possible to unify the world by driving the tailed beasts to attack together.

But the result was that Qianshou Hakuma sent the tailed beasts out separately. Of course, the purpose was not to make the enemy stronger, but actually to make the tailed beasts become the nuclear bombs of modern society, so as to make each other jealous and dare not take it lightly. start war.

At this time, Yang Lei said that even the first generation had no plans to unify the ninja world. Is your idea of ​​0.6 method really stronger than the first generation?

"Will a unified world really be peaceful?"

Yang Lei shook his head and put forward his disapproval opinion: "Wrong, even if the world is truly unified, it will not be peaceful, because of power and money, even unfair treatment, beauty, sex and other multiple reasons, war will still be turbulent. It's going to explode again."

"Real peace is actually a point. As long as that point is found, there will be no war."

"Otherwise, the first generation of adults would not have allocated the tailed beasts."

"So, Danzo, your ideal is absolutely impossible to become a reality, because even if you succeed, you will not make the world peaceful!"

(PS: Because I want to describe Danzo sideways in these two chapters, and then veto his ideals and the meaning of his actions, there is some water, and then there will be no more...).

0187 The war begins!

"It seems that we are not all the same after all."

In the face of Yang Lei's total veto, Danzo couldn't help letting out a disappointed sigh. It seemed that he could only fight.

In this regard, Yang Lei's view is the same, since the negotiation failed, then only the battle is left.

In fact, Yang Lei never thought of negotiating with Danzang from the very beginning, just to get the other god in his right eye, so he delayed the time with Danzang.

Only Danzo wanted to use language negotiation to try to pull Yang Lei into the roots and become his own powerful arm, but unfortunately he failed.

"Since we can only fight, let's fight quickly."

Danzang is also a heroic figure. He was not too disappointed with the result of the failed recruitment. He was ready to fight as soon as he thought about it. His right eye suddenly opened to reveal the water-stopping kaleidoscope. god.

"too slow."

It's not like Yang Lei didn't do anything. Since the talk has collapsed, it must be a battle of life and death. How can he continue to stand in place and let Danzo use his methods at will. He used the Flying Thunder God technique to leave the place long ago. 16

Yang Lei already knew about the existence of Bie Tianshen, so naturally he would not do nothing when he sent ten shadow clones. He had already left behind many spells on the surrounding tree trunks. At this time, he moved back and forth. Let Danzo not be able to capture his figure at all.

"Fire escape."

Coming behind a few big trees, Yang Lei Jieyin used ninjutsu and shouted, "The fire is gone."


I saw a huge arrow-like flame quickly appear and burn forward quickly.


Danzang secretly screamed bad, the one arm plus the right eye's writing wheel eye was a heavy burden on his body, otherwise he would not have sealed them all, at this time, Yang Lei took the lead and resorted to forbearance. It's really hard for him to escape.

Another one, although the coverage area of ​​Huo Huo annihilation is not as wide as that of Huo Huo quenching, it is a concentrated attack ninjutsu, but it does not mean that its attack range is very small. Within the range, it made him even more desperate.

In addition, Danzo's attribute is wind, and his usual attack methods are all wind escape, but fire overcomes wind, and he has no way to deal with it.

However, Danzo is not waiting for death. The writing wheel on his arm is not a decoration, but a sacrifice he used to cast Izanagi.

"You can only use Izanagi to dodge the fatal attack, and then use the other gods to take him down while he doesn't know Izanagi's role."

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