Among the wooden figures, Yang Lei exclaimed, Asma is one of the most important people in the Naruto world. It can be said that, apart from Hinata, who has established a relationship, and Sakura, who has established a relationship, he the most important family.

But at this time, watching Asma being restrained by Danzo and other gods, he had nothing to do.

Illusion is something that happens in the spiritual world. It can be said to be over in an instant. Even if Yang Lei has a speed close to four times the speed of sound at this time, he can't keep up with it, and it is useless to do anything.


Reluctantly calming himself down, Yang Lei said to himself: "It's not like I can't do anything, I should use my other gods to restore Uncle Asma back to his original state."

Yang Lei thought so, and when he looked at Danzang again, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Now that Danzang's other gods have been used, Yang Lei no longer has to hide in the wooden man. With a thought, he gave the wooden man an order to intercept Asma, and he rushed towards Danzang.

I saw that there was only a cold murderous intent on Yang Lei's face, which was also mixed with a trace of regret.

With Yang Lei's current strength, he can actually kill Danzo faster, and he didn't even use much of his ability, even the two great immortal modes of Reincarnation and Six Paths were useless.

As for why Yang Lei chose to keep his hand, it was not because of the joking mentality of a cat catching a mouse. When he was in the country of waves, he was taught a lesson by others. What's more, Danzo is still a dangerous hero, and his ability is not low, so how dare he really make a fool of himself.

In fact, Yang Lei wanted to force Danzo to use up all the times Izanagi had, and then use the Tongshu Yuedu from Itachi to kill him instantly, so that he could get a kaleidoscope.

As for the use of the kaleidoscope he wanted to stop the water, he couldn't change his eyes, and didn't his right eye already get another god?

He can't use it himself, but he can also find Itachi to exchange Shishui's left eye, at least let Itachi take out Shishui's left eye and let him have a look.

And as long as he glanced at Zhishui's left eye, he would be able to get his eyes away from the gods.

As a result, he hadn't pushed Danzo to the point of running out of ammunition and food, but Asma, who had already left before, was lured back by the momentum of the battle here.

"Tanzo, I'm going to kill you."

At this time, Yang Lei's eyes became red, and he came to Danzo in an instant. He swiped his right hand around his waist and pulled out a three-foot-three-inch straight-blade Kusanagi sword. It was split into two halves.

Yang Lei shot with hatred, the power is really not to be underestimated, and I don't know what kind of chakra attribute he used, forming a long chakra blade on the Kusanagi sword, not only splitting Danzang in half, but also connecting the chakra behind him. He also cut a long slender hole in the ground.


He only heard a muffled groan from Danzang's mouth, and the body that was divided in two recovered before a large amount of blood splashed out. At the same time, the writing wheel eye of his right arm closed again. up.


Yang Lei wouldn't give him another chance, he drank a kill in his mouth, and the Kusanagi sword in his hand danced and slashed Danzo constantly, so that he could only continue to die and then come back to life, less than a minute. He died several times, and finally, the writing wheel eyes on his arms were all closed together, and he no longer had Izanagi to use.


Faced with the imminent death, Danzo didn't have the slightest fear, some just sneered slightly, cursing Yang Lei: "You are a monster, but I guess the monster also has a heart, right?"

"I have turned Asma into my loyal servant, and you are killing me in front of him now. I guess he will try his best to avenge me when he goes back, but I want to ask you, you Are you going to solve Asma here, or let him go back and threaten your two little girlfriends?"

Two little girlfriends?Even the third generation didn't know about Yang Lei and Xiao Ying. I didn't expect Danzang to know something. It should be said that this guy has been able to compete with the third generation for so long, which is really not to be underestimated.

It's just a pity that Danzo still didn't see the real horror of Yang Lei.

"You don't have to worry about that."

With a wave of his hand, Yang Lei first cut off Danzo's limbs with the Kusanagi sword, and then dug out the kaleidoscope of Zhishui's right eye, which was already gray and temporarily closed, and then he was relieved and said softly to Danzo. : "What do you think my bloodline limit is?"

Hearing this, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain, his face full of despair. Danzo, who was just waiting for death to come, suddenly returned to the light, insisted not to let himself die, and stared at Yang Lei with his only left eye wide open. mouth.

Looking at Danzo like this, Yang Lei suddenly had a bright smile on his face and said, "Sorry, I'm not the idiot villain in the comics, I won't let you die in peace... .."


Danzang didn't expect that even if he was on the verge of death, Yang Lei actually wanted to play with him.

If Danzang hadn't used other gods to Asma, Yang Lei wouldn't mind letting him die in peace, but Danzang had already started to take action on those who valued him, so there was nothing he could do, otherwise Yang Lei would have wanted to let him die. His soul was also crushed to ashes, how could he be kind enough to let him die?

"Master Danzo."

Looking at that side again, Asma saw that Danzang was dead, and couldn't help letting out a shrill howl, as if it wasn't Danzang who died, but his Laozi's third-generation eyes.

"Speaking back."

Yang Lei turned around and turned his right eye into a water-stopping kaleidoscope, while he couldn't help but secretly slandered in his heart: "It seems that in the original book, Uncle Asma was not so excited when the third generation of eyes died. Right? Could it be that he is really the child of the old Shimura family next door?"

Shimura is Danzo's surname. In fact, Danzo's full name is Shimura Danzo. Because he didn't want to be scolded by readers, he kept calling Danzo and Danzo.

At this time, Yang Lei's stalk was the same as 'the child of the old Wang's next door'.

"Don't be a god."

Seeing that Asma was really so sad and angry because of Danzo's death, Yang Lei didn't dare to let him get away, and he didn't dare to let the wooden man hurt him, so he quickly used other gods to Asma.

"It turns out that this is the power of 2.2 other gods."

In Yang Lei's feeling, when Asma fell in love with his other gods, it was as if he had become his own doll, and he could easily change Asma's thoughts and will as he wanted.

"Restore it, Uncle Asma."

Without much play, Yang Lei quickly helped Asma regain her self.


Asma, who was raising a knife and wanted to rush to Yang Lei to take revenge for Tuanzang, suddenly stopped, scratched his hair in embarrassment, and said unnaturally, "I seemed to have a dream just now?"

Yang Lei nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, it's a dream!"

(PS: Happy New Year's Day, bring the red envelopes... Today is a new year and a new day. I wish you all a smooth work and life in the new year, happy and healthy every day, and everything will come true. !!!).

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