"Okay, let's set off right now. I'll take you as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible."

What Mabuyi said was rude, he would drive people out in front of him, and the speed on his feet accelerated without leaving any traces.

Yang Lei shrugged indifferently. He had already accomplished the purpose of coming to Yunyin Village, and there was nothing hesitant about leaving now. Since Ma Buyi wanted to speed up, he simply cooperated.

In this way, the two of them tacitly circled Yunyin Village at the fastest speed, and at noon, they found a restaurant to eat something, and then sent Yang Lei away.

Standing at the gate of Yunyin Village, Yang Lei recalled Mabuyi's relieved expression, and suddenly he couldn't help laughing, which attracted the attention of the guards at the gate.

It wasn't because of anything else that he laughed. This time he came to Yunyin Village, and he really started to make trouble. Not only did he beat Raikage, but he also cleaned up more than [-] Yunren, and there were two people who supported him. , I don't know if Yumu Ren is awake now, and his mood is finally a lot more relaxed, and he is no longer worried about seeing Yunyin Village.

Besides, he also got benefits, this trip is really rewarding.


After laughing for a while, Yang Lei turned around and was about to hit the road again. Having already asked him the direction, he walked one day to the next town, found a hotel and stayed there. After having nothing to do at night, he began to think about the development. Combining the technique of sending the sky and the technique of flying thunder gods together, the teleportation has not yet been researched, but at least his Space Eye has awakened a new ability.

"it's wired."

Feeling the ability of the Eye of Space, Yang Lei seemed very strange, and found that the ability of the newly awakened has nothing to do with the technique of flying thunder gods and the technique of sending from the sky, but a means of attacking with the power of space.

Different Dimension Slash, this is the second name Yang Lei gave to the new ability. You can tell from the name. It is an ability to use unstable space to cause attacks, or it can be said to be the ability to create unstable space.

"It should be awakened because of the technique of sending it from the sky."

In the end, Yang Lei could only make such a guess, otherwise he really doesn't know how this came about.

In the next few days, Yang Lei was not in a hurry to hurry. He walked slowly and leisurely to the direction outside the land of thunder while thinking about his teleportation. When he finally left the land of thunder, teleportation finally let him. Research out.

The so-called teleportation did not actually achieve earth-shaking effects. It should be said that it can only be regarded as an advanced version of the Flying Thunder God Technique. Except for the addition of two abilities, it is no different from the previous Flying Thunder God Technique.

The two added abilities are the coordinate ability of the Heavenly Sending Technique and the ability to send others.

Now, as long as Yang Lei has been to places, he can teleport without coordinates, and at the same time, 463 can send others away alone without escorting him himself.

How should I put it, it's more like the perfect fusion of the two techniques, so it didn't achieve the earth-shaking effect.

But even so, Yang Lei was very satisfied. During the battle, he could use the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport behind the enemy and launch a 'sneak attack'.

"It's time to leave."

Standing on the border of the Land of Thunder, Yang Lei turned his head and glanced in the direction of Yunyin Village. rush away.

. . . . . .

After coming out of the border of the Land of Thunder, Yang Lei walked forward and came to the Land of Moon, which is the country where the third theatrical plot took place.

After turning around in the capital of Moon Country, Yang Lei replenished some supplies and hit the road again.

The country of the Moon Country is neither big nor small. Yang Lei only left the border of the Moon Country the next morning and set foot on the country of the Tang Country.

At this time, Yang Lei can return to the country of fire as long as he traverses the country of soup, but he doesn't want to go back now, he has only been out for a month, and he has to continue to travel.

In this way, Yang Lei set foot in another direction and hurried to Tian Zhiguo, where he wanted to go and a person he wanted to meet.

That is Yinyin Village and Orochimaru. .

0217 Arrive at Yinyin Village, Tianzhiguo

"Is this the country of Tian?"

This afternoon, Yang Lei left the country of Tang and came to the country of Tian.


Not too far ahead, outside a forest, a group of people dressed as ninjas blocked Yang Lei's way.

"Finally found someone."

Yang Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and recognized the group of ninjas as Yin Ren from the forehead guards. He said in his heart that he would know the location of Yin Yin Village.

"Boy, we are asking you something."

The sound and ninjas were angry because of Yang Lei's ignorance, cursing loudly and loudly, and surrounded them with their weapons.

"Brothers, just have some fun."

Suddenly, what one of Yin Ren said made Yang Lei frown.


Yang Lei smiled, and the smile was very bright, making Yi Yin couldn't help swallowing, and nodded straightly and said, "Come, play with Uncle, Uncle will make you very comfortable."


Yang Lei laughed more and more happily, slowly pulled out the Kusanagi sword from his waist, and said, "I didn't have the idea of ​​killing you, but now I have changed my mind."

The Yin Nin people were startled, and felt a murderous aura from Yang Lei's body, just like the eyes of the person who had been lucky enough to see it, a icy chill reached the bottom of their hearts, making them freeze in place and dare not move for half a second. Can't say anything.

These Yin Yin's words made Yang Lei's thoughts of killing reach the maximum, and it can be said that it was the first time in history that he wanted to kill them like this.

In the past, it could be said that killing people had to be done, because they were opposite camps, and if he didn't kill others, others would kill him.

But now, even if these people are not in opposing camps with him, even if they don't threaten at all, even if they kneel down and beg for mercy, it's too late.

. . . . . .

"Damn it."

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