But even if it's not the same thing, it's the same body. Since the tentacles can be burned by the fairy, the core should also be attacked by the fairy.

Or is it that the tailed beast jade and the Amaterasu flame have counteracted?


A clone shook his head and said, "We analyzed it with the Eye of the Eyes and the Eyes of the Ancients. The tailed beast jade and the Amaterasu flame did not react. It is indeed our strength that cannot carry out a killing-level attack on it."

It means that as long as it is not an attack at the level of obliteration, it can work, only obliteration will not work, which is why the sprite has been sealed and cannot be killed.

Just like Yang Lei at this time, it is very easy for him to defeat the sprite, and even if he wants to seal it, he can easily do it, but it is not the only way to kill it.


The other avatar also spoke, raised his finger and pointed to Zi Yuan in the distance and said, "I found an opportunity in her with the eyes of Jian Jigu, she has the power to kill the monster, as long as it is mixed with a little chakra to penetrate the monster. The core of the sprite can completely eliminate it from the world."

"I see."

Yang Lei clenched his fist on the palm of his left hand, and then remembered that Zi Yuan had said from the beginning that it was the two of them's task to solve the ghost this time. If he could do it alone, Zi Yuan would not have to come.

It must have been what the girl predicted, but he was arrogant and didn't take sprites in his eyes, so he didn't ask clearly.


After finding a solution, Yang Lei would definitely not give the sprite a chance to breathe. He used the Flying Thunder God technique to instantly come to Zi Yuan, pulled out the bell pinned to the front of her clothes, and said to her: "I want to break the The so-called destiny? Do you want to be free, to find the meaning of your own existence, and to truly live for yourself?"

Zi Yuan stared blankly at Yang Lei, a little confused about what he was going to do, but her body nodded honestly, expressing only one word, that is 'thinking'.

"Lend my strength."

Yang Lei didn't talk nonsense, grabbed Zi Yuan's right hand and put it in his right palm, and said, "Show me your determination, let me help you, and let you help yourself, don't you think? Then break it with me. The shackles on you, send this damn sprite to hell."

"Hmm. 147"

Shion nodded vigorously. She didn't even know how to do it. The palm of her right hand suddenly released a colorful power, which came from the front and belonged to the power of protection.

Yang Lei's eyes lit up, and he quickly pulled out a large amount of chakra to condense a huge colored spiral pill in his hand.


Turning around, Yang Lei shouted at the sprite.


The sprite looked up subconsciously, but didn't see anything.

"Xianfa, Dayu Spiral Pill."

Yang Lei held Ziyuan in his arms and used the Flying Thunder God technique to instantly appear in front of the sprite's core. Before he could take his eyes back, he slammed the colorful spiral pill in his hand.



Sprite let out a tragic howl, which was mixed with a curse. Yang Lei was too despicable. If he hadn't called him before, maybe he wouldn't have been hit so easily.

Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything now.

Because of the help of Shion this time, the sprite's body could no longer bear it, and was turning into ashes inch by inch, and the soul also emitted white light, this time it was really about to be killed.

"I'll be back."

But just before disappearing, sprite suddenly left a sentence, meaning that as long as human beings still have negative emotions and resentment, it will definitely reappear one day.

But in Yang Lei's ears, the meaning of this sentence is not the same.

It was obvious that he had just experienced a big battle, and although it was not very sinister, Yang Lei still laughed.


(PS: Ziyuan is a test, everyone can definitely see that she has a good impression of the protagonist, but she will not accept it, she wants to see if everyone can accept it... I don’t want to write about Dumas, and I also told everyone about my plan Now, at most one volume per volume, one volume is a new story, the meaning is that there is only one heroine in a story... Sakura is an exception, unknowingly overwriting, if you don't accept it, it will really be a gift... .

0236 Go to Yanyin Village again

After the sprite was killed, the cave also collapsed, and the volcano, which had not erupted for many years, spewed magma again.

I just heard Yang Lei laughing all the way, carrying Zi Yuan and flying outside, and finally, a flying thunder god technique came to the huge rock where he had stayed before.


Ziyuan didn't know what Yang Lei was laughing at, and didn't have the heart to pay any attention to him. She jumped forward and stood on the top of the huge rock, looking at the erupting crater and the clouds in the sky. She just felt relaxed and wanted to fall asleep. Sleep.

"Let's go back."

Yang Lei finally stopped his laughter. It wasn't that his laughter was too low, but it was really funny that he was sullen before, and the more angry he was, the happier he was.

Back in front of Zi Yuan, Yang Lei squatted down and carried Zi Yuan on his back again, turned around and ran in the direction he was coming and going.

He could have used the Flying Thunder God technique to drive back to the capital of the country of ghosts, but because the consumption was a bit large before, let's talk about it when he recovers a little.

Since arriving at the Sealed Land, Yang Lei has not used a few tricks in total. Among them, the most expendable one is the 'chaotic spiral shuriken', but he condensed the Daoyu with his own strength, and it consumes [-] pieces. Really can't stand it.

Fortunately, the two avatars of roller skating and detachment have shared a lot with him, otherwise he would be much more embarrassed than he is now.

Carrying Ziyuan on his back, he found a hotel in the country of Marsh and stayed in a hotel. It took a full day to replenish the Chakra. Early the next morning, Yang Lei took Ziyuan back to the country of ghosts using the flying thunder god technique. .

When they heard that the sprites had been completely wiped out, the ministers cheered and insisted on leaving Yang Lei to hold a grand banquet on a national scale.

In spite of the kindness, Yang Lei stayed in the country of ghosts for one more day and one night, eating and drinking for a full day.

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