Facing Yang Lei's question, Obito would tell the truth, he pretended to be a sneer, and said, "Now you are not qualified to judge. I will let you know when you defeat the people outside."

After he finished speaking, Obito raised his hand and waved his pupil-pulling technique Shenwei to suck himself into the Shenwei space, and fled without a fight.

"Oh? Is this Kamui?"

What Obito didn't know was that Yang Lei was looking at him thoughtfully outside.

In front of Yang Lei's Eye of Space, Obito's Shenwei space is like undefended. He can open it and break in at any time, but he doesn't want to do that now. 16 But he is carefully studying an ability that he has acquired. Obito's right eye is powerful.

"It turns out that the power of space can still be used like this."

After pondering for a while, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Yang Lei's mouth. He gained a lot of experience in using the power of space, and the power of the eye of space also increased a lot.

Although the previous Eye of Space can already open some spaces, it only means breaking into other people's spaces.

The Shenwei space is different. It is a space created by himself, making Yang Lei feel as if he has broken into another world, and has a new understanding of the power of space.

"Go and get rid of the people outside first, and then study the power of space."

Taking a deep breath, Yang Lei temporarily interrupted his research on the power of space, raised his hand and took out a piece of goggles from the ninja bag behind him and put it in front of him.

Yang Lei is very bad. At present, outsiders only know that he has a Samsara eye, and at most one Tenseikan, but the fact that he still has a white eye and a writing wheel eye has not spread.

In particular, his current pupil technique has all been integrated into a more powerful pupil technique. At this time, it is hidden from outsiders, and when he suddenly uses his killer technique, it will definitely cause unexpected effects.

"At least the undead duo must be killed here, Jiaodu, five hearts can claim to be immortal?"

"And Feiduan, I want to see if you are really immortal!"

Yang Lei set a goal for himself, even if this is the first time to fight with Xiao, even if almost all of Xiao's people are here, only Xiao Nan and Nagato, who is hiding somewhere, do not show up, he will at least kill Undead II. people group.

Because in the original book, the undead duo once killed Asma, and also killed the host who had been kind to him, he would not let this happen again.

. . . . . .



Outside, Xiao's people have been here for a long time, and they have been waiting silently for the movement of Shuiying's office. They don't know yet. In fact, Yang Lei could have flown away long ago, but he did not leave because he had his own purpose.

At this moment, only a light sound caught everyone's attention, and when he looked up, he saw Yang Lei walked out slowly with a relaxed face, and with his right hand, he danced a knife flower and pointed forward with the Kusanagi sword, shouting: "You want to Group fight or one-on-one?"

Everyone in Xiao glanced at each other, and even Penn Liudao was silent for a while, thinking that this child is scared and stupid, right?If we are going to fight you one-on-one, why do we have to make such a big battle?

"Go all out."

At this time, Tiandao Payne was still the leader of Xiaoming's face, and he heard Nagato control Tiandao Payne's mouth and said: "Try to kill him as quickly as possible, and never let him call out the outsider golem."

Even if there are no nine-tailed beasts, the power of the ten-tailed outsider golem is terrifying. Nagato used it to fight against people, so he did not dare to let Yang Lei have the opportunity to summon it.

To the eye of reincarnation, a foreign golem is equivalent to a public item, and anyone can summon it.

Just like the stone statue of Yumura Otsutsuki on the moon against Tensei, Yang Lei can summon it right now, and there is absolutely no need for any preparations in advance.

That's why Nagato was very worried. The outsider golem was too important to Akatsuki's plan, and he must not miss it.

At the same time, he is also worried that the outsider golem will cause great harm to Xiao people.

"Are you going to kill as soon as you come up?"

Deidara glanced at Tiandao Payne and shrugged a little boringly. Originally, he was thinking of deliberately bombing Wuyin Village one more time. Anyway, Wuyin Village can't have it anymore, so why be polite to them.

But since the leader has given an order, it's more important to get down to business.

"Kill me?"

Yang Lei's ears are still very sensitive. He couldn't help laughing when he heard Tiandao Payne's words. Finally, he looked at Yakura, who was standing there dumbfounded, and thoroughly studied the characteristics of Sanwei Chakra. He took a deep breath and was done. Preparation for battle.


Knowing that there are many people, and they don't know how powerful Yang Lei is, they don't need to worry about anything, and they all rushed forward with a loud shout.

However, they are powerful people, not fools. They were arranged on the road. The so-called undead Jiaodu and Feiduan and the puppet master Scorpion rushed to the front, and the others came from the surrounding. Let's test Yang Lei's strength and ability first.

"Three people?"

Yang Lei glanced at the three people who rushed over, and couldn't help feeling overjoyed. Among them, there were two people he wanted to kill. This was really home delivery.


"Then let's see who kills who."

Just listening to Yang Lei shouting loudly, instead of retreating, the three of them took the initiative to meet Xiao. On the way, I saw that he deliberately made a seal with his hands to separate ten shadow avatars. Because everyone in Xiao didn't know that two of them were very magical, They also curled their lips to show disdain, but what they didn't know was that they would soon pay for their contempt.


The two sides were getting closer and closer, and finally, the action was faster than the scorpion, and the relationship between the corners was deliberately one step behind, Feiduan and Yang Lei collided head-on.

I just heard the two roaring at the same time, no one showed mercy, no one defended, one wielded a large sickle and the other wielded a slender straight blade, slashing at each other's vital points.



In just one round, Feiduan was seriously injured and spat out a mouthful of blood. The injuries on his body were terrible, especially his neck was almost chopped off by Yang Lei.

And looking at Yang Lei again, he turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared?

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