After a sudden war ended, the fog ninjas were dealing with the aftermath, and Yang Lei was also helping, temporarily rebuilding some of the destroyed buildings with wooden dungeons, and boosting the favorability of Wuyin Village.

For various reasons, Wuyin Village is no longer hostile to him, and the reasons will not be elaborated here.

"The Fourth Ninja World War is about to begin."

When the five shadows got together, Oh Yemu let out a long sigh, and he felt a little love when he was older.

"... Although we haven't reached an alliance agreement yet."

Raikage was in a hurry, stood up and shouted in a loud voice: "However, some preparations should also be started. The war is inevitable, and when you go back, prepare for the battle with all your strength."

"such a pity."

Tsunade couldn't help but let out a sigh and said, "It takes a month for Madara to prepare. If we can prepare in advance, we can catch him by surprise now."

"It's just a pity that we can only miss this great opportunity in vain."

Hearing Tsunade's words, the five shadows all nodded. If a war really broke out, there would be a lot of things to prepare, but it was not the kind of configuration where a small team of ninjas went out to do missions.

First of all, it is very troublesome to supply. For example, various weapons and equipment must be prepared in large quantities, as well as food and water sources, as well as medical staff and various medicines, and even clothes and tents.

In short, it was very troublesome. They even felt a little lucky at this time. Fortunately, Madara also had a month to prepare, otherwise it would be them who were caught off guard.

Although the Five Ninja Villages have inquired a lot of information, the Five Shadows are well aware that a war is about to start, but even if they are prepared, they have never thought that Madara has an army of [-].

If Madara didn't come to declare war today, they would probably have only formed a special operations unit to exterminate Xiao. Fortunately, they didn't do that, otherwise they would have to give food to others in vain.

"Let's go away."

Gaara stood up and said solemnly: "Go back and prepare for the battle while thinking about the final agreement for the alliance. I hope that at the next Five Shadows Conference, the alliance can be finalized."

(PS: Finally, I can update again... I’ve been really busy and tired these two days, but it can be regarded as a holiday for myself, but I’m a little embarrassed to face everyone, others are adding updates during the New Year, I'm here for the New Year's break, ahem...).

0252 Yang Lei's actions

This time, the Five Shadows Conference did not have any results, because the information on Xiao is still too little, only know that they have a way to seal the tailed beasts and turn them into weapons, but I don’t know that Madara intends to wake up the ten tails, and at the same time, there is another one. There are a hundred thousand Bai Jue army.

Therefore, no matter what I said before, it is useless, and after a while, I will have to hold another Five Shadows Conference to completely finalize the alliance agreement.

Before that, the five shadows naturally did not do anything. At the same time, the five major ninja villages issued a crusade statement against Akatsuki, and also sent out the news that the fourth ninja war was about to break out, which shocked the ninja world. Three tremors.

But fortunately, this time it was Akatsuki who wanted to unilaterally start a war with the entire ninja world, so it would not affect other small countries, which made countless people relieved.

After returning, Tsunade and Sandaimu began to make comprehensive preparations for the battle. This battle has reached the point where it is necessary to fight. At this time, the two Hokage have to admire Yang Lei, although they have some doubts in their hearts. Needless to say, Yang Lei helped a lot here.

If it weren't for Yang Lei, the Five Ninja Villages would not have contacted in advance. If they didn't know anything all the time, they would be too passive once the war broke out.

Fortunately, all Yang Lei has been doing is helping Konoha Village, and his strength has grown, so he is not suspicious of the village.

Originally, after Yang Lei was successfully promoted to Chunin at 170, he would have to accept the Shangnin assessment distributed by the village. Once completed, he would become a Shangnin. If there was no Kakashi's pearl in front, he would be able to break through at the age of thirteen. Record.

But because he once defeated Banban in Wuyin Village and defeated a long-established powerhouse with his own power in front of countless people, does this kind of strength need another assessment?

Therefore, on the morning of the second day after returning to the village, Yang Lei officially became a Jōnin, and immediately took over the eighth squad and became the leading teacher of Hinata, Shino and Ya.

It's not even a teacher leading the team. All three children have become Chunin. It should be said that they are subordinates and captains. Only Genin can call Shangren a teacher.

As for Yuri Hong, it was no secret that she was pregnant. At this time, Yang Lei stood up to lead the eighth shift for her, and she happened to be temporarily retired from the front line to recuperate.

Recently, the third generation has been really busy. While helping Tsunade handle the political affairs and preparations of Konoha Village, he also has to chase Asma's fart and urge him to get married soon. The old man is really not enough. It's not easy anymore.

Facing the old man's urging, and Yuhi's belly is indeed a little bit pregnant, Asma is naturally not good (bgac) to say refusal, of course, he doesn't want to, nor will he refuse, but Konoha Village is too busy after all Now, it should be said that the entire ninja world is spinning around, he really has no time.

"Let's wait until the war is won."

In the end, Asma gave an accurate message, saying: "When the army returns in triumph, it will be the day of my wedding with Hong."


Yang Lei, who was at the side at the time, couldn't help but let out an exclamation, thinking that his godfather was really going to die, and the death flag really stood up.

Originally, he helped to solve the undead duo, but now it seems that Asma still does not let him worry.

Asma didn't know what he was thinking, so he pulled Yang Lei over just to ask him for a few weapons, which Yang Lei had agreed to give him before.

Although Asma's pair of weapons is not bad, it can channel Chakra to deal a lot of damage.

But the pair of weapons were too small, and sometimes Asma would throw them out as Kunai, if they really wanted to go to the battlefield, this weapon was lost but it was very difficult to get it back.

That's why Yang Lei planned to prepare more weapons for him in advance. Anyway, it was not troublesome. He used his own bones to combine the attributes of the vajra and shark muscles to make some kunai in the shape of human bones, or a leg bone sword, and a lumbar long whip. .

After fully arming Asma, Yang Lei opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't explain anything, just left a talisman of Flying Thunder God on his hand and left.

After separating from Asma, Yang Lei found Xiaoying and asked her and Tsunade for their medical experience, as well as some books on medical skills, leaving a few shadow clones to follow Xiaoying, while the main body ran to the scene again. Hyuga went home.

He found Hinata who was practicing with Hana, and Rizu and Ningji who were sitting not far away. Yang Lei put forward his intention. He said that he had a way to unlock the spell seal of the bird in the cage. He wanted to help Ningci unlock the seal, and at the same time I want to use this release seal to exchange the secret technique of soft boxing of the Hyuga family from Hizu.

Yang Lei knew that his time in Naruto World would be short. After the Fourth Ninja World War was over, he should leave here for an unknown world.

Therefore, he no longer had any reservations, and bluntly told himself that with the eyes of the ancients, he could learn all the soft boxing techniques in the shortest time, and then he would be able to turn around and teach Hinata and the others, which made Rizu hesitate.

Soft boxing is a kind of inner boxing, while steel boxing is outer boxing. Each has its own advantages and uses.

Yang Lei now only knows outer boxing, but he does not understand inner boxing, so he has a deep attachment to soft boxing.

If he could stay, he wouldn't be so anxious. It would be good to take a little bit of money from his wife after marrying Hinata in the future.

It's a pity that he knew that he would never stay, so he was so eager, and he even ignored it.

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