At this time, Yang Lei still regards Obito as Akatsuki's behind-the-scenes boss. Maybe Banana will give him a surprise one day?

. . . . . .

"Is this the country of Taki?"

After rushing the road for more than a month, Yang Lei finally came to the land of the land of Taki.

That is, the moment he had just established himself in the territory of the country of Taki, two uninvited guests suddenly came from far away in the territory of the country of the wind. They were wearing black Akatsuki coats, and the one on the left with blond hair was called Dida. Pull, the short one on the right is called Scorpion.

The art duo is definitely not here to travel to the country of the wind. It seems that the seals of Sanwei and Liuwei have been completed, so they are coming to catch Yiwei.

Not only in the country of wind, but also in the country of earth at this time, there are two people in action. It is the last group of members, Itachi and Oni Shark.

There were originally three people, but Ban had to be busy with some things so he couldn't leave, and Obito didn't know what to do. Jue was because Bai Jue wanted to stay and help Ban, and Hei Jue left with Obito. In the end, only four poor people were left to capture the tailed beast.

So, where did Obito and Black Jue go?

"Has Yinyin Village been destroyed?"

Somewhere in Tian Zhiguo, Obito and Hei Jue appeared here, standing on the edge of a tiankeng and looked down, and finally seemed very helpless.

"It seems that Orochimaru is dead, otherwise his nest would not have been destroyed to such a degree."

Obito shook his head disappointedly and made a guess.


Hei Jue nodded in agreement, and there was also a trace of disappointment in his eyes, and muttered: "It seems that we are going to run for nothing, and we originally planned to invite him back. After all, Xiao's strength is a little too weak now, and Bai Jue's army It will take a while to wake up again."


Speaking of which, the two of them couldn't help but sigh.

The reason why they didn't follow along to capture the tailed beast was because they were the fastest, so they were sent by Madara to find Orochimaru and try to invite him back.

Madara didn't know Orochimaru, so even if he knew the reputation of Sannin, he probably wouldn't take it seriously, right?

After all, when he was famous all over the world, Orochimaru was still a little kid like Tsunade. 257

It's just that Akatsuki has to race against time, so she thinks that finding a strength is a strength.

But unfortunately, just a month ago, Orochimaru was killed by Yang Lei.

"who are you?"

Just then, a voice sounded behind the two of them.


Obito, who was about to use his divine power to leave, let out a light hum, and Hei Jue did the same. The two looked at each other and felt Orochimaru's chakra aura, but when they turned their heads and looked back, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"who are you?"

Obito frowned and asked, "Where's that fellow Orochimaru? Is he dead?"

Dou also frowned, because the two people's Xiao coats did not attack, and snorted coldly and replied: "Master Orochimaru will not die, he has merged with me, and now, I am Lord Orochimaru."

"No, it should be said that I will surpass Orochimaru, because I have integrated him!"

Obito and Hei Jue glanced at each other, and found that some of them couldn't understand what Tou was saying, but no matter what, they have to take someone back, right?

"Forget it, are you willing to join us, Xiao?"

(PS: It's time to set the stage for the end of the Hokage Scroll... In other words, I really didn't plan to go down the water according to the plot. What happened in the front will change the latter. Yang Lei is a butterfly, and flapping his wings produces a butterfly effect. ).

0227 Gaara was captured


On this day, a large white bird suddenly appeared in the sky above Sandyin Village.

"Art is explosion, eh."

On Shiratori's back, Deidara laughed excitedly, and Scorpion was cooperating outside the village. This time, he was going to act alone, and he could finally open his hands and feet, and have a fight.

"Let you see my art, eh."

Deidara couldn't wait to take out two large balls of white clay, and quickly made small birds with the two big mouths in the palms of both hands, and then slammed them down.

"Whoosh whoosh."

I saw white shadows rushing down quickly, when they came to the buildings.


Deidara choked with his right hand and shouted loudly.


Those little birds were detonated by him, and the buildings that were chosen by bad luck collapsed in an instant, and it was unknown whether there were any casualties.

"Who is that?"

Sha Ren had discovered Deidara long ago, but he was unable to go up for questioning because he had no means of flying. At this time, when he saw Deidara's disagreement, he started fighting. He instantly understood that the visitor was not good, and hurriedly warned loudly: "Enemy attack."

In fact, even if they didn't warn people, they would have discovered the situation in the sky. After all, the momentum just now was very big.

"An enemy?"

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