He can't take action now, it's not because of anything else. Once he takes action, no matter if it's Kuchiki Byakuya or whoever, even if the captain comes, he won't be able to stop him. At that time, he will really take Rukia to escape. It's gone, what should I do with Aizen?

Even if Aizen jumps out of the water in the future, will he and Rukia come back?

His strength is too strong, and because he doesn't want to damage his belief in invincibility, he either doesn't make a move, or he can only crush all enemies.

Therefore, at present, we can only endure it, waiting for the decisive battle to come.

But it wasn't far away, and Rukia's execution day was brought forward again, just three days later at noon.

In other words, it was time for the real Armageddon to break out. .

0305 The day of execution!

Two days passed quickly, and since the three of Kurosaki Ichigo successfully hit the confession palace, Yang Lei and Rukia have no news of their troubles.

Yang Lei can still sit still, because he knows that at least in the plot, Ishida Yulong and the others will be fine, especially Inoue Orihime.

Inoue Orihime's ability is very special. Even if others are executed, at least she will be left behind. The healing ability of Shuangtian Returning Shield can be called a monster.

Rukia couldn't do it anymore. She hadn't sat down for two days, walked back and forth in the cell, and ignored Yang Lei again.

A woman's mind is like this, she can think about him and not ask him for help, but once he really doesn't do it for self-protection, she will be sad again.

Rukia is like this now, Yang Lei didn't say anything, she naturally didn't know what he was planning, she was already a little resentful in her heart, and felt that she had made a fake boyfriend.

In fact, Yang Lei had spoken before, and also 'hands on', warning Kuchiki Byakuya, but Rukia didn't know it.

Rukia's strength is too weak, especially after being imprisoned in the repentance palace, the already weak spiritual pressure cannot be recovered at all. If Yang Leizhen accidentally included her in it, I am afraid that his soul will collapse in an instant. Even if there is a collapsing jade, it can't stop it.

Collapsed jade?

That's right, there is a thing in Rukia's body called Bengyu, which is hidden in her body by Urahara Kisuke, so Rukia is targeted by Aizen.

As for why Room [-] helped Aizen so much, it was because all the people in Room [-] had been killed by Aizen, so Yang Lei would not worry and would sit firmly on Mount Tai.

As long as someone is smart enough to detect something wrong and follow the clues to the forty-sixth room, the truth will be revealed in an instant, and Rukia will be able to regain her freedom.

Having said that, when did Urahara Kisuke hide Bengyu in Rukia's body?

It's been there since the beginning.

At least when Yang Lei first discovered Rukia, when he scanned Rukia's body with the pupil technique, he found the Bengyu inside.

According to Aizen's words in the original work, Bengyu is hidden in Rukia's soul, not the righteous skeleton.

That righteous skeleton that would hurt Rukia was only used to cover up Rukia's Reiatsu, so as to hide Bengyu.

That is to say, Urahara Kisuke had manipulated Rukia's soul, but in this world, Urahara Kisuke simply did not have that opportunity and time.

That's right, just dozens of hundreds of years ago, when Rukia was still a child, maybe even when she was abandoned by her sister Hijin, she was picked up by Kisuke Urahara, and then hid the Bengyu in her soul. Afterwards, let her out again.

It is precisely such a secret method that Aizen couldn't find it after searching for decades. Only recently did he find Rukia's body from some clues, and then began to act.

It's a pity that Urahara Kisuke is still one step away from chess. If he took Rukia to leave the Soul World with him back then, maybe there would not be so many things, and Rukia could have been turned into an ordinary person long ago, and then when he died Disappeared with Bengyu.

Unfortunately, it may be that he still has a conscience and conscience, at least not a cold-blooded hero like Aizen, nor a mad scientist like Nie Yuli, he is still a person.

. . . . . .

It's been two days, and tomorrow will be the day Rukia will be executed. Ichigo Kurosaki doesn't know where to go to practice. According to Yoichi's plan, I want to let Ichigo Kurosaki finish it in three days. Swastika's practice, and then go to defeat Kuchiki Byakuya.

Except for Kurosaki Ichigo and Yoichi, all the other people who came together have been caught. Shiba Gansu, Ishida Yulong, and Chato Taihu were locked in a cell of a certain squad. After being reprimanded by Uno Hanaritsu, Hanataro was also imprisoned in the fourth division dungeon.

Only Inoue Orihime was in a slightly better situation. Because she saved a person from the [-]th Division, she was taken to the [-]th Division to be entertained by a good student. She was also liked by Yachiryu and soon became friends.

Baqianliu is a fairly simple person, she doesn't have much in her eyes, only enemies or friends, friends who can be cut and friends who can't be cut.

For example, Orihime Inoue is a friend who cannot be cut, and Ichigo Kurosaki is naturally a friend who can cut.

"It's finally here."

As the sun slowly rose on the third day, Rukia finally spoke up in the prison cell of the Penitent Palace.

For the past two days, she didn't sleep, didn't eat or drink, and the words she opened her mouth were no longer exhausted, but in the direction of feathering and soaring.

As soon as Rukia's voice fell, the gate of the cell was opened, and a group of prison guards in white clothes walked in.

"Rukia, please come with us."

The guards were polite, and when they came, they would bind Rukia with restraints so that they could pull her.

"no need."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

Yang Lei stood up, his expression was very cold, so that people could see the traces of icebergs on his face.

"I'll take her to Shuangshantai."

Yang Lei said so, and took the lead to walk outside.


The guards looked at each other in dismay, and finally one guard boldly reminded: "That, Yang Lei's third seat, you are still our prisoner, if you can, please don't make it difficult for us."

They were very smart. They had been frightened by Yang Lei's Reiki before, and they knew who he was, and they knew that he had the level of a captain, so they chose to use language to make him retreat.

Yang Lei stopped, didn't say anything, didn't turn his head, looked behind him from the corner of his eyes.

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