
Yang Lei chuckled lightly and said to himself in his heart, "No one said that birds that wake up late have no worms to eat."

"Besides, what about you being ranked first? It depends on your talent. Nine-tenths of the people will definitely be eliminated by then, and it will be with us soon."

Yang Lei didn't have to look carefully to know that among the people present, there were still a small number of people who could pass the assessment. Most of them were ordinary souls who didn't have the talent for spiritual pressure. They came here just to try their luck. Looking down on them, they are completely mess, shit, sticks, and shit, and they will delay things.

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Now that the team was already lined up, Yang Lei and the three of them couldn't go to the front to jump in the queue, so they could only honestly find a place in the back and stand down, quietly waiting for the start of the assessment.

It didn't take long for the assessment to officially begin, and the long dragons finally moved. Behind them, the three standing together, Yang Lei, could finally move forward slowly.

Because they have all signed up before, so don't worry that it will be too late to catch up with the assessment. This time the assessment will definitely end after everyone has been tested, otherwise, there is no need to register in advance, right?

As the brigade moved forward little by little, three hours later, it was finally the turn of the three of Yang Lei to accept the assessment.

. ....

Rukia was a girl and was taken to another place for testing alone, while Yang Lei and Renji walked together, took off their clothes and were brought to stand in front of an inconspicuous instrument.

"Asajing Rianji is a third-class spiritual pressure, Yang Lei is a fourth-class spiritual pressure, and has a medium talent."

Both of them passed the assessment smoothly, and they were brought to the back by the staff who distributed two sets of student uniforms to stand with the other passers and wait.

When Yang Lei was being tested, he had deliberately suppressed his spiritual pressure, so he was a medium talent of the fourth-class spiritual pressure. Otherwise, the spiritual pressure he burst out would exceed the captain's level, and the entire Jingling Court could be detonated in an instant. would disrupt his plans.

Aizen is a hero. If he knew that he was a peerless powerhouse, how could he accept his surrender.

On the other hand, Yang Lei wanted to recruit Lan Ran, right?He is stronger than him, and he is still relying on a hair.

He knew that he could only be accepted by Aizen when he was dormant.

It didn't take long for Rukia to pass, and she also wore a new uniform to find Yang Lei and Renji. The three looked at each other, Rukia and Renji were very excited.

They are not really big-hearted or simple. It should be said that they know that there is only one way out for them. If they cannot pass the assessment, they will lose their way forward.

That's why they were so indifferent before.

It's like stepping on a single-plank bridge with no way out. There are abyss to the left and right. What else can you do if you don't go forward?

Fortunately, they all passed the assessment, otherwise, they really don't know how to go back, and they won't be able to face the reality. .

0273 Shino Spiritual Arts Academy starts classes

Those who passed the test were chatting leisurely, and watching those who were still waiting to take the test gave a sense of superiority.

Those who have not yet been assessed see that most of the people have been screened, and feel even more nervous, but talent is not something you want to have. Those who should be eliminated will still be eliminated, and those who should pass will still be eliminated. It will pass, and it has nothing to do with whether you are nervous or not.

In the evening, the busy afternoon of the assessment finally came to an end. If you want to try the carp leaping from the dragon gate, you can only wait until this time of the coming year.

"All who pass come with us."

At this moment, two senior students, a boy and a girl, came over and took the freshmen to the direction of Jingling Court and came inside through the gate.

It seems to have entered another space. Compared with Liuhun Street, the streets of Jingling Court should be cleaner and tidy, and the buildings should be more tidy and luxurious.

"One Seven Three" Not only that, there are several times more spiritual children in the Jingling Court than outside, especially those in the Dozens and [-]rd Divisions, as well as the Zhenyang Lingshu Institute and other places, the richness of the spiritual children degree even higher.

"The girls come with me."

After entering the gate of the True Spiritual Art Institute, the senior girl turned around and walked in the other direction with the freshmen.

"I go first."

Rukia hurriedly greeted Yang Lei and Renji, and the three of them split up. The girls' team went to the right, and the boys' team went to the left.

It was getting late today. The seniors first took the freshmen to find their future dormitories, then took them to the teaching building to take a look, and finally joined the group of girls who reappeared and walked towards the cafeteria.

After a hearty dinner in the cafeteria, the freshmen went back to the dormitory to rest, and the first day of school passed so leisurely.

Early the next morning, Yang Lei sat up from the sleeper. After washing up and getting dressed, he cleared his throat and hoisted his voice to practice tenor in the room.


Renji and the other two boys who lived in the same room sat up unbearably, as if having a nightmare, staring at Yang Lei with an ugly expression.

"It's best not to be late on the first day."

Yang Lei put away the tenor who actually sounded pretty good in time, and left after reminding the three who were about to burst into chuang anger.

If it wasn't for Renji living with him, he wouldn't be so kind to take care of those two strangers.

The dormitory of Zhenyang Lingshu Institute is a four-person system. There are four single chuangs in the small hut. Although it is a bit crowded, it is enough.

Having said that, most of the students who come to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy are wandering souls, and only a small number are noble sons from Jingling Court. It is not bad to have this specification, and this is not a place for old people.

After coming out of the dormitory building, Yang Lei walked a short distance to the door of the teaching building.

"Yang Lei."

At the door, Rukia had been waiting there for a long time, and at this moment, Yang Lei waved her hand and took the initiative to greet him.

"What about love times?"

Rukia looked back a few times and found that Renji was not there, and couldn't help muttering: "This guy is relying on chuang again? Really, today is the first day of school, what is he thinking?"

"Do not worry."

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