But if you don't care, this guy Obito is still hanging around Naruto and the others. If he doesn't pay attention, if he catches Jiuwei Ren Zhuli, it will be a bit too much fun.

At this time, no one knows what happened to Kirabi and Yuki. Even if they did, they would not believe that Liudaoban could solve the two people's Zhuli silently, so only someone was willing to accompany the local mess, otherwise they would have rushed over. .

"Naruto? Sasuke?"

The Six Path Immortals finally came over, split into two and appeared in the spiritual space of the two at the same time, and talked with them.

We don't care about the nagging here of Immortal Six Paths, and the nonsense here with Obitu is meaningless. Let's look at Yang Lei and Liu Daoban.

Contrary to Liudao Immortal's guess, he thought that two people who were evenly matched, even if Yang Lei was slightly stronger by 770, but once the level reached this level, it was impossible to quickly decide the winner.

But nothing is absolute.

When Liu Daoban's Wheel Tomb Edge Prison was copied by Yang Lei, and then coupled with his own Lunhua transcendence and two physical clones to beat Liu Daoban together, even the ten-tailed Zhuli couldn't bear it.

At this time, it was only less than a minute before the Six Path Immortals left to find Naruto and Sasuke.


Liu Dao Ban was kicked in the heart by Yang Lei again. Under the attack of the strange force technique and his own strength, the whole person was blown away, and he spewed a large amount of blood in the air. The mode can quickly heal the injury. As long as he doesn't die, he can recover. I'm afraid he will have to drink and hate on the spot.

But even so, Liu Daoban has finally failed. Now Yang Lei is justified in how he fights. Liu Daoban can't be beaten by life and death. I can't tell which time he suddenly pulled out a knife and cut off his head. .

"not like this."

Liu Daoban looked at the three Yang Lei who were chasing after him with a gloomy look on his face. No, it was seven Yang Lei.

"Touwei, give me a blast."

(PS: I want Sasuke's eyes to be equipped with Earth Life, although the protagonist already has the pupil technique that can control the elements, but I think the combination of Earth Life and Amaterasu is very easy, as well as Heavenly Hand Strength, which is different Another reincarnation pupil technique for the protagonist and Madara.).

0261 Ten-tailed pillar force mode, the fruit of chakra

Liu Dao Ban never thought that even if he became a ten-tailed man and reached the realm of a six-path immortal, he would still not be Yang Lei's opponent, which made him a little unable to accept this sense of difference.

Especially when he felt that he might even die on the spot, he was even more reluctant to accept his fate, and had no choice but to break out in advance.

"Touwei, give me a blast."

Roaring up to the sky, Liu Daoban released the ten tails that had not been completely tamed, and turned into a giant tree standing there, with a flower bone flower at the top waiting to bloom.


Yang Lei didn't care about it at first. Not only does he have a complete Susanoo, which can block the light of the infinite moon reading, he also has the chakra characteristics of the seven-tailed beast, which is very similar to the attributes of the ten-tailed, so he will not be attracted by the gods. tree attack.

But suddenly, he paused, looked up to the sky, the Eye of Space erased the occlusion of the flower bones, and clearly saw that there was a fruit shining inside.

"what happened?"

Yang Lei wondered in his heart, if he read it right, the fruit should be the chakra fruit, but wasn't the chakra fruit already eaten by Kaguya Otsutsuki?

"I understand."

In the end, I saw Jiguzhi's eyes and saw the strangeness. It turned out that it was because his chakra contained an incomplete ten-tailed breath, which stimulated the ten-tailed to give birth to another chakra fruit.

It is precisely because Yang Lei has not yet collected the chakra characteristics of four tails and five tails, so that the chakra fruit has not yet appeared, and it will take some time to leave the flower fruit, and he even has to do the final ripening work.

"Am I a bee or a butterfly?"

Yang Lei couldn't help but have a weird feeling. He didn't expect that the ten tails, who had turned into a god tree, matured for another season because of his relationship, but he didn't know what powerful effect this chakra fruit would have.

"Leave it alone."

The thought in his heart was just a passing moment, Yang Lei came back to his senses, chased forward again, and killed Liu Daoban again, fighting hard.

And this time, because the ten tails were released, Liudaoban was no longer an opponent, and could only be reluctantly resisted. If it weren't for the strong resilience of the Liudao immortal mode, he didn't know how many times he would have died.

"No one can stand in my way."

Liu Daoban's heart is not desperate, even if he can't beat Yang Lei, his purpose is not to rule the world by force from the beginning.

"Super, Shen Luo Tianzheng."


The main body and the four shadow clones of the wheel tomb border together used the eye of reincarnation, and the 'unpredictable' Yang Lei flew out. Liu Daoban could finally breathe a sigh of relief, turned around and flew straight to the top of the divine tree.

"Are you going to use unlimited monthly reading?"

Yang Lei guessed what the other party was thinking, he snorted and was too lazy to chase. He had been releasing water, otherwise the six spots would have been solved long ago. The purpose is to let Kaguya Otsutsuki come to the world and see if he can think of a way to make this calamity go away. The root cause is solved in one fell swoop.

After playing against Liudaoban, Yang Lei still has a lot of trump cards that he hasn't shown, such as the Eight Gates Dunjia. Even if he has opened the two immortal modes and the Renzhuli mode, which is close to ten tails, he does not dare to fully open the Eight Gates Dunjia. Array, but if it is only seven, it can be completely controlled without injury.

Eight-door Dunjia is a forbidden technique that burns life to forcibly improve strength. Opening one door alone can only increase strength by about three-tenths, but each time you open another door, the increase in strength will skyrocket geometrically. Especially the last door, opening the eight doors at the same time can even increase a person's strength dozens of times out of thin air.

For example, if a Genin opens the eight-door Dunjia formation, his strength can reach the top of the shadow level in an instant, but the consumption of vitality is too great, and his body may not be able to withstand it, and he may die in the next second.

Yang Lei had already obtained the Eight Gates Dunjia from Maitkay during the mission of the Land of Waves, but he had never had the opportunity to use it, becoming one of his trump cards.

Looking at Liu Daoban flying up to the sky, Yang Lei looked indifferent, and called out a small group of Susanoo, only two meters in size, and wrapped himself in it, as if wearing a suit of armor, and walked to the transformation. Near the root of the ten-tailed tree in the state of the sacred tree.


Standing in front of the divine tree, Yang Lei raised his right hand and placed it on the divine tree, closing his eyes and feeling silently.

"found it."

The next moment, he opened his eyes again, clenched his right hand and curled his index finger and middle finger, and gently pulled out two chakras, which belonged to the attributes of the four-tailed Monkey King and the five-tailed Penghou.

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